
Swiss to vote on mosque minarets ban – Guardian — Racist? Stupid IMHO. Some of the most beautiful architecture on the planet is Islamic. How can there not be a Christian vs. Muslim aspect to this?

UPDATE : Swiss vote yes on the referendum

The Swiss are to decide this weekend whether to ban minarets on mosques, in what is in effect the first direct vote in a European country on Islam and the practices of Muslims.

The controversial referendum on Sunday, accompanied by a prohibition campaign denounced as racist and in violation of human rights, is the latest tussle in Europe over the limits of multiculturalism and immigrant lifestyles.

Pushed by anti-immigrant rightwing populists, it has triggered months of debate in a country that uses direct democracy for single-issue politics. The referendum has turned into much more than a vote on architecture and urban planning.

“The minaret has got nothing to do with religion. It’s a symbol of political power, a prelude to the introduction of sharia law,” argued Ulrich Schlüer, of the rightwing Swiss People’s party, an architect of the campaign.
The rightwing anti-immigrant lobby has led the campaign, but it has been joined by some secularist leftists and liberals fiercely critical of Islam. Julia Onken, a prominent feminist and psychologist and bestselling author of self-help books, last week called on women to vote for the ban. “Mosques are male houses, minarets are male power symbols,” she declared. “The building of minarets is also a visible signal of the state’s acceptance of the oppression of women.”

There are about 400,000 Muslims in Switzerland, 5% of the population. Most are immigrants from the Balkan regions of Kosovo, Albania and Bosnia and are not practising Muslims.

  1. Dr Dodd says:

    Now would be a good time for the Swiss and all of Europe to take a stand. If they wait much longer to grow a spine it will be too late.

    It’s better to be racist, intolerant or any other PC name you can think of rather than forced to live under the sledgehammer of sharia law.

  2. Hyph3n says:

    Why stop there? They could round them up and put them in some sort of camp. But they would need some sort of final solution. Anyone know of one?

    It is racist and intolerant, pushed forward by scared little men.

  3. anonymous says:

    Well said, #1.

  4. Marc says:

    While we’re at it, can we ban Puerto Rican flags and parade here in NY too?

    I’m getting sick of them talking in spanish.

    If they like Puerto Rico so much why don’t they go back?

  5. Brandon says:

    #2, Enough with the melodrama. I consider it very unlikely that the Swiss of all people are going to start trying to conquer the world. This is regarding a change to their constitution, affecting only what goes on within their borders, and if a majority of their citizens approve it, then it should go ahead.

    That being said, I do not approve of over-reaching government in any of its forms, and this is no exception. Were I Swiss, I’m sure that I would vote against this measure.

  6. Hyph3n says:

    I’m a “religionist.” I’ve been called quite a few things, but that’s a new one. Good for you. Did you think it up all by yourself?

    You say this is not about religion, and yet it seems to be only directed to Muslims. Are they going to go after cathedrals and church stipples? If they did, would you support that to?

  7. conrack says:


    Did you not read the article, or the post?? The ban is on MINARETS, not moo-slimes. If you were smart enough to be a jock strap you’d support my nutz, but you probably wouldn’t be any good for that either.

    Again, GFYS

  8. S Gates says:

    “While we’re at it, can we ban Puerto Rican flags and parade here in NY too?”


    a ban on gay marriages in California?

  9. GF says:

    So what, I don’t see any crosses or churches being constructed in Mecca.


  10. conrack says:

    That’s because whenever any christians are found in their country, the adherents of “THE RELIGION OF PEACE” round them up and cut their heads off.

  11. Hyph3n says:

    LOL. I am touch that you would keep me so close to your balls.

    I don’t get this. It’s an attempt to curb Islam in Europe. You know it. I know it. Why not just say admit it? Seriously.

    GF, you’re right. Which is why I would hope Western culture aspires to be a wee bit better than Saudi Arabia.

  12. conrack says:

    It’s an attempt to curb MINARETS. It’s that simple, and it doesn’t surprise me that you don’t get it.

  13. RBG says:

    It’s ironic that the picture is of the Hagia Sophia, built as a Christian church (and subsequent Muslim proto-type) with the minarets later added by the Muslims after the Christians were turfed.


    [yes indeed ironic – ed.]

  14. Hyph3n says:

    Minarets– to the best of my knowledge are only on mosques. They are one of the things that make a mosque a mosque.

    What you are saying is this is a city ordinance type of law? Then why are their posters depicted the minarets as missiles? (See, I did read the article.) Why only minarets, and not any tall structure attached to a building over X feet tall? Why are “church leaders and the Jewish community” opposed?

