Tiger Woods hurt in crash — OrlandoSentinel.com — This is developing. Sounds weird.
Professional golfer Tiger Woods was seriously injured in a car accident early this morning, the Florida Highway Patrol just reported.
Woods, 33, pulled out of his driveway in the Isleworth community about 2:25 a.m. when he struck a fire hydrant, and then drove into a tree at his neighbor’s property, FHP reported.
Woods was transported to Health Central
Hospital in Ocoee in serious condition, FHP said. No other information about his condition has been released.
UPDATE: Tiger is telling a VERY different story! Pictures of the car.
private neighborhood??
Fire hydrant??
Then continued to hit a tree??
Pissed off?
Hooked on his pain meds??
Running away from wife?? girlfriend??
Family emergency??
230am in the morning?
First and foremost, I hope he pulls through this OK.
Second, I bet the details will work themselves out in the next few days.
Maybe he was driving a Lexus?
“Moving to correct what federal regulators have termed a “very dangerous problem,” Toyota Motor Corp. said it would modify and replace gas pedals on 4.26 million cars and trucks to reduce the vehicles’ risk of accelerating out of control.”
what’s so weird about it? The fact it was 2:30am and hit two things near his home? Can lead to a lot of speculation. I’m sure Tiger will be fine.
Considering what we know so far. I would guess he was hurt or ill in some way. He tried to drive himself somewhere like maybe a hospital and became involved in the unusual accident.
Normally something like this you would consider it to be of low speed. Unless of course he was DWI. I am still on this feeling he wast hurt or ill.
First report said “face laceration.” Now it’s “serious” injury.
Does anyone know how the minor/serious/critical etc injury classification works?
I hope he doesn’t die.
Not a fan of golf and really couldn’t care less what happens to Tiger Woods. But it does pique your curiosity. Sounds like a typical DWI, but the report says alcohol was not involved. Let the speculation begin.
He was driving a Cadillac SUV and wasn’t going fast enough to even trigger the airbags. The Florida Highway Patrol said that no alcohol was involved.
His agent said he is fine.
Very strange accident.
Another alien abduction accident
Obvious: Sleepwalking. (or sleepdriving)
I do that shit all the time in the PopeMobile, BFD.
The report I saw was not serious at all.
“Officials close to accident investigation told the Orlando Sentinel that Woods received facial lacerations. He was treated at Health Central early this morning and released.”
Sounds like a few stitches and then sent home to me.
Slow news day……..
No, a general interest news story. He is consider by many to be the greatest athlete of our time.
He has dominated the sport of golf in much the same way that Mr. Jordan had in basketball. Last year he made well over $100m dollars.
I guess the news media believes that people will be curious and, or horrified by such news.
I just wish he would send someone over to get his Caddy off my lawn, he is been such a good neighbor this is odd.
If he is stuck in hospital I think I’ll go over and let out his dog.
Who cares, golf is stupid.
Sometimes people’s brains just shut down when they have an accident.
My wife did something similar many years ago. She hit a light post in a parking lot one night. She was in tears when she got home, afraid to tell me what had happened to my brand new truck. Being an understanding husband (the tears making it impossible for me to scream like I wanted to), I listened to her explain how her foot slipped off the clutch and the truck lurched forward and smacked the post.
Yep, the left front fender was smashed in pretty good and the driver’s door badly dented as well. Then I noticed that there was no damaged connecting the smashed fender to the door.
“What a minute,” I asked, “what happened to door?”
“Well after I hit it, I backed up to see how bad it was, but when I pulled forward I hit it again.”
Solo accident at 2:30 am the day after the National Enquirer reports he is having an affair.
Whether the article is true or not, sounds to me like he has been listening to the wife rag on him for 18 consecutive hours, Thanksgiving dinner was a nightmare, and he took off from the house in rage and frustration.
I suspect that we’ve all been there at one time or another.
If he had a facial/head laceration, there was probably lots of blood. This may have lead to Florida HP thinking it was much worse than the actual case. OR, Tiger’s spokesman is telling a fib.
I can never understand why athletes, celebrity’s who make millions don’t have a driver. It would eliminate a lot of problems.
Last week it came out that Tiger Woods was having an affair. He denied it. But there was records of them staying at the same hotel and the lady showing people text messages. It must be nice to have a drive way long enough to encure a serious vehicle accident. He was driving a Caddi Escalade.
MSNBC just cut in to their regular programming to report that Woods has been released from the hospital. He had an accident near his home around 2am last night.
Brain shutdown can explain a lot of the BS going on in this world.
I broke my leg playing golf. I fell off the ball washer.
~19 Rob, when a discussion with the wife gets to the point of club selection it is best to back the Escalade out of the garage and depart.
Calling for James to bring the car around leaves time to decide that a 5 iron may be a good choice.
His wife busted out the back window with a golf club. I’ll bet it was before the accident.
Hide the Wine.
Hide the Wine….
Do you really think a cop would give Tiger woods a DWI? come-on Tiger is one of the most popular people in the world.
I bet they…. “Hid the wine” “Hid the wine…”
A blonde.
Obviously he was heading to Old Navy for the 3AM Black Friday sales
#19 Rob West
Yeah like Lady Di. That worked good for her…