This is the Rotating Kitchen by Zeger Reyers at the Eating the Universe exhibition at the Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, Germany. It will continue like this for your rotating pleasure until the end of February.

  1. Dr Dodd says:

    This is what people who have no artistic talent or taste in general call art.

  2. Phydeau says:

    If someone paid for this thing to be in an art exhibit, then I guess it is art. Coulda fooled me.

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    Where do you get “we” white man?

  4. Thinker says:

    Don’t tell me you get something out of this Fusion??

  5. chuck says:

    I’ve changed my mind. I’m calling my decorator and telling them I do not want the rotating option.

  6. DavidtheDuke says:

    First the barbarians invade, then kitchens rotate. This is the end people.

  7. brm says:


  8. Thinker says:

    Mythbusters gone mad.

    Why is this the type of thing I expect to see out of Germany?

    Someone please tell me?

  9. pfkad says:

    It would have more artful if the lady doing the cooking would have stayed inside.

  10. Ah_Yea says:

    Very inefficient. I can and often have achieved much the same in my kitchen without having to rotate anything.

  11. Benjamin says:

    I was in the Navy on a submarine. Our kitchen didn’t rotate, but we did do rolls and the floor did take angles. As I recall, nothing spilt because we had everything secured. The cupboard doors had latches as well.

    They should have had a sailor design that kitchen. It would have been much better and not made a mess.

  12. KneeJerk Optimist says:

    Interesting piece I guess. I would suppose these types of presentations are just meant to try to tweak the imaginations of viewers.

    What is it…a washing machine?…the eventual descent into chaos of bourgeois life? Who cares. Look, somebody went to the trouble to build the thing and operate it, and even invite people to watch it for a while. I say hurrah to them for their effort although if I ultimately think it’s crud that’s my business.

    I try to look at these kinds of works as often as I can because every once in a blue moon somebody actually does one that’s pretty nice.

  13. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Finally, something worth watching.

  14. Real Thinker says:

    Thinker #8,

    I don’t care much for the piece, but in regards to your question:

    Should we run down a list of what we see from Germany? Including the complete and utter annihilation of the American car industry? What ever you think of this piece they are doing something right, considering shortly you are going to be their slaves….

    Enjoy driving your Ford focus to get Christmas presents at Wal-Mart.

  15. Alan B says:

    #14 Real Thinker

    Who said thinker is from the US?

    Why do you assume thinker thought the art was bad? Maybe he liked it and was giving a compliment to Germany.

    A little defensive eh? Germany has a great reputation and doesn’t need the “help” of froggy-sounding remarks like yours.

  16. ROB WEST says:

    It would have been more enjoyable running backwards so we could watch it all come magically back together.
    crap art………

  17. The DON says:

    That is gonna stink after a couple of months. Both metaphorically and physically.

    I wonder if the staff are gonna clean up the area just in front of the exhibit, or will they let the food which has spilt out of the kitchen stay on the floor to rot.

    The guy who organised the electrics is obviously a muppet, it stopped twice, once was because the lights inside the kitchen were affected by a spillage (no surprise there), and were obviously on the same circuit as the motor driving the exhibit.

  18. TTHor says:

    And who cares? The idiots reporting on it and we reading about it of course. A dude misunderstood, with an ego to match wants to ‘shock the world’. What a travesty. I mean, Damian Hist displaying cow carcasses in formaldehyde is paid millions… in USD and not Zimbabwean pounds.
    It is such a playpen. And… frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn!

  19. Animby says:

    Most amazing. Most amazing that people actually stayed and watched the whole thing, that is.

    If you can do something, you can call it art. My wife and I visited the art museum in Edinburgh and there was a “sculpture” that consisted of a wicker basket and dirty laundry scattered around! And that was one of the better pieces.

    Oh, TTHor? The Zimbabwe currency is called the dollar not the pound.

  20. Matt Day says:

    I was surprised that none of the comments defended the piece. I guess I’m one of the few art students to read DU. I think this piece is fascinating. I don’t have the background to give you a detailed analysis of the piece, but I honestly don’t understand all of the hostility directed towards it. I applaud new and odd and seemingly useless forms of art. Watching this I found it to be relaxing and strange. And I’d much MUCH rather see this than 99% of paintings, sculptures, and photographs that are being produced today.

  21. Matt Day says:

    So, not to go on, but why can’t we just enjoy this as something odd and interesting. I wouldn’t at all be surprised to see this video posted on boing boing or neatorama with praise attached. I honestly was confused to find all of you disliking this piece.


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