Last minute to guess on the Amanda Knox verdict. I say she walks. What do you think?
Update: Looks like I’m wrong!
By Marc Perkel Friday December 4, 2009
Update: Looks like I’m wrong!
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I’m guessing guilty.
I’d even do her. But I’d hide the knives first.
Who is Amanda Knox?
She’s the girl on trial for pederasty in Barcelona. Her adult film star name: Amanda Knockers. Do a Google search.
I’d hit it!
/Hell, there’s not much I wouldn’t hit. The crack of dawns not safe.
#4 – Pederasty is sexual relations between a man and a boy (usually anal intercourse with the boy as a passive partner), like at the church.
She is a woman, the victim is a woman.
And how about those hot Italian female guards? I haven’t seen anything so hot since Gaddafi’s bimbo bodyguards.
#6 — And Barcelona’s not in Italy.
You’re pretty quick on the draw there.
I never heard of her, I don’t care about her, and after reading the above comments, it seems I am not alone. The people explaining who she is make no sense. Don’t we have enough things to think about without obscure people and their petty crimes being introduced here?
She’s going to get the big hammer of Italian justice. Guiltisimo!
I don’t think Amanda Knox slept with Tiger Woods.
Very cute, but too stabby for my taste.
Not a petty crime but vicious murder(#9)… Way too much physical evidence and statements of already convicted participant. Quick decision of the jury = they didn’t buy her “explanation”. Guilty.
What’d I tell you?
“On 4 December 2009 both were found guilty of murder. Amanda Knox was sentenced to 26 years in prison. Raffaele Sollecito was sentenced to 25 years.”
Did anyone here closely follow the details of the case? If so, do you believe she was guilty?
Well. I checked into it. I vaguely heard something about this case. She is very pretty, and the sex toy in her purse makes her quite interesting to us porn watching men, doesn’t it? A real hottie in a women’s prison will be a treat for the other inmates and guards, I suspect. And I’m guessing a 26 year sentence in Italia means 26 years. So she will be over fifty when she gets out, but probably still cute. And Oprah will still be doing stupid women’s interviews….Look for her there. I’ll be gone, I’m sure.
Italian “justice” is a joke. The prosecutor is a joke. Read the Monster of Florence for a similar case.
Apparently she was pretty skanky, a slob and her dead room mate hated her. That’s a good reason to kill her room mate.
A drug using, boozing, party girl without the ethics of a stray dog who most likely was so wasted she didn’t know which end was up at the time of the killing.
I doubt if her memories of the event are at all clear.
I leave this to others who wish to dig into sewage.
They deserved their sentences.
If the appeal goes to the high court in Rome then it is likely that she will be freed. Umbria is the Alabama of Italy, the jury would be found in imprudence on the basis of their being passed mention of the sexual antics of the accused and the possession of a “toy”. On that basis they would have convicted Berlusconi.
Guilty (because she actually is!) – but probably reported as a good American home girl who was thrown to the lions of the outdated and evil (read: something with a long history that America doesn’t have and are therefore jealous of) Italian justice system.
Anyone who followed the facts of the case can’t possibly think that she is anything but guilty – not to mention the random story changing, finger pointing (at a totally honest man) and the way in which she behaved in the wake of the death of her roommate.
As for the sentence, I say bring back throwing Christians to the lions!
Sad to see just how much damage was caused by this girl and her boyfriend. 25 years for the destruction of a human being and their family. The term “ugly American” comes to mind. Amanda will have a lifetime to think about her actions. My sympathy to the victim’s family.
Guilty as hell. And the way she’s conducted herself throughout the trail has been massively disrespectful to the judicial system and done nothing except cast herself as a buffoon and a bit of a twat. She has behaved not as if she were innocent but as if she believed herself to be above the law.
25 years and ordered to pay 1.5 million USD compensation. It’s about right.
Guilty, even though there were zero traces of her DNA in the forensic evidence found at the crime scene. In addition, there were so many violations of evidence gathering and questioning that it actually makes the LAPD look like professionals.
This is simply a case of a backwater Italian town trying to look cool in front of a world audience and will probably be overturned as soon as real judges get a look at it.
hey, her last statement to the jury was something like “I don’t want to have the mask of a killer forced on me”. Arrogant to the final moment. The girl has a lot of EGO.
I think 26 years for what was probably manslaughter is a little much…and a 9 month trial a little lengthy. But, she’s speaking fluent Italian, so she’s already better off than if she were convicted in the US.