A couple of aspiring reality-TV stars from Northern Virginia appear to have crashed the White House’s state dinner Tuesday night, penetrating layers of security with no invitation to mingle with the likes of Vice President Biden and White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel.

Tareq and Michaele Salahi — polo-playing socialites known for a bitter family feud over a Fauquier County winery and their possible roles in the forthcoming “The Real Housewives of Washington” — were seen arriving at the White House and later posted on Facebook photos of themselves with VIPs at the elite gathering. “Honored to be at the White House for the state dinner in honor of India with President Obama and our First Lady!” one of them wrote on their joint Facebook page at 9:08 p.m.

But a White House official said the couple were not invited to the dinner, not included on the official guest list and never seated at a table in the South Lawn tent. While the White House offered no official explanation, it appears to be the first time in modern history that anyone has crashed a White House state dinner. The uninvited guests were in the same room as President Obama, first lady Michelle Obama and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, although it is unknown whether they met the Obamas and the guest of honor.

“Everyone who enters the White House grounds goes through magnetometers and several other levels of screenings,” said Ed Donovan, a spokesman for the Secret Service. “That was the case with the state dinner last night. No one was under any risk or threat.”

Shhhh! The terrorists might be listening.

  1. sargasso says:

    Buddy crashed a White House press conference in the early 90’s. If you’re a WASP in a suit, just walk right on in.

  2. SparkyOne says:

    Not a surprise at all. Real security are those protecting the Federal Reserve from Dr. Paul.

  3. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    She looks pretty skanky.

  4. RTaylor says:

    The Secret Service has no absolutely no sense of humor. Not healthy for people to play with them.

  5. sargasso says:

    #5. true. If you can find one.

  6. soundwash says:

    #3. -lol

    Me thinks the security slip-up illustrates perfectly, the end result of a nation (and government) with “hollywood on the brain”

    America has become one long dragged out episode of “Fantasy Island”

    Reality need not apply.


    (Mirror Image Rule applies)

  7. Faxon says:

    I, unfortunately, saw a brief glimpse of Pelosi the Pill skanking her way to some greeting line or caviar toting servant on my monitor the other night as I prepared to do yet another in the endless parade of stupid live shots about the Bart glass breaking saga. Can’t she unglue her perpetual smile? She is really hideous in a formal dress. Fortunately, that is all I saw of this disgusting display of upper class elitism that politicians love. Can we say, “Let them eat cake?”

  8. Lou says:

    No big deal.
    If the pres goes away, you can always get a new one.

  9. The Public Invited says:

    Since the White House belongs to the people, I would guess that if American’s were polled, they would support having these true representatives of them appear at these snobbish elitist functions where the public is routinely uninvited. It’s also pretty amazing that this never happened in the Bush administration. Under the Obooba administration we already have had a horrific terrorist massacre that surely could have been avoided (Ft. Hood) and under this bunch of clowns they can’t even keep a social scene secure.

  10. Dallas says:

    #11 Unlike George Bush, Obama managed to keep America safe from a terrorist attack in his first 11 months in office.

  11. MikeN says:

    I thought this was going to be the competence presidency? Instead they’re more interested in Hollywood partying.

  12. MikeN says:

    They got their picture taken with Sen Sununu before that. Were they invited by the Task Force on Palestine?

  13. Dallas says:

    #12 Pedrito, why do simple facts get your panties all in a bunch?

  14. jopa says:

    This is a security breach of biblical proportions.
    The secret service allowed unidentified individuals to get within inches of the president, his wife, the prime minister of India and other top ranking officials inside the white house in a closed and private event.

    Just imagine what would happen if this couple were hostile…

    If I was Obama, I would be very very angry.


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