Thanks, David Snyder

  1. Alphanumeric says:

    I wonder if they shot at womp rats afterwards?

  2. tcc3 says:

    Can we not have autoplaying videos?

  3. Macbandit says:

    Could we at least get a credit for the video? I’d like to go to the website it was discovered on and I’m pretty sure someone deserves credit for it.

  4. tcc3 says:

    You’re the man Eideard.

  5. McCullough says:

    Joe Satriani on smokin’ guitar. Looks like fun, but glad I wasn’t on a mule coming down the Bright Angel Trail, though. Kind of irresponsible, that.

  6. conrack says:

    I’m pretty sure it came from the site with that big logo on the bottom right corner of the video, cause I checked and it’s there.

  7. dusanmal says:

    @#2:”Can we not have autoplaying videos?” – It is all in your control, browser and plugin settings. Learn and you’ll never ever again be annoyed by any “autoplaying” video.

  8. TTHor says:

    Days of fun and play and freedom from regulations. Never to come back. Insane roll at the end, close to the ground. LOVED IT!

  9. flyboy says:

    Glad nobody was rock climbing. Those military jets
    are really loud.

    Someone should get permission to recreate the
    flight with a gyro-stabilized high-def camera
    on the belly of the plane. It would look much
    better then this. Still cool though.

  10. Faxon says:

    1. Had to turn off the extremely annoying noise in order to continue to watch it. Why do people think they have to add loud crap music to videos to make them “exciting”?
    2. Rotten photography. I guess in film days, you had to conserve stock. Would have been better to just let the damn camera roll for five minutes so we can avoid throwing up.
    3. It all looks the same.

    Final score; D+

  11. clancys_daddy says:

    Fighter pilot prayer, Dear god please don’t let me fuck up and die, and if I do please don’t let it be my fault. amen

  12. notbubbajones says:

    Macho bullshit that probably killed animals through stress, loosened rock and destroyed other people’s enjoyment of nature. How cool is that? Not very.

    Rightwingers always think it’s so cool to play with their killing machines in places where they really don’t belong. Disgusting.

  13. HeeHee says:

    The movie may have been shot from a T-33 but the jet shown on the tarmac was either an F-80 or an F-94 – probably F-94.
    Looked like fun.

  14. Hornet21 says:

    @ #14 Jeez who pissed in your Post Toasties this morning?

  15. sightseer says:

    That kindof reminds me of the movie “Independence day” That was a great flight scene through the Grand Canyon!

  16. Guyver says:

    A pilot in my sister squadron was doing the same thing in an F-18 when we were deployed in the Persian Gulf. He crashed the jet and died on impact somewhere in Jordan.

  17. Toxic Asshead says:

    Back in the old days when fun was still allowed.

  18. Dale says:

    Well then, #18, it wasn’t the same thing. Condolences on your fallen comrade.

  19. Zybch says:

    What idiot site thinks that digitizing interlaced video will give any sort of adequate quality?
    It sucks, as does the crap soundtrack and constant cutting so that you have no idea what the hell you’re looking at.


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