
Conspiracy theorists awaiting Wednesday night’s premiere of Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura might take interest in a curious comment Ventura made in the Los Angeles Times this weekend. Ventura, who has been doing the media rounds promoting his new venture on TruTV, told the paper that MSNBC cancelled his show “Jesse Ventura’s America” in 2003 because he did not support the Iraq War. He said the network “in essence” paid him to be silent, which allowed him to purchase a house in Mexico.

This is not your first venture into TV hosting since leaving the governorship. What happened to “Jesse Ventura’s America,” which ran briefly on MSNBC in 2003?

“It was awful. I was basically silenced. When I came out of office, I was the hottest commodity out there. There was a bidding war between CNN, Fox and MSNBC to get my services. MSNBC ultimately won. I was being groomed for a five day-a-week TV show by them. Then, all of a sudden, weird phone calls started happening: “Is it true Jesse doesn’t support the war in Iraq?”

My contract said I couldn’t do any other cable TV or any news shows, and they honored and paid it for the duration of it. So in essence I had my silence purchased. Why do you think you didn’t hear from me for three years? I was under contract. They wouldn’t even use me as a consultant! When you live in Mexico, your houses all have names. I almost named my house Casa MSNBC because they bought it. I was paid like a professional athlete, and I got very wealthy. For doing nothing.”

  1. GlowingApple says:

    I’d expect something like this from Fox, or on the flip side CNN, but MSNBC has always struck me as the more balanced network IMHO.

    Oh, and Jesse Ventura was anti-war? Would anyone really have cared? Are people’s opinions of serious national issues really that easily swayed? Yeah, yeah, dumb question, I know.

  2. tcc3 says:

    If hes so easily bought, why should care about what he has to say now?

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    I suspect his show sucked (I don’t remember it). NBC was pro Iraq War. MSNBC was much more neutral. They had Joe Scarborough and Tucker Carlson supporting the war and Keith O’Rielly and Chris Mathews questioning it in 2003.

    While Ventura might make a decent guest, does he have what it takes to be a host?

  4. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    It’s not good business (or etiquette) for a whore to announce their take on a john. This goes for media whores too. Jesse is/was unquestionably one of the higher priced ones and one of the American flavored originals.

  5. JeffL says:

    For the price of a Mexican house this dull-normal will shut his pie hole for three years?


    Should we start taking up a collection?

  6. bob says:

    GlowingApple: Seriously? Wow. Wow.

  7. djrob says:

    [violation of posting guidelines]

  8. jescott418 says:

    We all know a lot of the media swings left. But their are many Democrats who also feel the war in Afghanistan has dragged on long enough. The terrorist are winning by the shear fact that they are causing us to spend billions while they sit and watch. Oh, and they manage to kill of few of us too. I wonder what country will go after next?? Can anyone say Iran?

  9. Tim says:

    Where is the Bullshit Meter? His new show is on TruTV. Not Fox News. Not CNN. F-ing TruTV.

  10. Patrickh60 says:

    Why not mention that this interview took place on the Howard Stern show this morning?

  11. Guyver says:

    7, Ventura talked about this on Larry King Live ~ Apr 2008 if I recall correctly.

    If MSNBC canceled the show because of Ventura’s stance on the the Iraq war, then I wouldn’t be surprised. That would be consistent it seems with most of the liberal news shows since things didn’t go the other way until 2004 when Howard Dean did the “Bush Lied” stance and started pulling ahead in the Democratic polls. And as we all know, Kerry and others changed their position when they thought it was advantageous to be anti-war.

    Quantum Democrats: http://tinyurl.com/yhvjlap

  12. brm says:

    If anyone is interested, you can get a free 7-day trial to listen to Sirius/XM online, and catch his Stern show appearance on today’s show.

  13. bobbo, the devout evangelical anti-theist says:


  14. sargasso says:


  15. FRAGaLOT says:

    #2 I didn’t think anyone cared about what he said since he left office. Let alone MSNBC.

  16. ju says:

    That guy is such a big egomaniac why do you post his image here?

  17. GigG says:

    He is a nut case.

  18. Mr. Fusion says:

    #17, soundwash,

    Can’t wait for when the news breaks that in fact, NASA and all of “western science” is a fraud.

    Take a pill. You’re babbling again.

