SAN LUIS, Colo. (AP) – A creepy string of calf mutilations in southern Colorado has a rancher and sheriff’s officials mystified.
Four calves were found dead in a pasture just north of the New Mexico state line in recent weeks. The dead calves had their skins peeled back and organs cleared from the rib cage. One calf had its tongue removed. But rancher Manuel Sanchez has found no signs of human attackers, such as footprints or ATV tracks. And there are no signs of an animal attack by a coyote or mountain lion. Usually predators leave pools of blood or drag marks from carrying away the livestock.
Two officers from the Costilla County Sheriff’s Office have investigated the mutilations but say they don’t know what’s killing the calves. “There’s nothing really to go by,” said Sanchez, who’s ranched for nearly 50 years. “I can’t figure it out.” A spokesman for the sheriff’s office told The Pueblo Chieftain that investigators doubt a person butchered the calves because there is no blood at the scene.
“I’ve butchered a cow before and I know what kind of a mess it leaves,” Sgt. James Chavez said.
Some in the area believe the mutilations are the work of aliens. An area UFO chaser, Chuck Zukowski of Colorado Springs, has been to the Costilla County pasture to investigate. He told the paper there have been other unexplained calf mutilations in the area, including three in March. One of the other calves, found dead on a ranch near Trinidad, had its ears removed, Zukowski said.
As far as I’m concerned no one has ever been able to explain this.
Yeah, I live on a ranch in Colorado, came upon one of these about a week and a half ago. Stopped my vehicle to get a better look at it because I though a neighbors dog had been hit . No blood, the cow was in four sections and it’s head looked much like this:
Don’t look at me I didn’t vote for the asshole.
ya i might have had a couple of drinks, but I might not have .
Whuh boy. Yeah, sure, aliens. Just like they made all the crop circles. “But there are crop circles that no man possibly could have made! It would be impossible!”
Sure, just tell that to the class of students from the UK who made an elaborate crop circle in the middle of the night in secret years ago. They documented the whole thing, from planning to execution, and after the so-called crop circle experts proclaimed that it was a genuine, bona-fide alien made crop circle, the class revealed it was all a hoax. The crop circle experts ignored their evidence.
Odd, i thought the Greys left a few years ago?
some ex-nasa types have been memering about a possible (global) full disclosure type event “very soon”
Given the *huge* ramp up in alien/ufo *everything* since the beginning of this summer’s movies and fall tv season story arcs, (including a lot of kid’s movie themes) i’d say we are being prepped for something.
-in somewhat related news, (and just in time,) the price of tinfoil has come down from the insane summer highs, -get some just in case the cia tries to “convince” you you’re seeing God.
#4. Where in this post are crop circles mentioned?
NOWHERE….stick to the topic. Are college students mutilating cattle? What IS your point.
“Some in the area believe the mutilations are the work of aliens. An area UFO chaser, Chuck Zukowski of Colorado Springs, has been to the Costilla County pasture to investigate.”
These nutsacks really need to get their terminology correct. UFO stands for Unidentified Flying Object, once you’ve made up your mind that this so called object is extraterrestrial in origin, it is no longer unidentified. You now have, in their minds, an Extraterrestrial Flying Object or Extraterrestrial Craft. He’s NOT a UFO chaser since he’s classified the object.
Look at a map…the area is close to Los Alamos..home of spooky wierdness since around 1943. Of course then you have NORAD facility, the wierdness at Denver International Airport, The Taos Hum, Dulce, etc. etc.
It’s likely some freaky Government Biological Weapons project. This has been going on in this area for so long, nobody hardly notices it anymore.
I’m more inclined to believe this is the work of Chick-fil-A chickens retaliating toward the cows for demanding that we “Eat Mor Chikin”
Injuries almost typical of radio or microwave frequency electrocution. The skin and “pointy bits” are vaporized, eyes and tongue, etc. The blood congeals pretty much instantly. In some cases, cavital explosion of the chest or torso due to steam. I would suggest that this is a case of ball lightning, which has a pronounced microwave energy component.
The Grey’s live next door to me and they are pretty much weird assholes. They are always offering us cow organs and shit like that. The daughter is kinda hot though even though she has that big head and black eyes. She has a nice little butt when she’s out waxing her spaceship.
Oh, to compliment pedro’s post in #2
Earlier this year, this was in the news: Kazakhstan: Government to build UFO base and alien embassy
What’s even more interesting, Kazakhstan was used to host some 300+ of the former Soviet Union’s orbital ICBMs. (ie: lots of silos)
Plenty of pre-installed underground framework to help support such an endeavour
photos of one that was abandoned, but left intact for the most part (great russian site, btw)
The AP reporting these mutilations combined with all the [negative] alien themed media as of late..
