Two Houston charities that require proof of citizenship or legal residency before registering families for holiday toy drives said Tuesday their intentions have been misunderstood.

Executive Assistant Fire Chief Rick Flanagan said people won’t be turned away from a Dec. 23 giveaway even if they can’t provide proof of their immigration status.

“They ask,” Flanagan said of the Outreach Program Inc., which distributes toys collected by the Houston Fire Department. “If (people) don’t have identification, they still get in. I wouldn’t have the program if they didn’t.”

And the Salvation Army, which asks for a Social Security number when registering children for its gift program, said it does so only to deter fraud.

Flanagan and Salvation Army spokesman Juan Alanis spoke up Tuesday after a story in the Chronicle noted that both groups require birth certificates, Social Security numbers or other documents indicating immigration status. They said it’s not their intent to discriminate.
“It is not because we seek to discriminate. The Salvation Army is not in the business of verifying legal status,” he said. “We have to be good stewards. If we let people register without checking, that could be abused.”

  1. Mr. Fusion says:

    It’s up to you to decide which charity you wish to donate to. And if I decide I don’t like your charity, for whatever reason, then I sure the hell won’t be donating anything to you.

    Yes, Salvation Army, I’m talking specifically about you.

  2. LibertyLover says:

    Should Charities Require Proof Of Citizenship Before Giving To The Needy?

    Emphatically, NO. That is what charities are for.

    The problem most people see is that illegal immigrants are a drain on society (whether that is true or not, perception is reality) because people pay lots of taxes, which are taken under the assumption it is for their own good. And when you have people who have never contributed to the til, it becomes a question of Rights.

    Do illegal immigrants have the Right To All America Has To Offer (charities, government assistance, infrastructure, etc.) without paying in sometime in their life?

  3. Mac Guy says:

    Yet another example of the overuse of our Social Security numbers. And here, I thought the number was supposed to be for Social Security purposes only. Wow, what a surprise!

  4. LibertyLover says:

    #3, Wait until RealID is enacted. You won’t be able to use a bathroom stall at the airport without it.

  5. AC_in_Mich says:

    I heard on the Radio the other day all the stuff people had to bring in to register for Toys 4 Tots in Flint, Mi. It was like Drivers License, Social Security Card, Proof of Income, etc etc. I said “Dang!


    PS There are NOT a lot of illegal immigrants in downtown Flint.

  6. LibertyLover says:

    #5, Why would they require proof of citizenship then?

    Just for curiosity’s sake, I would be interested to know their reasons.

  7. Benjamin says:

    Absolutely not.

  8. netposer says:

    Way to sensationalize this story John.

    Here’s the real story from boing boing
    Salvation Army: we check ID to prevent fraud, not to catch illegal immigrants

    A few hours ago, I made a post about the Houston Chronicle’s investigation into the practice of local charities, including the Salvation Army, requiring proof of immigration status before giving toys to children. The Salvation Army has written to me to clarify that their checking of social security numbers and other ID is intended to “verify that individuals and families are not registering more than once at multiple Salvation Army facilities and to ensure people actually have the number of children they claim.”

  9. Benjamin says:

    BTW, I am against illegal immigration and I don’t believe proof of citizenship to be shown before giving to the needy.

  10. Benjamin says:

    #8 netposer said, on December 3rd, 2009 at 6:52 am

    Oh, that is a different story entirely.

  11. Animby says:

    Netposer: The precis of the article, as posted by Uncle Dave not John, clearly mentions the Salvation Army’s stated reasons for the ID checks. So, I don’t see he sensationalized the story. You just need to read before you get all up in arms and post.

    Uncle Dave, The part of the story that upset me is the use of Social Security numbers. This is not a proper use and could easily lead to identity fraud.

    As for should charities confirm citizenship? Hell yes. If they so choose. People have a right to support the charity of their choice and a charity has the right to support any sub-group of the population it so chooses. If donors don’t like that, then they will give to a charity that selects a different sub-group.

    Now, if your question was: Should charities be REQUIRED to obtain proof of citizenship,then we have a different situation. I do not think a charity should act as immigration enforcement.

  12. Uncle Dave says:

    #11: The word ‘require’ is in my title. And I didn’t pick up on the SS thing when I first read it. Good point.

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    #6, Loser,

    Just for curiosity’s sake, I would be interested to know their reasons.

    They have been burned in the past by all the Liebertarians getting in line for free stuff. For some reason Liebertarians don’t think they should have to pay for anything.

  14. LibertyLover says:

    #13, Wow, you really don’t get it.

    Why would you sacrifice others to save your wife?

  15. Animby says:

    Uncle Dave: I saw “require” in your headline. The distinction I was trying (and obviously failing) to make is that, in my opinion, it is okay for charities to require proof as they can serve any group they choose. But if a charity is required (by government or?) then it is not okay. Again, that’s just my opinion and worth every penny you paid for it.

  16. chuck says:

    Charities should do whatever they want. I’m starting a charity to support 40-ish computer geeks who like to ski. No fat chicks. Send me your money via paypal.

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    #16, chuck,

    No fat chicks.

    I think the LIEBERTARINS have dibs on the fat chicks. They are firm believers in quantity over quality. Not that fat chicks can’t be quality, only that that isn’t a concern for LIEBERTARIANS.

    But hey, their money should be good?

  18. brm says:

    #13 Fusion:

    what the fuck are you talking about?

  19. MikeR says:

    It’s a sad day when charities start saying “Papers, please”.

  20. LibertyLover says:

    #18, Ignore him. He’s trolling.

  21. Rabble Rouser says:

    Plain and simple. NO!

  22. nolimit662 says:

    What a bunch of cowards these charities are!!! Stand up and say YES!!!! We are not going to give illegal aliens any toys or any other giveaways!!! We’re sick and tired of just giving our country away to everyone else!!! What’s wrong with verifying you’re a legal citizen first? I think it’s a good thing.

  23. Mr. Fusion says:

    #18, brm,

    So are you claiming illiteracy issues now?

  24. Zybch says:


    Amen to that. I might consider giving more if I knew it wasn’t going to welfare cheats and people who should be here to begin with.
    But ‘oh no’, the damn social do-gooders think that even families on support who have satellite/cable service on their new 60″ TVs, the latest Xboxes and PS3s, who smoke a couple of packs a day should still get given free stuff when they are perfectly capable of providing for themselves if they were even the little bit responsible.

  25. Cursor_ says:

    There is no need to verify citizenship for alms.


  26. LibertyLover says:

    #24, That’s what great about America. You can take what money you have left after Uncle Sam gets his cut and distribute it however you see fit.

    Did you know you can even START your own charity and run it how you want.

    But should you be required to check for identity? No.

  27. Faxon says:

    In my neighborhood, all of the free food is claimed by Chinese people. They are all citizens, well organized to plunder the food kitchens. I would like to see some OTHER people get some free food around here.

  28. deowll says:

    I don’t ask that question but I’m not running other people’s lives either.

  29. Wes says:

    I wish people would differentiate between “citizenship” and “immigration status”.

    Citizenship is NOT required for government services. Legal residency is.

  30. The0ne says:

    This is just wrong. #29 applaud.

    I’ve seen some very bad illegal people/families but I have also seen some note worthy people/families that have done well and helped society. This isn’t a topic we here can resolve our differences from. But charity, come on people.


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