Here is the latest conversation I had with money manager Andrew Horowitz…. new insights for anyone who invests in anything. This week we highlight a discussion about specific stocks to examine. Plus: A look at some unpleasant trends.

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  1. KMFIX says:

    Just when I thought that picture was just a picture…

  2. Dallas says:

    I assume Horror Witz feels we will follow Japan towards stagnation.


    America is extremely resilient. We adapt to challenges and have consistently dealt with challenges. It’s our culture of ingenuity.

    First, we needed a leader to chart the course for not only energy independence, but to LEAD the world in renewable energy and efficiencies. DONE – President Obama.

    Next we need to dismiss the angry trolls and climb over the speed bump Republicans focused not on our future path, but to win their next election.

  3. Dallas says:

    Kudos to Obama and my company Intel Corp…

    Take that, Horror-Witz!

  4. Guyver says:

    1, That same great leader is raising taxes on the poor and middle class via excise taxes as well as cap & trade. How many great leaders would raise taxes in a recession? Is this a strategy to create jobs?

    How will cap & trade affect mom & pop businesses (i.e. bakeries) who haven’t figured out how to reduce the amount of energy required to bake a loaf of bread.

    Instead of providing transparent health care talks in both houses of Congress on C-Span like he promised, everything has been done secretly behind closed doors.

    That same great leader is also waffling on his stance that Afghanistan was the right war when he ran for president.

    How about the printing of money at the Reserve in order to nurture a hyper-inflation? You suppose that’s going to allow people’s savings to carry them through retirement?

    It sounds like you’ve drunk a wee bit too much Kool-Aid. The guy is not keeping promises. He’s trashing the dollar. And he’s raising taxes on everyone (including the poor and middle class).

  5. The0ne says:

    All I know is that I don’t want to be a herbivore girly man that is currently taking off in Japan. Not gay but don’t like women/sex and highly in girly stuff including clothes, speech, salons, etc.

    Japan is so fcking screwed up compare to us. I see China, Korea and other asian countries following shortly.

  6. ECA says:

    The problem we are seeing is that companies and corps are Raising prices to KEEP profits.
    NOT taking it in the shorts for a short time, and FIXING the problem.

    The other countries are setup to BUILD and make goods for the rest of the world. AS long as there are ORDERS, they will do very well.
    the problem you MAY have is personal rights. AS with china, YOU DONT HAVE A LIFE. As soon as they give into the idea that workers NEED TIME, and wages, and RIGHTS…it will start going DOWN HILL.

    IF the USA had REQUIRED that imports be from nations that GIVE RIGHTS to workers, we could have taken ALL these nations down with us.

  7. sargasso says:

    The presumption that manufacturers and their workers are components in an economy run for the benefit of bankers, is the reverse. Productively engaged people are the economic motivation for sustainable growth – they are the economy.

  8. ArianeB says:

    zero-growth, which some would call stagnation, is indeed the long term future we should be preparing for.

    The question is, what is the short term?

    Without growth in energy, there is no growth in the economy. The sources of energy are getting more and more expensive which is why energy growth has been at a stand still since 2005. There has been no “real” growth in the economy since 2001, it has all been in the form of bubbles and dollar devaluation

  9. Stagnation are for sissies. Why would the US be that? Those wacko Japs can’t make it I bet.

  10. Bob says:

    We would be lucky if all we did was stagnate. No I see a much worse future, as hyper-inflation kicks in due to government overspending, and the constant erosion of individual rights from Dallas’s “Great Leader”.

    Perhaps, a generation or two after the dust settles, we can begin to claw our way back up to world power status. Or maybe the country will end up splitting up and in constant wars with itself like the Balkans. The Europeans would probably like that.

  11. ECA says:

    energy is a good subject.
    Lets look at it..
    the electric corps dont WANT more electric..
    They want to Boast there ISNT ENOUGH, and raise the rates..EVEN tho, they have a corner on the market, and the prices arent going up.(they dont make the electric, they only SELL IT).
    The market cant see a way to GET INTO the controlled environment that has been made..UNTIL,
    the Prices get to high and Effectivness of ALTERNATIVE sources can be made, at a HIGHER COST to SELL ratio.
    NOW we have wind mills going up.
    In the past, what was HOLDING alternative sources from building?? COST, and the RICH. There have been alternatives setup and tested and proposed for OCEAN power. BUT, some RICH person jumped in and said “it will ruin the view”, “it will spoil the coast line”…

    so, what will happen IF we get alternative POWER..
    1. it will force the power company NOT to sell(back and forth) quantities of POWER.. A state that ONLY bought POWER, now MAKES power.
    2. Will prices go DOWN..NOPE. they will keep them artificially HIGH. AS if the price goes down, the ALTERNATIVE power cost GOES DOWN ALSO.. NO return on investment.
    3. ALTERNATIVE POWER now has the bottle neck. IF power goes DOWN in COST, they will CUT power to keep the price UP..

