- Sales of iPhone make no sense.
- Top searches on Yahoo include WWE and Michael Jackson.
- AT&T customer satisfaction the worst.
- Nokia sues vendors!
- Psystar back in the news. Cripes.
- DARPA to test social media. Odd play involved.
- Kindle sold 550,000.
- Waterloo, Iowa gets the fastest Internet speed.
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Mega-bits or Mega-bytes? You kinda said both in there John.
AT&T – “Think our prices are too high? Bring your wife in and we’ll dicker.”
Fairfield, Iowa has had 100 megabits fiber to the home for a couple of years. It is also cheaper than Waterloo’s.
Sales of iPhone in China explanation: Everyone wanting one already got one jailbroken from abroad while the “official” version is hardware crippled (WiFi). No need for clone.
Judging from previous family experience with AT&T cell phones, I’m not surprised that their user satisfaction is the worst.
Besides high phone rates, they have a long history of poor support, per Ernestine:
“We are the Phone Company. We are omnipotent!!”
AT&T doesn’t have the Death Star as a logo for nothing.
RE: Top Searches.
A nation of ignorance, -soon to be felled by the same.
Those wacky, Waterlooanians.
I think the AT&T results also prove that Mac Fans will buy any Apple product. The Apple cult is in full swing. The lack of iPhone sales elsewhere also shows that their consumers are more cost conscious and think Apple’s products are not that great. AT&T keeps spending money trying to tell us how much better they are. Why don’t they spend that money on improving their service?
As I sit here on my 3 mb/s connect that seldom achieves 1 mb/s I cry thinking of all those lonely farmers streaming hi def video.
I wonder if they’ll put a 30 gig cap on it?
The only thing good about AT&T is its DSL service, which is rock solid.
Unfortunately it is way overpriced. Come on AT&T, $30 a month for 1.5mbits?