
  1. Dallas says:

    Definitely a shock ad but pretty gross and a bit over the top.

    In other news .. “Galileo’s missing fingers found in jar”. (They were removed by the you know who for you know what)

  2. RBG says:

    Sorry, how many pitchforks of dead babies is that equal to again?


  3. RBG says:

    In other news: The old growth forests like the carbon.


  4. Overfifty says:

    I hope that was CG otherwise they crunched a perfectly good Cadillac.

  5. ECA says:

    Either Peta is going to have a GREAT LAW suit..

    or some NICE CG..

  6. bobbo, we are all connnected in crime, perversion, and Darwinian Competition says:

    I call FAKE on this one. Daytime in a big city and no meter maids ticketing cars? Not likely.

  7. Cristina in Tampa says:

    MUST stupid be so GROSS???

  8. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Producer to director: “You want 20 polar bears and a Cadillac for what?”

  9. Tim says:

    What about the Ships? Blood bear carcasses coming up from the propeller of the Ships left behind in a bloody wake.

    Now that would be great!

  10. jescott418 says:

    Sorry but shock video’s makes the group look stupid. Not going to convince me of anything.
    Reality shock may, but doing a stupid stunt like this is totally missing the point. Somebody has been playing to many graphic video games.

  11. Thinker says:

    #7 well they did say they were plane stupid, but me wonders how they’ll all get to the next G20 protest. Railway? Carnival Cruise?

  12. bobbo, we are all connnected in crime, perversion, and Darwinian Competition says:

    #1–Dallas==you are acting like a Catholic Bishop—inculcating mystery where there is none.


  13. Tim says:

    To me, this is the true test of a scam. If you see a group or following that has put more resources into what they are trying to prevent than would have cost to prevent it, it’s a scam. You simple don’t put more into something than your going to get out of it unless your lying to the folks buying your snake oil and your actually making more than your putting into it… or your a total fucking idiot.

    It’s just like feed the children campaigns we have been pouring Billions into for decades. We could have moved all those fucking people to where the food is for all the Billions we have spent.


  14. Bob says:

    Raining Polar bears? At least we should have the hunger problem solved.

  15. William says:

    Did this video remind anyone of The Falling Man (9/11) footage?

  16. fezzik says:

    as God as my witness, I thought Polar Bears could fly

  17. FRAGaLOT says:

    #16 WKRP FTW

  18. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #17,#16 – I second that.

    #13 – I read your post twice and was unable to make any sense of it. Are you ok? Did you take your meds this morning?

  19. Zybch says:

    Say what you want about the ‘message’, that was just plain cool!
    They should have used elephants though, they splash better.

  20. Ah_Yea says:

    How convenient! I was looking for a new fur coat to go with my Long Legged Mac Daddy Pimp hat!

  21. Timuchin says:

    It would have made more sense to show unborn gay whales falling out of the sky. That might have shocked more liberal sensitivities. The leftists have got to distract the liberals from their world domination agenda in “global Warming.”

  22. Guyver says:

    Great! So people should stop flying. Wonderful.

    20, I hear you can get a boatload of seal fur up around Alaska. The fishermen there just kill the seals and leave them there to rot since it’s now illegal to kill for the fur.

  23. chuck says:

    As soon as they announce that the next Climate Change conference will be done via video-conferencing (rather than 1st class travel to Tahiti or Denmark, or where-ever) then I’ll consider reducing my air travel.

  24. StoopidFlanders says:

    I don’t quite understand the taglines at the end. Are they suggesting I skip the plane ticket and ride a polar bear across the ocean instead?

  25. NAcrackpot-PRTLNDME says:

    Climate Gate Coverage.


    I read some FOIA documents.

  26. Understoonity says:

    The ad is brilliant, better than just about anything out there for the last 40 years + 10. Anytime anyone who sees this hears someone say “oh that’s just plain stupid” they’ll think of polar bears falling from the sky and make sure they park their cars in the garage. Obama and friends will immediately address the situation by calling for stimulus to be used for ample parking garages everywhere and an amendment to the health care plan to cover bears.

  27. bertdawg says:

    #21 – How would anybody know those whales were gay if they aren’t even born yet? And if nobody knew, what would be the point?

  28. oil of dog says:

    Bear season postponed this year due to lack of product.

  29. sargasso says:

    Apparently, polar bear liver is to high in vitamin A, it will kill you if you eat it. Just, if you were ever wondering about that.

  30. RBG says:

    21 bertdawg

    In the spirit of that provocative “Public Service Announcement:”

    I guess that would depend upon whether you believed unborn gayness was a genetic thing and then abortable for the perceived good of everyone by the mother exercising control over her own body.



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