
Swiss to vote on mosque minarets ban – Guardian — Racist? Stupid IMHO. Some of the most beautiful architecture on the planet is Islamic. How can there not be a Christian vs. Muslim aspect to this?

UPDATE : Swiss vote yes on the referendum

The Swiss are to decide this weekend whether to ban minarets on mosques, in what is in effect the first direct vote in a European country on Islam and the practices of Muslims.

The controversial referendum on Sunday, accompanied by a prohibition campaign denounced as racist and in violation of human rights, is the latest tussle in Europe over the limits of multiculturalism and immigrant lifestyles.

Pushed by anti-immigrant rightwing populists, it has triggered months of debate in a country that uses direct democracy for single-issue politics. The referendum has turned into much more than a vote on architecture and urban planning.

“The minaret has got nothing to do with religion. It’s a symbol of political power, a prelude to the introduction of sharia law,” argued Ulrich Schlüer, of the rightwing Swiss People’s party, an architect of the campaign.
The rightwing anti-immigrant lobby has led the campaign, but it has been joined by some secularist leftists and liberals fiercely critical of Islam. Julia Onken, a prominent feminist and psychologist and bestselling author of self-help books, last week called on women to vote for the ban. “Mosques are male houses, minarets are male power symbols,” she declared. “The building of minarets is also a visible signal of the state’s acceptance of the oppression of women.”

There are about 400,000 Muslims in Switzerland, 5% of the population. Most are immigrants from the Balkan regions of Kosovo, Albania and Bosnia and are not practising Muslims.

  1. Cursor_ says:

    If I were Swiss I would vote against it as well.

    There is no sense in banning architectural design.


  2. Zybch says:

    They should go further than just banning minarets, they should bulldoze every mosque to the ground and turn the rubble into carparks!
    If the ragheads love their religion and it’s pedophile prophet so damn much they are free to to live in an Islamic country rather than bring their shit into other countries with them while fleeing from the religious persecution and intolerance.

  3. MikeN says:

    >Why are “church leaders and the Jewish community” opposed?

    Because they are used to the others going after their religion. Like the Left in America takes down Christian symbols, or the Taliban taking down religious symbols.

  4. Animby says:

    As long as they aren’t standing in them an hour before dawn with bullhorns singing “get up, get up – go pray!”

  5. Rich says:

    “The minaret has got nothing to do with religion. It’s a symbol of political power, a prelude to the introduction of sharia law.”

    This man is my hero. Pussy, leftist whiners claiming “racist” and such can go hang themselves.


  6. deowll says:

    “How can there not be a Christian vs. Muslim aspect to this?”

    Written by an ignorant person who no doubt thinks the Bible bans minarets.

    A large hunk of Europe isn’t Christian. No more than one in ten in many places.

    This is more of the same stuff that has Quebec speaking French and Canada and other countries banning more than X amount of broadcast media made outside their boarders.

    They want to preserve their own culture and traditions and one way to do it is to ban foreign culture and traditions. In other words they want to survive.

    Their problem is they waited to long. The data is in and in about 50 years the majority of Europe will be Muslim even if the Europeans don’t convert. In a hundred the descendants of native Europeans will be a minority of the population of Europe.

    In other words by using birth control on themselves and inviting in outsiders that wanted kids the Europeans have committed genocide on themselves and the entire population is rapidly being replaced. They are going to be as extinct as the Neanderthal.

    The same thing is happening the United States. Whites are dieing out. In many regions the predominate ethnic group is Latin American. Islam is on the rise. In a hundred years or so Islamic law may well be the law of the land in the United States. If it is or isn’t whites are going to be minority group with little say in public affairs.

  7. conrack says:

    HA !!!


    The Swiss have approved a ban on the construction of minarets, according to incomplete results of voting on Sunday.
    The gfs.bern polling institute said an estimated 58 per cent of voters had backed the initiative. A majority of cantons were also in support of a minaret ban. …»

  8. amodedoma says:

    Europe, like everywhere else, has taken advantage of cheap immigrant laborers for generations. Now they find themselves with a growing portion of their populations having foreign religions and traditions. Still it’s an exaggeration to say these populations have any political influence, much less in Switzerland. This is the age old political trick of using the immigrants as a scapegoat, to blame them for society’s woes.

  9. jccalhoun says:

    So much bigotry in this thread. “Oh noes! People who look different and have a different religion and culture! Scary!”

  10. Ron says:

    Maybe the US & other nations should follow Swiss style direct democracy?

    The Swiss just voted to ban minarets on mosques and this is a great exercise of their unique form of direct democracy regardless of your views on the subject. But my question is why do the Swiss get to overrule their politicians and parliament and here in the US, we don’t have that right?

    Let’s bring Swiss style direct democracy to the United States so Americans can vote on the Wall Street bailouts, government health care, whether to audit or abolish the FED, or require Congress declare war before we invade another country. Read why Switzerland is free and America is not and help restore citizen control over the US government and Congress currently under control of special interests. http://www.lewrockwell.com/orig/holland9.1.1.html

  11. chris says:

    Let’s be equal opportunity and ban all mega-churches!