  19. Ah_Yea says:

    Oh, this is to laugh!

    MSNBC against the Iraq war? Yes, they were. So what about Ventura.

    Hear this! It wasn’t about the Iraq war, it was about Ventura being a hotter property than their resident blow-hard Olbermann!

    Olbermann started with MSNBC in 1997, and King Olbermann didn’t want the competition from an ex-wrestler.

    It’s that simple.

  20. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    This blowhard sold out. I’d kick him so hard in the nuts he’d have 3 adam’s apples.

  21. ECA says:

    LINK to live show..10pm EASTERN, 7PM WEST.CHAT 1 hour after.

  22. Wow! You can really see the anger on his face….

    Underestimated on his capabilities is that it?
    I think ventura must see first his potential before the anger

  23. RBG says:

    Mr. Fusion

    MSNBC was much more neutral. They had Joe Scarborough and Tucker Carlson supporting the war

    For what it’s worth & if this is correct:

    “Carlson’s early evening show, Tucker, premiered June 13, 2005 on MSNBC.”

    “Carlson initially supported the U.S. war with Iraq during its first year. After a year, he began criticizing the war, telling the New York Observer: “I think it’s a total nightmare and disaster, and I’m ashamed that I went against my own instincts in supporting it. It’s something I’ll never do again. Never.”

  24. soundwash says:

    # 20 Mr. Fusion said,

    #17, soundwash,
    Can’t wait for when the news breaks that in fact, NASA and all of “western science” is a fraud.

    Take a pill. You’re babbling again.

    (while i’m somewhat sure you enjoy nudging me to *ramble some more* -nonetheless..)

    No offense mate, But you, are 100% scientifically, inept. -and should your tongue on matters you know nothing about. The climatgate scam is but a tiny pimple on the tip of a huge iceberg.

    For *starters*: (in no particular order) When *you* take the time to study:

    *The corrected model of the atom. (in order to better understand how (easy) gravity works and how it relates to torsion physics as well as the the body’s energy field
    and consciousness)
    *That Neutrons play an extremely important role in *all physics* [current model see’s them overall as inert/insignificant]
    *The Electric Universe Model
    *Plasma cosmology / Plasma physics (plasmacosmology.net is a good start -and easy for layman)
    *Electric Weather
    *Torsion physics <-encompasses it all (Related: The Russian's should be "revealing" how gravity works very soon. On this day, the world will be forever changed. (this, imo, is the "official beginning") -and they have known about this since the late 50's. Shortly after the second Russian attempt to hit the moon with a probe succeeded. Investigate "why Luna-1 missed the moon" (the first attempt) -and do not rely on any U.S. Government agency accounts for the truth.)
    *The Water Molecule (plus how&why it has "memory")
    *The Hydrogen Atom (<-imo, this is the so called "god particle)
    *The Physics of Sound, Resonance & Harmonics
    *Crystal Physics <–
    *Sacred Geometry
    *The *geometrical physics* of Love
    *The Greeks, Mayans, Egyptians and Atlantians et al.
    *Ancient Mythology (see above)
    *Numerology & (true) Astrology
    *The Origin of Words
    *Human Behavour (and how it [and health] can be effected electromagnetically and consciously by remote)
    *Spirituality And most important: *Consciousness

    (there is more, but this will start you in the right direction)

    -You will then, and *only* then, *Begin* to understand how and why all of the above, like us, -and everything in the universe, is intimately related and connected. Our science, even our ""American Philosophy" [in essence] basically teaches that *everything* is disconnected. That The Universe and all that is in it are isolated bodies that do not effect each other except by chance, -and perhaps, by the occasional Comet. [lol] ie: -We are all islands. (as opposed to "No man is an island")

    When you make the leap and see how these works in unison, it will become BLATANTLY OBVIOUS that NASA and what we here in the western cultures call "Science" is a fairy tale in the 1st Degree.

    I am not alone in this view.

    -My research shows sometime immediately after WWII, maybe around 1948-51 there was huge diversion of/from the truth or "reality" and it was at this time that the last chance for western culture, if not all of Humanity to "know the truth" was extinguished. The Great Treasure Hunt that In My Opinion, was what WWII was all about, bore much fruit and it was at this time, Humanity's last chance become
    a *truly* free peoples was sealed. -until now.

