I love how they just make this shit up.

  1. Paper Boats says:

    Did I hear that right, Hillary said we were attacked then explained it by saying Al Kida didn’t hand over Bin Lad N.

    That seems to be two different things. Being attacked is not the same as not handing over.

    Thus, if I heard that right, Clinton is wrong, Paul is right, we were never attacked by Afghanistan. She also didn’t answer the question that Paul put forth brilliantly, that we are now following the Bush doctrine of preventive war “attack first” which is like absurd when these people were against torture, now they say go kill people, what, Hillary, you think that’s better than waterboarding? Paul got them right in a pickle, how can they admit to Bush policy being exactly what they are doing, yet that is exactly what they are doing.

  2. Nitroneo says:

    wrong… we were not attacked from Afghanistan.

    Hillary using this “quote” is a direct plagiarism from the Presidents speech. And the President was wrong when he made that claim in front of West Point.

    If we were to attack all the nations harboring Al Qaeda it would be the start of another world war. We would also have to attack within our own country.

    War drumming fear mongering… what change.

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    The wing nuts are back

  4. While Obama said he would press on with the War in Afghanastan he promised fundamental change across the board.
    Yet we see none in the DOD ,he kept on Bushs’ man, and praised all concerned for an absolutely terrible job of command and control. Nine years later we are no closer to getting Osama then when we went their at first. We refuse to send troops into Pakistan. So all Osama has to do is wait us out. While we spend billions we don’t have to run up even more debt that will either ruin the dollar or cause major stagflation.
    Obama just doesn’t get it. he is BLOWING IT! He will be the next 1 term Jimmy Carter and God only knows who we will get next probably some luke warm Calvin Colledge wanna be.


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