    Have fun thinking about this..It really SUCKS.

  12. Guyver says:

    10. Electric companies have a “corner” on the market due to government regulations which allow for natural monopolies. If you don’t like it, then deregulate.

    The problem with alternative energy sources are that their start up costs are ridiculously high (see solar power) or they’re limited by geography (see wind power).

    If alternative forms of energy were really profitable and practical, business people would have ventured into this long ago. Greedy capitalists like to make more money so if there was a golden opportunity, they would have taken it in a heartbeat. Instead we have government trying to entice businesses to enter into markets that would otherwise be ignored by business people.

    Thanks to Cap & Trade, we are assured of higher costs. No conspiracy by the electric companies needed here.

    Unless you’re willing to consider nuclear power plants, none of the other alternative energy sources have the capacity to feed this country’s energy needs. Does that mean those other alternative sources are not worth pursuing? Nope…. but again, the start up costs are ridiculously high and they can only feed so much.

    Case in point, why hasn’t everyone installed solar panels at their homes by now and sell their excess electricity back to the electric companies? Start up costs.

  13. ECA says:

    “”10. Electric companies have a “corner” on the market due to government regulations which allow for natural monopolies. If you don’t like it, then deregulate.””

    THEY WERE deregulated..TOTALLY..
    THen they put inplace RULES for creating MORE power..

    “Greedy capitalists like to make more money so if there was a golden opportunity, they would have taken it in a heartbeat. ”

    REALLY?? UNLESS, putting MORE in would LOWER the market.

    “Case in point, why hasn’t everyone installed solar panels at their homes by now and sell their excess electricity back to the electric companies? Start up costs.”

    1. COSt to install, for an inflated Product that Hadnt DROPED in price with allot of people BUYING IT. case in point look into california and its giving CREDITS for solar..
    2. the conversion, was still only 8%. which electric corps would DEBATE was to low to compete. they inflated to Percentage that Dams and Aluminum plants were capable of..which REALLY made alternatives LOOK BAD.

    In the last 20 years WIND and Ocean power have been posible but NO INVESTORS, because the ELECTRIC corps REQUIRED(even to the GOV.) that it be EFFICIENT and TOTALLY regulated, UNDER the power company.
    $10,000,000 worth of studies BEFORE anything could be considered.
    In the LAST 10 years SOLAR power has gotten over 60% conversion..In the last 5 years we, FINALLY, can convert UV to power.

    did you know that in the last 30 years I could have saved you 1/4 of your POWER? Just by using a SOLAR still to PRE-HEAT your water, for hot water?? summer and winter..AND that could be used to HEAT your home with radiators and PREHEAT your bath??
    DID you know that with OLD TECH we could heat and cool your home, to 60degrees F. YEAR ROUND very easily?? Using a Solar heated room and ducting it THRU your home, IF we designed it properly??

  14. Winston says:

    No, we won’t stagnate like Japan. Japan was a massive exporter with a very positive trade balance and the Japanese were and are thrifty savers. Also, Japan wasn’t and still isn’t in hock to the rest of the world to the tune of trillions of dollars. Even so, the Nikkei is still only 50% of what it was before their crisis.

    No, our fate will be _much_ worse than stagnation.

  15. Winston says:

    I’m not a gold bug, but I agree with the conclusion of this article (besides the gold and silver claim):

  16. ECA says:

    1-2 times before they ahve TRIEd to corner the market on gold.
    They always ran out of money, collecting it all.

    If these few groups Gather enough gold, they will control the market.
    I hope you folks are willing to INCREASE the cost of ALL your electronics.. I can see DOUBLE the price, if not 10 TIMES the price.
    When this started and gold was $200-300, Mother boards were cheap. SOON, gold contacts and connections will be 4-6 times as expensive.


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