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  1. qb says:

    Hadron Collider – world’s longest reboot.

  2. deowll says:

    The problem is that the limits include rather limited content going along with their idea that an encyclopedia has short articles. The other is control from the top.

    In the end this wiki is a going to run on ad revenue or it’s going away because working on the wiki is going to be reduced to work.

  3. Hmeyers says:

    Thanks for including links to the articles covered.

    I like that.

  4. Glenn E. says:

    Billions of dollars spend building the LHC, so physicists can start their own religion. “We believe we know how the universe came to be!” Ok, how’s that gonna put bread on my table. Obviously it puts it on theirs, cause they’ve made a substantial living out of this trivial pursuit, on the backs of taxpayers everywhere. If they want to do something for the common man. Research how to make a “Mr. Fusion” device for the home. So we can recycle our least recyclable waste products into cheap electric power. Or some appliance that creates basic food and clothing items out of electricity and waste. Defying the old “garbage in, garbage out” axiom. Pull that off, and we’ll take Nobel prize. Who cares, but these guys, about finding a new subatomic particle? Can it sing? Can it cook? Is it any good in bed? No? Screw it then. Next!

  5. WmDE says:

    Good for Apple! Smoking makes a mess of any piece of electronic equipment. An ugly yellow residue coats the surfaces and interior. This an even bigger problem if there is a fan.

  6. The0ne says:

    If you smoke and send your product(s) back for RMA don’t expect anyone to like you for it…actually expect everyone to hate you for it. It is literally one of the dirtiest, smelliest, crappiest product to be return from the field.

    Do us all a favor and smoke some more til you die. Save those that cherish their lives, at the very least their lungs, so that we can still breath.

  7. spsffan says:

    Yet another! reason to avoid Apple products. Oh, and as one who occasionally dabbles in antique radio restoration, there is nothing short of cosmoline like a think coating of tobacco residue to preserve an old radio from the ravages of time. Smelly, nasty, but very effective stuff!


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