-is just making sure when our “neighbors” finally do introduce themselves, we will have been nicely pre-conditioned to fear and hate them right from the get go.
a no-effort, built-in racial and class warfare meme, just add [real] aliens. sounds like a politicians wet dream come true. Whatever the case, I can’t wait to see how the ADL and all the other racist, anti-racial groups will spin “real racism” against ET’s. Much popcorn and an umbrella will be needed to enjoy the *huge* amount of BS they will all sling.
“No alien sympathizers for you!”
There are easy ways to find out what’s doing this, that I guess they’re too stupid to do? Do the old sting operation. Set up cameras, keep cows/calves within certain areas anf use one as bait to reel in the attacker.
Aliens… hah. *shaking my head* Most likely it’s a person with sophisticated methods.
[Comment Deleted: see posting guidelines – ed.]
“As far as I’m concerned no one has ever been able to explain this.”
Ah jeez, not this shit again.
Scavengers eat the soft exposed tissue first, McCullough. As the corpse bloats due to internal decomposition, the anus and mouth are extended, pushing out soft tissues. These are easy, tasty things for scavengers to eat. The next day, Joe Rancher comes up and sees that the cow had it’s anus and lips removed and reports this to his insurance company.
With this post of yours it will be impossible to take you seriously, McCullough.
“Given the *huge* ramp up in alien/ufo
*everything* since the beginning of this summer’s movies and fall tv season story arcs, (including a lot of kid’s movie themes) i’d say we are being prepped for something.”
Yup–the movie “2012.” Somebody’s gonna get rich off that flick.
Holy crap, I’m not even going to make the effort to link on this one.
Crows. And other birds. They dig at all the soft stuff.
But why is it always aliens from another planet, I ask you?
It’s never ghosts, or time travelers, or people from another dimension, or demons, or gods, or witchcraft or the undead. No, I guess it’s just more plausible that it’s the work of aliens from unimaginable distances traveling at light speed.
Next week I’ll explain that crop circles are not created by aliens either.
“the sheriff’s office told The Pueblo Chieftain that investigators doubt a person butchered the calves because there is no blood at the scene.”
So, um, its not possible that idiots MOVED the cows AFTER they had its bits cut out??
Why are people so fucking stupid?
#15. Hey Lou, Guess what? I could give a fuck if you take me seriously. It’s a Fucking BLOG.
It’s for entertainment. Sometimes I’m serious, sometimes I’m not. Sometimes I’m conservative, sometimes I am liberal. Sometimes, I just fly by the seat of my pants. Don’t get too crazy about it.
So the fact that they don’t find 4×4-tracks or footprints, are proof of Alien activity?
These alien cattle mutilation stories have been around for decades. Surely the aliens must have figured out which are the tasty bits by now?
Interesting article, but I agree that they were most likely moved from the primary crime scene. Btw, does anyone else find it amusing that the “aien driver’s license” uses distances for the birthdate and expiration date? 😉
It wouldn’t surprise me if there was some insurance clause that reimburses for loss by predation (alien or otherwise). But not for acts of god, like lightning, wildfires or flooding. So dead cows get left until they’re chewed on, or “carved” upon for no known reason. Hiding the real evidence, that wouldn’t pay off.
Hey McCullough, people who believe in aliens, whether the aliens make crop circles or mutilate cows, use poor logic to come to their conclusions. My story is perfectly relevant to explain how they think, despite all evidence to the contrary, and despite the fact that there’s usually a much simpler explanation for things. Mutilated cows that seem weirdly taken apart? Must be aliens. Elaborate crop circles that cover a large area? Must be aliens.
What I love about these topics is how they bring out the wing nuts.
There are even a couple of TV shows currently running of how teams go into buildings to search for ghosts. Their sophisticated equipment reminds me of L. Ron Hubbard demonstrating plants have feelings.
5 soundwash,
You can still find tinfoil? All I see is Aluminium foil (or Aluminum).
Curiously these things most often happen in states chock full of military bases. Perhaps the military is continuing tests of nuclear powered vehicles. Curiously they seem to go for mouth tongue and anus, and the blood. Tissue samples for radiation tests. Then again, maybe not!
If an animal dies of sudden death in the field and isn’t found quickly by scavengers the blood would gel, so once they did find it it wouldn’t bleed. Being opportunistic creatures they’d go for the softest tissues first. Insects and rodents have very small mouths and can leave a pretty clean cut opening. Then again maybe not!
Cow’s tongue, mouth, and anus are a delicacy among certain alien races. So much so that it’s worth the trip to this back water planet. Then again maybe not!
In other news: Aliens are said to be fond of Anal-lingus.
BTW: I’m with #22 – sick and tired of people using terms they don’t understand. A light year is the DISTANCE light travels in a year. It has no other relationship to time.
In other news: Aliens are said to be fond of Anal-lingus.
BTW: I’m with #22 – sick and tired of people using terms they don’t understand. A light year is the DISTANCE light travels in a year. It has no other relationship to time.
Submitted from the Communist Paradise that is Laos. Scotty? Beam me out of here for God’s sake…