  15. soundwash says:

    #1 wins the prize!

    this Islamolovemadness has to stop.

    -nice to see one country taking the initiative.


  16. jccalhoun says:

    While we’re at it, can we ban Puerto Rican flags and parade here in NY too?

    I’m getting sick of them talking in spanish.

    If they like Puerto Rico so much why don’t they go back?

    You do realize that Puerto Rico is part of America and so to ban flying the Puerto Rican flag would be like banning people in New York from flying the flag of another state. Are you going to ban people from flying the Irish flag and celebrating St. Patrick’s Day too?

    Now would be a good time for the Swiss and all of Europe to take a stand. If they wait much longer to grow a spine it will be too late.

    It’s better to be racist, intolerant or any other PC name you can think of rather than forced to live under the sledgehammer of sharia law.

    Yes banning a feature of their architecture will really show them… And Christians never try to impose their religious laws on society. It is only those darn Muslims…

  17. David says:

    I can guarantee you that all of the above commenters would be instantly up in arms if the law was an attempt to ban church steeples instead. But it seems freedom of religion only applies to the familiar religions of the west. Minarets are beautiful architectural structures and attempting to ban them is so blatantly anti-immigrant, I’m starting to think there may be something to this argument of muslim persecution in Europe.

  18. David says:

    It’s better to be racist, intolerant or any other PC name you can think of rather than forced to live under the sledgehammer of sharia law.

    If this had anything to do with Sharia law, why not just ban that? Your comment makes no sense.

  19. My2Cents says:

    Organized religion ( Islam, Christianity, Buddism, etv ) is the root of all conflict. People should just believe in whatever they wish to believe in

  20. The Tick says:

    We need an award for the most retarded troll. This thread would be to that, what Titanic was to the Oscars. Mankind is SO farkin boned.

  21. conrack says:

    David, if you think there aren’t any height restrictions on church steeples then you ARE the retarded troll that Tick says you are.

  22. R.O.P. says:

    I would rather see a referendum on “prosperity gospel” ministers getting their church to buy them a jet plane and then having that minister rent the plane back to the church for more than the monthly payments for their own personal use. (Google Mac Hammond.)

  23. brm says:


    “Organized religion (Islam, Christianity, Buddism, etc) is the root of all conflict.”

    Does this explain both world wars and the cold war? Religion is the root of *some* conflict.

  24. Ralph, the Bus Driver says:

    #24, conrack,

    For whatever reason, you must have been shamed by a Muslim when you were younger. Did one stand beside you at a urinal and ruin your life forever? Are you now that inadequate that you must hate all Muslims? Will you now insist all Muslims wear a yellow moon and star on their chest?

  25. Ah_Yea says:

    #25. AMEN to that Brother!

    Of course this minaret thing is an attempt by the Swiss to curb Islam.

    The Swiss are drawing a line and saying “This far and no further”.

    So what? Ok, they get no minarets. Big deal.

    What’s the follow up? Curb Muslim immigration? Sterilize the women?

    How are they REALLY going to curb Muslim influence?

  26. tursiops says:

    I am a swiss person and I vote for not to ban them. As I have a few muslim friends and don’t think we should treat everyone as a terrorist when only a few minority are.

  27. Rick Cain says:

    Tell ya what, once the Saudis allow christian churches in Mecca, then we can talk about religious tolerance.

  28. Faxon says:

    So, if 5% of the population are Muslim immigrants, and MOST are not practicing Muslims, why the hell should the country look like a backward Middle Eastern Shit Hole?

  29. yanikinwaoz says:

    Have any of you people over lived in a Muslim country. Man, those damn noisy calls to prayer at dawn are just hell on hangovers.

    A good friend of mine, a hard drinking Texas boy, once got stuck in Malaysia for a day when Malaysia Airlines had aircraft problem. They put him up in a hotel just south of the KLM airport. Trouble is, the hotel is next door to a mosque.

    Being stuck for 24 hour out in the sticks of Malaysia, my friend did what comes natural to him. He got rip roaring drunk. At sunrise, the mosque started broadcasting their call to prayer, which they do over loudspeakers installed in the minarets. He stumbled out of bed, crawled over to the mosque, and tried to find the bastard “singing” into the microphone. He didn’t find him, which is a good thing. He told me he was planning on choking him.

    He swore he would never spend a night in a muslim country ever again. They just have no respect for hard drinking westerners.


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