Tiger Woods hurt in crash — OrlandoSentinel.com — This is developing. Sounds weird.

Professional golfer Tiger Woods was seriously injured in a car accident early this morning, the Florida Highway Patrol just reported.

Woods, 33, pulled out of his driveway in the Isleworth community about 2:25 a.m. when he struck a fire hydrant, and then drove into a tree at his neighbor’s property, FHP reported.

Woods was transported to Health Central

Hospital in Ocoee in serious condition, FHP said. No other information about his condition has been released.

UPDATE: Tiger is telling a VERY different story! Pictures of the car.

  1. deowll says:

    No doubt things will be further clarified or obscure in the next day or two.

    The main injury was most likely the concussion. The report was that he was drifting in and out of consciousness when the cops first showed up.

    Of course that sometimes means they don’t recall events just prior to getting their bell rung.

    No blood test was made at the time so far as I know and no alcohol or drugs were detected at the scene. He was in no condition to do a breath test.

    Maybe they were out of condoms, Preparation H, Pepto-Bismol, or something and he was heading for the all night store while texting?

  2. Glenn E. says:

    O.J. is already in jail, in spite of the legal system’s best efforts to keep him out. But he screwed up, one too many times. And it would have become too obvious if the system let O.J. get off again.

    Now the world has new black sports idols to revere. And Tiger can do no wrong, is like Opium for the masses. So whatever trouble he gets himself into, short of killing someone, they’ll do a whitewash job on the details. Just to save his commercial endorsements and sports career. Not that many black men play golf, well. So he would be tough to replace. Besides, who would Obama invite to While House affairs? He needs his token black icons, to distract everyone’s gaze from the hundreds of super rich, old white dudes that get invited.

  3. Heyman says:

    Probably ambien.

  4. Some rough night for Tiger, hmmmm. Sad, that was Thanksgiving night. But glad he’s now Ok…

  5. iEgo says:

    Chairman’s got it right. Drunk. Fights. Affair. Nightmare Holidays. She smashed the back window before he even got the car started. The cuts when they were fighting or when the window was smashed or when being chased and he fell. If the airbags didn’t even deploy, there’s no way the cuts on his head happened in the car. The thing wreaks of family dispute and coverup to protect their holier than crap image. Can smell it from miles away. Was looking forward to seeing this egomaniac fall someday. Knew it would happen. Always does.

  6. Rich says:

    The Fox radio report at about 3:00 AM left me to believe his wife struck him with a golf club; cannot remember the exact wording.

  7. wwyoud says:

    He was just coming back from 2 weeks in Asia – probably still having problems with the time change, so being active at 2:30 AM isn’t that odd. Besides, if some gossip rag was discussing your private life and you just wanted to get out of the house for a while, 2:30 is about the only time to avoid the public. 🙂

  8. richardbt71 says:

    #32 – Tiger Woods is Asian. He’s half asian, quarter white, and quarter black.

  9. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    #38 – He’s not a quarterblack, he’s a golfer.

  10. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    #39 “So how long have you been a quarterblack golfer?” asked the idiot interviewer.

  11. The0ne says:

    All I have to say is…

  12. LibertyLover says:

    I guess she doesn’t realize she is a trophy wife.

  13. Faxon says:

    Uppity golfer.

  14. jccalhoun says:

    He gets in an accident and the police haven’t even talked to him about it yet?
    I hate the treatment rich and famous people get from the legal system. If it was you or I we would either already have a ticket or be sitting in jail all Thanksgiving weekend waiting to get bail.

  15. Faxon says:

    This reminds me of the fact that the nation icon for black men screwed another woman and had a kid. The REVEREND Jahhsee Hjakson. The press has completely forgotten. I hope Mr Tigersan has facial lacerations which will forever brand him as a philanderer, just as Bill Clinton.

  16. Special Ed says:

    Do you all recall the Payne Stewart jet crash? They got the cockpit recording and the last thing they heard Payne say was, “don’t get mad Tiger, I said NICKERS!”

  17. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    Uh oh, news reports are now saying the Mrs. did the damage to Tiger before he got it the car. I’ll bet she used the wrong club. It all had to do with the white trash trailer park chick he picked up. It could be time for Al Sharpton to intervene. Because Tiger is married to a cracker, they’ll all be down there marching, holding hands, lighting candles and shit. I’m making popcorn now!

  18. harold says:

    I hope he signed a pre-nup.

  19. harold says:

    I hope he signed a pre-nup, because a golf club across the face is the least amount of damage the missus could do.

  20. jccalhoun says:

    I think some people in these comments have confused dvorak.org/blog with stormfront.org…

  21. Art says:


    Daily Mail has pictures

    Tiger Woods was due to be interviewed by police last night following allegations that he crashed his 4×4 after an argument with his wife, who was said to have attacked the vehicle with a golf club.
    The 33-year-old golf superstar’s Cadillac Escalade struck a fire hydrant before hitting a tree near his Florida villa at 2.25am on Friday.
    His representatives have described it as a minor accident. But leading Hollywood website TMZ claimed Woods’s Swedish-born wife, Elin Nordegren, told authorities the crash followed a row over ‘a domestic issue’.
    ‘Tiger gave the same story to authorities at the hospital where he was treated,’ TMZ said.

    Read more: http://www.mailonsunday.co.uk/news/article-1231640/Tiger-Woods-unconscious-SIX-minutes-car-crash-outside-home-following-row-wife.html#ixzz0YCXpjrUr

  22. The Pope says:

    Mary, for God’s sake!

  23. Dirk Thundernuts says:

    Tiger’s mistress; she could sit in a mud puddle and fart and I would eat the bubbles.

  24. Arnold Pamer says:

    Yeah, but is the tree OK?

  25. Rich says:

    “Tiger’s mistress; she could sit in a mud puddle and fart and I would eat the bubbles.


  26. Thinker says:

    From the very beginning this looked like a fight with the spouse.

    Hope they work it out.

  27. Lidya says:

    Tiger Woods’ serious car accident was so funny (guess wifey caught up with his lies). It was reported that Woods went for a drive after having a fight with wife Elin Nordegren over an alleged affair the golfer had with Rachel Uchitel prior to the accident. But what I’d really want to know, who exactly is Rachel Uchitel and is she Tiger Woods’ mistress??

  28. Glenn E. says:

    In case anyone is still following this. Woods finally gets a fine of about $150. But I’m wondering how many thousands of dollars in state policemen work hours, went into getting him this citation? And what far more important news was covered up, by the media frenzy over this?! All this time, we haven’t heard a damn this about the Senate’s investigation into the internet post-transition marketing scams.


  29. Glenn E. says:

    #57- Yeah, Rich. And his wife is no slouch either. For someone who is treated as the great black hope of America (before Obama came along). He seems to have a penchant for only young WHITE women. So Hally Berry just doesn’t do it for him. What is it with rich black athletes, mostly courting white supermodel types? And it rarely ends well. Take the O.J. Simpson case. The white women chasing black superstar athletes, often turn out to be just gold diggers. And the `letes are dumb enough to think it might something more.


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