The first Senate vote is tonight at 8PM ET.

  1. ECA says:

    there are to many ways to KILL these(yes, there are 3 of them) bills.
    Just being concept WRONG
    WHO pays and WHO DONT PAY is wrong..
    they didnt TALK to those that could FIX THIS and make it work..
    This is SOME politicization THINKING he knows how the system WORKS, adn HOW it needs to be FIXED..
    Old joke:
    What do you call a room full of politicians??
    I dont know, but it isnt much to talk about.

  2. bobbo, words have meaning AND a context says:

    It demonstrates everything that is wrong with America.

  3. Thomas says:

    Polls like these are ridiculous. “Which of the following do you support:
    Extremist view A
    Extremist view B
    Extremist view C
    None of the above

    Btw, what does “None of the above” mean in the context of having a choice for “Other”?

  4. Cephus says:

    So long as none of them actually address the underlying problems with the healthcare industry, I won’t support any of them. Of course, since the major problems are caused by major political contributors, nobody is ever going to touch these with a ten-meter cattleprod.

  5. Postman says:

    If the bill is what the democrats say it is, that is mild reform and a give away to the insurance industry, then I find myself opposed to the bill.

    On the other hand, I listened to a republican (who claimed to be independent) on radio last night and he said that it is slippery slope to single payer.

    So I support what the republicans claim this bill is… But I don’t support what democrats claim this bill is…

  6. bobbo, words have meaning AND a context says:

    #3–Thomas==Don’t even understand your own constructs??? Proof once again that “art” stands on its own and there is no reason to ask the creator of the piece:

    None of the above means you don’t support A, B, or C and for reasons unknown have not chosen “other.” Maybe the person didn’t read that far, maybe there is no position the person supports or the position is not seen as remotely reasonable and therefore would skew the results?

    Example: 3 different theories of how the plasma state of matter increases electron flow. I don’t know shit about such things so any three theories would be not supported and I wouldn’t be able to think of any other. What should I check?

  7. dcphill says:

    I can’t vote for any version because I don’t know what I would be voting for. I have yet to see and study an outline of each version and a comparison so that I can make an educated vote.
    I believe our hired reps do not really know what they are voting for also. All I read, hear, and see are snippets of facts expoused by our overwhelmed government representitives.
    I have no idea who’s argument to believe.

  8. Floyd says:

    I have to say that almost any health plan that would cost less to the public overall, would be better. I will guess that none of the plans can deliver this.

  9. Think Outside The Health Care Box says:

    McCain made a good point today, the dems are deceiving the public by stating that the cost will be 1 trillion over ten years. It’s more like over 5 years as the benefits don’t kick in for 5 years. So it’s like the real cost, if it were to start TODAY would be 2 trillion.

    Do you want HIGHER TAXES for the next 5 years getting NOTHING for 5 years?

    The other point made by another republican was that the current deceitful admin will use the 5 years of taxes to manipulate the budget, NONE OF IT WILL BE USED FOR HEALTH CARE.

  10. ECA says:

    If they did this RIGHT..
    Consider that..

    MEDICARE/MEDICAID money would be LESS.
    Employer payments for medical, would be LESS
    MONEY already given for medical coverage would ALL be consolidated into 1 FORM.
    Even the money given to VETS HOSPITALS, would be gathered to 1 FORM, 1 PAYMENT, 1 SYSTEM.
    Into a system that would be CHEAP, even if it was corrupt…
    Compared to a CORRUPT insurance agency, that pays UPPER management $100,000,000 per year, ON TOP of the corruption.

  11. The Warden says:

    What is horribly sad is that this sight has has democrat zombie readers that vote for a bill that they don’t even understand just like the Dem senators that will vote for a bill they don’t understand.

  12. Flip Wilson says:

    Thanks “The Warden” #11 — it’s SITE not SIGHT.

    Thanks for proving you’re a zombie.

    Way to go GOP: Thanks for the gifts you can’t stop giving.

  13. Thomas says:

    Serious fail bobbo. A radio button control implies mutually exclusive choices. Thus, by definition, choosing “Other” means you do not endorse any of the above choices just as “None of the above.” The only difference is that “Other” also gives you a choice of providing more detail (or not if you choose). Having both “Other” and “None of the above” in such a list is nonsensical.

  14. Angry says:

    “What’s your position on health insurance legislation?”

    Missionary, of course HAR!!!!

  15. JoaoPT says:

    The People is entiteled to health care.
    It’s a right.
    As fundamental as Justice or Access to information.
    You wouldn’t be having this discussion if “they” were pushing to privatise courts of Law. Or make TV stations be the sole means of information. Or putting Armed forces, and Police in the hands of private sector. People just wouldn’t take it…

    Oh!… wait… blackwater…Fox News…never mind…
    You’re screwed!

  16. ECA says:

    16, WRONGGGG..

    we are entitled to REASONABLE health care.
    NOT require insurance, and NOT need to sell our HOMES to get health care.
    It shouldnt COST you a years WAGES, to be healthy.

  17. joaoPT says:

    Health care MUST be reasonable.
    There’s a lot of brainwork to do before MRI and CATscan everything up from a bruise or a scratch. This American “throw-bucketloads-o-money” at the problems and hope they solve themselves has no “reasonable” in it.
    Remember: in the most developed, wealthiest, more technological Nation on earth, over 50 million people have NO access to Health Care whatsoever.
    Food for thought.

  18. LibertyLover says:

    #16, You also have a Right to a car, a house, food, children, and any number of things.

    When is the government going to provide those for “free?”

  19. ECA says:

    the problem I see, is a BUNCH of idiots NOT looking at WHO could decide and create a system that WOULD WORK.
    You might as well go next door and ask the 12 year old to fix your car.

    Then comes Confusion with Idiots and assholes, trying to LIE about what IS and ISNT happening and being done.


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