I wonder if this would be covered under Obama’s health care plan if he/she were not in prison. Is there such a thing as medically necessary electrolysis? Would a sex change be covered? I assume as wards of the state, prisoners will be exempt from paying premiums. With inclusions and exclusions like this, no wonder the thing is over 1000 pages.

Convicted wife-killer Robert “Michelle” Kosilek was rebuffed again in his battle to force state prison honchos to give him electrolysis treatments, but a federal judge left the door open to the transgender con getting taxpayer-funded hair removal procedures.
The 60-year-old inmate had previously received seven DOC-approved electrolysis treatments at a cost of $500 each. His lawyers had argued the treatments were medically necessary.
Despite the legal victory for prison officials, [attorney] Wolf criticized the DOC for its decision to stop electrolysis treatments for Kosilek, formerly of Mansfield, who lives as a woman at the all-male prison, MCI-Norfolk.

Wolf said the move to stop the treatments ran “a grave risk of violating the Eight Amendment,” which prohibits cruel and unusual punishment. He warned the decision to stop the treatments did not take into consideration Kosilek’s “unique circumstances” and was not made by a medical professional.

The DOC has said it is willing to give Kosilek razors and depilatories.

Oral arguments on whether the state should pay for Kosilek to undergo a sex change operation were scheduled for Dec. 21.

  1. Dallas says:

    Wow, a frivolous lawsuit! Tell me more.

  2. No No No says:

    N – O – No!!!

    The state should only pay for S&M rehab techniques. This country club prison atmosphere only works extremely well for rehabbing the administrators pension plans.

    What part of NO don’t they understand?

  3. MrMiGu says:

    I think the state should make a deal with him: They will give him his right to receive electrolysis if he gives his wife back her right to life.

  4. Eraserhead says:

    Sure. The government paid for people to buy new cars.

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    I think the prison has made sufficient accommodation to meet his hirsute condition.

    No prison though should allow conditions that cause mental anguish or exacerbate a prisoner’s mental illness. That alone removes the frivolity from this suit.

  6. Uncle Dave says:

    #6: So, you’re opposed to Supermax prisons which have been shown to drive some people insane from the isolation?

  7. clancys_daddy says:

    You know the older I get the more I look at Escape from New York and think that they might be on to something. Oh and no on the hair thing.

  8. Dr Dodd says:

    If this dingleberry wants a sex change or another orifice for his cell buddy’s to play with let him and his friends pay for it.

    They can hold a bake sale.

  9. Floyd says:

    If he wants to play “girl” he’s already got the equipment to do that. What he did to his wife was cruel and unusual.

  10. Norman Speight says:

    I think that you’ve got this all wrong.
    Hair removal isn’t THAT expensive.
    Hair can be successfully removed using a blowtorch.
    This is not a ‘Cruel and Unusual punishment’ if requested and is, if applied properly under the supervision of a (specially selected) person highly effective.
    I believe that volunteers could be readily found in the US.
    Just trying to be helpful.

  11. yanikinwaoz says:

    And the prison shouldn’t even give him a razor. WTF is the warden doing giving an inmate a razor for.

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    #7, Uncle Dave.

    In a word, yes.

    From what I can tell, and that isn’t much I admit, the prisons don’t / won’t / can’t provide adequate psychological help to some of their guests. If we are going to be upset at Soviet / Russian, Cuban, Thai, Angolan, or Chinese prisons, we should look at our own prisoner care too.

    And no, I don’t have an answer for a problem I am neither an expert in nor know enough about.

  13. brm says:

    god, NO.


  14. Animby says:

    YES! And, having worked as a doc in a women’s prison for a while, I also vote yes to waxing those bushes!

  15. Dallas says:

    #11 Pedrito. I’m not sure if this person is clinically mentally ill or not.

    However, I’m sure you meant “mentally ill” from the Christian Conservative point of view.

    Appearance wise, she doesn’t seem to fit in a clear gender so I can see where your church might have her quartered.

  16. RTaylor says:

    How about firing up old Sparky? That will singe it real good.

  17. gal416 says:

    I’d chip in a few bucks for lethal injection.


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