Typical duck by Obama. Every day he seems more like a mix of Carter and Bush — against civil and economic liberties.

  1. JMRouse says:

    What the ****? He clearly answered the question. Did the majority of you even watch the video or did you pause it right after the kid spoke and jumped on here to bash Obama?

  2. gal416 says:

    I’ve had enough of this stupid blog troll site. Goodbye and good luck.

  3. Buzz says:

    Typical tag to the idea by Cherman. EVERYTHING typical is, by snide, bad.

    Snide to you, Cherman.

  4. Jägermeister says:

    #26 – Ron Larson

    Good post.

  5. Uncle Patso says:

    # 24 Greg Allen:
    “This is what happened when prohibition ended. Our cost of chasing rum-runners went away (although the gangs certainly did not.) but now we pay the endless costs of drunken brawls, beer fueled spouse abuse, drunk child molesters, date rapes, thousands of people killed by drunk drivers and a long list of other alcohol related crimes and tragedies.”

    One interesting long-lasting effect of our experiment with Prohibition: after Repeal, Americans drank approximately half as much as they had before Prohibition.

    I can’t see just lifting all resrictions on drug use — too many of them are just too addictive/debilitating.

  6. Dallas says:

    #33 The gimmick of logging in with a fake alias for a grand exit is pretty elementary.

    Still, don’t let the door hit you in the ass.

  7. Buffet says:

    Drugs? NO. Prostitution? Hell yeah!


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