1. Dallas says:

    The Joe Wilson “You lie” mentality has spread to much of the conservative herd.

    It’s the new normal for the conservative sheeple to interact with government officials.

  2. Cursor_ says:

    Check out her blog:


    This will give you all you need to know about what kind of reporter she is.


  3. The0ne says:

    Stupid btch is the right word. So irritating due to her tone. Most people would already slap her upside down.

  4. deowll says:

    Interesting reactions.

    She was badgering because he didn’t want to address the issue and he was condescending but the Teflon is coming off.

    You disrespect the media and sooner or later they will disrespect you.

    Also GE sold their network and the people running it seem to be more willing to go after news and less into kissing Obama’s feet though if I recall correctly the lame media has still not heard about climategate.

  5. anonymous4223 says:

    There was no “issue” to address. He was right in blowing off that retarded tabloid-baiting question.


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