She’s a complete nutcase, yet probably parts of what she says is true.
Former chief medical officer of Finland says swine flu was built to reduce population size
By Jacob Galt Tuesday December 1, 2009
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I think the keyword here is “former”.
How many millions were already vaccined?
How many of them died?
Seems to me it’s a pretty lame projects to kill population at these rates… FastFood Industry alone kills far more people any second.
There are much easier ways of reducing the population. Besides, who in their right mind wants to reduce tax revenue.
Wow, this woman and Adam Curry should get together. They could probably talk all day long. Check out this article.
by Dr. Rauni Leena Kilde, MD
September 25, 1999
Yes, she MIGHT be a nut case.
As for “probably” parts of what she says is true, reminds me of our esteemed (in his own mind) Alhpie1. As screwed up as he is, occasionally he made some accurate comment as well.
This is great fodder for the conspiracy trolls though.
Anything that drops the 7 billion worthless wasteful destructive semi primate species is worthwhile in my opinion.
Wayyyy to many humans here
#5, feel free to start with yourself.
I would think it a rather crude way of population reduction. Considering the availability of other more efective viruses that could be engineered. Sounds like she has watched too many conspiracy movies.
Crazy. The way you can tell is because it’s way too complicated and unpredictable. Indeed there are much easier ways to accomplish this. And besides, who said population is out of control? It might be in China or India, but not in the United States or Germany yet, they can grow a lot more. So China is behind this? Why would the U.S. do this since our entire economy is based on constant eternal growth (which isn’t possible and will cause a refiguring of our economy one day when we realize you just can’t build MORE Starbucks once there is one every 100 yards across the surface of the Earth).
Check her bio in wikipedia. She wasn’t even in the Finnish Government (Lapland is a region of Finland, still).
Besides, who wants population reduction? Where would all those customers come from? Globalization in a 7 billion people world opens up some nice perspectives: think cellphones, everyone wants to have one, even with a 50 dollar piece of junk, brands make HUGE profits.
If she said that this Flu was fabricated (mind you, fabricated in the news: hyped) to sell millions of doses of vaccine and tamiflu, I might have given her the thumbs up…
Every single disease, discomfort, irritation, annoyance or incident from 9.11 forward has been engineered by the Bad Guys to reduce the population of an over stressed ecosystem.
Let’s say it like it is, for once.
We know who is behind all this, but we are afraid. His power is great and his tentacles are many. After all, he has an Oscar, Emmy, Peace Prize and Webby.
Power like that in the hands of one man? We are all doomed.
I saw this 2 months ago. She is a nut and there is a reason she is a “former” medical officer.
I’ve been vaccinated and so has my daughter. Nothing wrong here.
Reduce population, oh…he’s my Hero for this year! Wait, that’s a she? O.o
Christ people, just read the declassified documents by the likes of Kissinger, Rockefeller, etc. You know, the guys in power. But please don’t let they’re own words and facts get in your way.
“Henry Kissinger: In the now declassified 1974 document, National Security Memorandum 200, Kissinger outlines the plan to use food scarcity as a weapon in order to achieve population reduction in lesser-developed countries.
The document, declassified in 1989, identified 13 countries that were of special interest to U.S. geopolitical objectives and outlined why population growth, and particularly that of young people who were seen as a revolutionary threat to U.S. corporations, was a potential roadblock to achieving these objectives. The countries named were India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nigeria, Mexico, Indonesia, Brazil, the Philippines, Thailand, Egypt, Turkey, Ethiopia and Colombia.”
Heres the doc…but by all means please don’t read it.
Maybe there’s a bigger plan ahead besides simply killing people, or killing costumers.
It’s hard to predict or understand a long term plan, if there’s one.
H1N1 is not killing as many people to flag it as a pandemia or a world health emergency, H5N1 or something like that would be the next step. If there is indeed a structured plan made by men about this, then everything would be logic.
She could be right about the cellphone use and the effects in 10 or 20 years from now on humans, but who knows?. Right now, the cellphone is the electronic device people buy the most, and if there is indeed a plan to make people sick, a cellphone, or a pandemia would be logical steps, and I’m not counting fast food, TV, Hollywood movies, bad parenting, awful schools, genetically modified food, etc, etc and etc…
All those are maybe parts of a bigger plan, maybe, we should not discard that thought.