  12. Buzz says:

    It’s not the minarets that have them bent. It’s the guy shouting across the city five times a day. They offered them a bell option but it was refused.

  13. yanikinwaoz says:

    I agree. It is that call to prayer broadcast that is irritating. Ringing of church bells is close behind in my book.

    In this days of smart mobile phones, why does any muslim require some bozo shouting from a rooftop? Can’t they program their mobiles to alert them when they have to stop and pray? I’m sure there is an iPhone app for that, plus the built in compass to tell which way to point.

  14. RTaylor says:

    East and West will never mix. Too many fanatics on each side. It’s time to curb immigration laws if you don’t like the influx.
    Let the Swiss do what they want.
    Radical Islam is a clear and present danger to the West. That’s why we have to at least keep them very busy in Pakistan and Afghanistan. What’s the alternative, you can’t reason with fanatics. Let them regroup, and they’ll be back. I don’t like the cold facts either, but there’s a shitload about life I don’t like.

  15. Zybch says:

    #41 “So much bigotry in this thread. “Oh noes! People who look different and have a different religion and culture! Scary!””

    Rather its “Oh noes! People who let their religion brainwash them to the extent that they’ll fly planes into buildings of those who look different and have a different religion and culture! Scary!”

  16. jccalhoun says:

    Rather its “Oh noes! People who let their religion brainwash them to the extent that they’ll fly planes into buildings of those who look different and have a different religion and culture! Scary!”

    So because a small percentage of people from a religious group do something bad we should be scared of all of them?

  17. honeyman says:

    The ‘yes’ poster

    Yes Poster

  18. deowll says:

    #41 Actually the indigenous European population as a whole is getting a Darwin award. They are in the process of being replaced and the smart ones know it and some of them are upset about it. The same thing is happening to Anglo/Saxons and Northern Europeans in most parts of the world.

    If you aren’t an Anglo/Saxon western European this is maybe a good thing since your ethnic group may be on the grow in which case your views are easily understood and respected.

    If you are a member of one of the ethnic groups being replaced and you applaud the destruction of your own kind then you can rest assured that soon some more fit population will replace you and the other brain dead people like you.

    You don’t even have to eat a bullet or anything drastic like that and don’t worry the numbers are already in and there is no way to prevent it. Your Darwin award is already on the way.

  19. BertDawg says:

    According to the Drudge Report, this resolution got passed..

  20. Atropa says:

    We’re talking about an initiative, not a referendum.

  21. "muslims don't like stones just in the ground, but in the..." says:

    Islam is NOT ONLY a religion, is a form of society that exclude any other form of society. We must stop talking abaut religions and freedom of religions, but over social freedom, and everybody knows that Islam is not a free society. And many of us we want a free society, but really free and strong enaugh. Democracy is moore than freedom for everybody.

    Thanks, Switzerland. Freedom is in the wind.

  22. bill says:

    Pay, Pray, Obey!
    Sound Familiar?

    #54 has it exactly right.

    There is a reason that the minaret towers over the surrounding area, as does most ‘public’ buildings.

    Oh, time to face Mecca and pray pilgrim!

  23. pdxsin says:

    Swiss right my ass. The SWISS PEOPLE voted for this. annoying ass site you have here.

    [The Swiss right wing anti-immigration party forced the referendum by obtaining the requisite signatures. RTFA. – ed.]

  24. Greg Allen says:

    American conservatives mock Europe but isn’t the Right’s vision of a white Christian nation very European?

  25. Greg Allen says:

    >> pdxsin said, on November 29th, 2009 at 7:35 pm
    >> Swiss right my ass. The SWISS PEOPLE voted for this. annoying ass site you have here.


  26. “The minaret has got nothing to do with religion. It’s a symbol of political power, a prelude to the introduction of sharia law,” argued Ulrich Schlüer

    Mr. Schluer is correct, based upon the numerous aggressively malignant impositions Islam has made already across Europe.

    A word to the wise: a constitution is not a suicide pact.

  27. Greg Allen says:

    (oops! I hit the return)

    >> pdxsin said, on November 29th, 2009 at 7:35 pm
    >> Swiss right my ass. The SWISS PEOPLE voted for this. annoying ass site you have here.

    Wow you got a think for asses.

    Anyway, it was the “annoying ass” Guardian that identified this as a right issue.

    Is that wrong?

    Did the liberals also back this initiative?

    I’d be very surprised if that was the case but I know nothing of Swiss politics.

  28. jccalhoun says:

    Islam is NOT ONLY a religion, is a form of society that exclude any other form of society. We must stop talking abaut religions and freedom of religions, but over social freedom, and everybody knows that Islam is not a free society.
    So Indonesia, which has the world’s largest Islamic population, isn’t a free society? It may have its problems but it seems like there some social freedoms there. What about Turkey? They seem pretty free.

  29. speter says:

    I applied to build a new house in my local council. I wanted it to be three stories high, with a massive wall, have multiple towers, i wanted a massive sound system, parking for 300 cars, i wanted it to be painted snot green. The building application was rejected.

    I re-applied the following week but said i was for a mosque – building work starts next month!


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