    [See Indiana Jones for Clues]

    Studying [translating] Russian and Spanish Science journals in part, helped me to see through the lies and propaganda.

    Now at 46, I also realize the fact that the last grade I graduated was 9th, has spared my mind from being boxed in by the propaganda machine that is "higher learning" and allowed me to discover and understand the true nature of not only Humanity, but the Universe and Life itself.

    It is for all these reasons I continue to say: We live in a Mirror Image of the True Reality. When the truth comes out, it will appear as if we had it all backwards. -and all this from someone who overall, is a pretty hard-line atheist/agnostic, (if that means anything) but very spiritually aware.

    So Mr Dallas, I acknowledge that you are indeed, a very intelligent person by how you frame and construct many of your arguments.

    However, until you have taken true time to study all of the subjects above in good detail and have allowed your *instincts* to guide you into seeing in actuality, how bloody simple, intimately, -and unconditionally interrelated all of the above is…

    ..I see you as naive as I was years ago. -and it is you who babble and ramble on, Not I. For it is you, (as I once was) who currently knows an awful lot about nothing at all. Tomorrow, I will learn yet again, something i did not know today.

    Time is short my friend. I challenge you to do the same.


    (apologies to the OP on the long post, however it is vital people are made aware how to see and seek the true nature of our (sur)reality) no matter how complacent they are in their ignorance) (and given the tools to prove it to themselves, if they so choose)


  25. jccalhoun says:

    alfred1 is that you?
    or is that adam curry?

  26. Mr. Fusion says:

    I caught pieces of Ventura’s show last night. As someone else mentioned, it is on the LIE Channel. That should have been the first clue about how bogus it is. Second, they chase “conspiracies” with conjecture, suppositions, projections, and “a lot of unanswered questions”.

    It certainly appears Ventura has validated MSNBC’s decision to can him.

  27. Dallas says:

    Tell me again why I care what Jesse Ventura says?

  28. soundwash says:

    #31 Dallas said,

    Tell me again why I care what Jesse Ventura says?

    How about because your a brainwashed, clueless little puppet that needs it’s eyes opened and strings cut so you can aid in the fight FOR Humanity’s freedom, instead helping to enslave it?



  29. Dallas says:

    #32. Ouch. You need a hug today.

    I have not ‘enslaved’ a person in a while and that one time it was by mutual consent. Kinky but fun.

  30. soundwash says:

    #33 said: #32. Ouch. You need a hug today.
    (abrasive yes, my apologies. the sentiment still stands)

    Indeed! I think you may be onto something..

    -my g/f is away for a bit -and while there is nothing like a warm heart-felt embrace, something i like to do that I really miss is well, i like to rub noses.

    i’m running a serious nose rubbing deficit here. maybe it’s causing an imbalance and effecting my “warmth” factor..

    -tangent, stage left..oddity effect in play…

    hmm..i have often analyzed your/the “diction” in your posts on DU in order to try to understand better the source and mechanism of your (at times) rather perplexing fuzzy logic. (it’s just a habit of my nature)

    I came to the conclusion a long time ago that either you are a female or a male in touch with his “inner woman” -although in this context, not in the positive aspect that such a connection affords a male..

    so…if the former, perhaps you would be available as a surrogate nose during the interim? if the latter, well, i would only rub noses with such a person who is preferably, a true kindred spirit. -so far, i think more often than not, we are mostly polar opposites in that respect. so i’ll have to pass on the sentiment until further notice..
    (..lol, i bet you did not see that one coming..)

    -ok..weirdness aside…
    as for the enslavement comment.

    I say this because until your mind has been freed of the deceptive, illusionary shackles that our society has placed upon it, the very framework which creates your thoughts is being compromised in such a fashion that you unknowingly perpetuate and support the “enslavement” mindset (or meme) to those around you because of the fact that you are still unaware of the true reality that we (should) be living in, but are in fact, not.


    -as for the kinky bits.. only once? -for shame. I would have though that someone with as liberal a mindset as yours would be much more fun and free spirited. -whether male, female, -or both..

    I say never let society’s corrupted “officialdom” and religious delusions of what is “normal” (or kinky) dictate or impinge upon your imagination or free spirit.

    -especially when in privacy. -or even perhaps, when in the last car of the subway..

    “nonono, leave the boots on”



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