#5 You’re a psycho; with that mindset you’d be the first one chosen to be killed off for the sake of the human race to survive. Even eugenics wouldn’t let you live.
Reduce population size?
I guess Finland’s prodigious suicide rate was not getting the job done.
Fewer trips to ‘Lapland’ would help. (nudge nudge, wink wink, say no more)
I’m with #1 Patrik. Moreover, as the original poster thought she was a complete nutcase, I find the need to post this for eyeballs very sad
All I’m going to say is that it’s very hard for a naturally occurring virus to jump species. But with H1N1 we have confirmed cases of It being able to infect Dogs and Cats.
>> Chriswsm said, on December 1st, 2009 at 7:16 am
>> Anything that drops the 7 billion worthless wasteful destructive semi primate species is worthwhile in my opinion.
Holy Moly you are cold hearted. You even think this about your own family? Even the Nazis cared about those closest to them.
Without calling any individual worthless, it does seem like the human race could quite possibly experience something like the Black Plague or the 1918 flu epidemic and this could solve some of our overpopulation problems.
I only WISH I had been vaccinated.
Almost every other year I’ve gotten the shot but I couldn’t get one this year, despite the fact that I
work in schools and really should have had one.
This needs to be fixed for next time. Anyone who wants a flu shot should be able to get one easily and for free. This is only prudent public policy.
The video says ‘The Swine Flue Scandle’. I didn’t even know pigs had chimneys, let alone that this fact is controversial.
#5 If you think there are too many worthless primates around why don’t you reduce the number by one and improve the species starting with yourself of course.
The rest of us worthless primates still enjoy our existence.
“I veto to call her a nutcase. You really should not. Her problem is, she is too focused/confused on the flu and vaccines side…”
This former provincial medical officer is hardly too focused on vaccines as her main interest is in aliens and microchip implants that are used for spying and mind control. She has been in constant contact with the people of Sirius since the 80’s and has exposed the secret nazi space program that reached the moon. Some skeptics believe that her car accident in the 80’s might have something to do with these claims.
The population stuff is bogus anyway.
They have been screaming over-population since the mid-1800s with gloom and doom reports that we will run out of food worldwide by then en of the 19th century.
It is past the end of the 20th and we have vast warehouses of food. And we could feed everyone IF we had infrastructure enough to get it to them.
These people are out of their minds. They have no idea of how hard and fast humans will work when they need to. Mind you it takes like the sky falling to get going, but hey once motivated humans are industrious little devils.
Over-population is a lie. There are still vast areas of land that we have not tapped. And there is nothing saying that IF we really wanted to the sea could not yet hold more people with artificial islands.
This planet can hold and support at least twice as many as we have right now.
Why is there so much masturbation-like blabbering in the comments section?
Just do the research. If you don’t know, don’t speak.
This flu was a test case and the next one that is already emerging kills people between 15-35 and is much more deadly. The people who are also most skeptical of the vaccines. They are trying to kill off the people most likely to revolt and the least likely to buy into propaganda. The old fogies who believe the mainstream media is still telling them the truth will raise the next generation when the actual parents die off. Problem solved for the rich few.
If you think doctors and medical science is one step away from holiness, just remember the Nazi medical experiments with real live people. They can be evil like anyone else.
Vaccines have a trace of the worst neurotoxin in the world — ethyl mercury. It goes under the medical pseudonym of Timerasol. It is a cumulative poison that stays in your system for life, unless you chelate it out. It causes a large number of syndromes and damage eventually.
When kids come down with autism from vaccines, they can be made well with chelation. Left under the care of doctors, they are never healed. They don’t recommend chelation.
#30, Timmy,
You’re another effen nut case.
The current H1N1 vaccine does not have any mercury in it.
Vaccines do not cause autism, that has been medically proven.
Chelation has not been medically shown to have any effect on autism. Many, including the AMA, CDC, and FDA, consider it extremely dangerous.
Praying to Hey Zeus or worshiping me still won’t cure your limp biscuit or that boil on your neck.
very good. thanks. :)-