#153 no Agenda For Thursday December 2nd 2009
350 Protests

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  1. Randomized says:

    Direct link

  2. Buzz says:


    Oh, the things best left unsaid two years ago…

  3. TTHor says:

    That cover illustration is not getting John anywhere close to discussing or drinking good Bordeaux with the divine helmsman Kim!

  4. Rufus says:

    Intel announced a 48-core chip, finally…


    Anybody watch Jesse Ventura’s Conspiracy Theory TV show last night? It was actually very good.

  5. Mark Meijer says:

    Love No Agenda. Just wanted to vent something, even though you’ve already said you’re not interested in these kinds of comments, I’m getting it off my chest for my own sake.

    You guys wonder why more people aren’t donating. I won’t get into the issue of how to spend that money wisely, since you mentioned others have already done that. But I just did some calculations based on what I’ve gleaned from the last handful of episodes or so, and it’s really very simple.

    No Agenda apparently has around 400,000 listeners, and $5 per year per listener would pay for No Agenda full time. Which means 2 million dollars per year. That is a frickin’ lot of money, if you don’t mind me saying, it damn well better be enough.

    Now, in the latest episode you mentioned that you have around 1/10th of the money you need. That means you’re currently getting around 200,000 per year in donations for No Agenda.

    I realize you’re both probably used to a certain lifestyle, but here’s the really simple part from my perspective: If you two can’t live on 100 grand per year (each) of donated money, then I’m sorry.

  6. ECA says:

    ya, numbers lie..dont ya love it..
    you have to figure that, on average, LESS THEN 10% will/can send in money. The rest just listen. If these 2 could get $2000-4000 per month, I think they would be happy.

    To NA,
    you want to scare some politicians??
    do a genealogy..
    SHOW that the SAME people have been incharge, for over 50 years.

    Ask for $1 from all the listeners.. $1 is something that MOST people can afford. Only problem is the service charge for sending money. And Banks LOVE it when people send SMALL amounts.

  7. Sea Lawyer says:

    Um, the song is called “The Marines’ Hymn” and the fanfare you heard is “Ruffles and Flourishes,” of which four are also played in honor of the Commander in Chief, usually followed by “Hail to the Chief.”


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