Warning, these jokes could be considered groaners by most of you out there.

  1. ikapuza89 says:

    How does Einstein start a story?

    Once upon a space-time…

  2. relalevity says:

    Not to bad. I got all of them but the last one.
    Who’s cat was it , so I can look if up?

  3. Thinker says:

    Very good… I’ll go watch the full vid. 🙂

  4. baster says:

    #2 its schrodinger’s cat

  5. hhopper says:

    From Answers.com:

    Schrödinger’s Cat is a thought experiment, devised by Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger to demonstrate the problems arising from the theory of quantum mechanics when going from a subatomic to a macroscopic system.

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    A good demonstration that the joke is only part of the act. The delivery is as or more important.

    Good job.

  7. Angel H. Wong says:

    Talking about jokes..

    [Ed. – Click to enlarge]

  8. /T. says:

    #7 FTW !!!

  9. Uncle Patso says:

    Two photons were running down the football field; the referee called interference.

    When a resistor meditates, does it chant “Ohm”?

    When chemists die, we barium.

    Two fermions tried to walk into Pauli’s Bar, but they were excluded.

    Thank you. Don’t forget to tip your waitress!

  10. soundwash says:

    lol…good bit…

    although he should have explained that

    “Schrödinger’s Cat” and other fantasies is what modern science has degraded to.

    Completely fill a chalkboard with math equations, then tell the government this groundbreaking “thought” equation proves the theory of “yada yada yada” [for which only the author and his accomplices understand and can explain] then ask for several billion to “explore” it further..

    once the funding is secured, then you tell them, all we have to do now is wait…and see if anything happens anywhere to prove the theory.

    “But…wait a minute…”

    Then, if any actual “real evidence” arises that completely falsifies said theory, fill another chalkboard with meaningless equations, to “explain away” the nefarious evidence while at the same time claiming the new equation supports the old one.

    -of course, you’ll need more funding to research the “anomalous evidence ”

    rinse and repeat.


    When it comes to Muons and Gluons, I wonder when they finally will find the Scamuon particle that ties them all together..

    (see “particle zoo” for more FUNding and confusion)


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