Who’s first to sell their back for advertising space? This month, McDonald’s. Next month, Monsanto. Who needs a DVD player or computer on a plane when you can watch a movie on your arm? For that matter, when will the implantable iPhone tattoo be available?

What other ideas can you come up with?

The title character of Ray Bradbury’s book The Illustrated Man is covered with moving, shifting tattoos. If you look at them, they will tell you a story.

New LED tattoos from the University of Pennsylvania could make the Illustrated Man real (minus the creepy stories, of course). Researchers there are developing silicon-and-silk implantable devices which sit under the skin like a tattoo. Already implanted into mice, these tattoos could carry LEDs, turning your skin into a screen.

The silk substrate onto which the chips are mounted eventually dissolves away inside the body, leaving just the electronics behind. The silicon chips are around the length of a small grain of rice — about 1 millimeter, and just 250 nanometers thick. The sheet of silk will keep them in place, molding to the shape of the skin when saline solution is added.

These displays could be hooked up to any kind of electronic device, also inside the body. Medical uses are being explored, from blood-sugar sensors that show their readouts on the skin itself to neurodevices that tie into the body’s nervous system — hooking chips to particular nerves to control a prosthetic hand, for example.

  1. steve says:

    Looks like a good fucking idea to me

  2. StoopidFlanders says:

    It’s a good enough idea, until the Barack Hussein Obama administration makes it mandatory as part of his Real ID sham. Mark of the beast, coming right up.

  3. Animby says:

    So, who’s going to allow themselves to flayed so these sheets of silk can be implanted? Can you download designs or text?

    Ahh! I got it: Amazon’s mew “Skindle!”

  4. djmullen says:

    That design is black. Those are Darkness Emitting Arsenide Diodes, or DEADs.

  5. Grandpa says:

    This looks stupid enough that it will be very popular. There will be shops put on every mainstreet USA and all our children will want one. I want an anaconda put on my you know what. That way when I am aroused…

  6. Vogie says:

    Oh my goodness! How great would that be!!
    Not only is “the Illustrated man” one of my fav Bradbury novels, but the *actual* application is limitless:
    *Why buy a watch when you can look at either wrist to see what time it is?
    *The underside of your forearms could display readily needed information, like who is calling you (with a bluetooth headset+phone on silent)
    *A My-Beautiful-Mind-esque authenticator
    *Export a twitter sized notepad document directly to your hand, no pen needed
    *The Public speaker’s standby of writing notes in between their fingers (read:on the inside of) could be taken to the next level.
    *portraits on your body move about, Harry-Potter-style
    *Certain functions could only be activated by certain stimuli. The underage Xs on back of hands couldn’t be washed off in the sink, and you could literally tell if your teen got in trouble at school today by looking at their face… These functions would have an intrinsic countdown timer before their removal.
    *the heart that loves mom actually beats
    *the scantily clad silhouette actually gets up and dances every so often
    *the Bad to the bone skull bursts into flame and goes roaring across to the other arm
    The Location-based applications are also breathtaking:
    *I would personally have a compass on my inner arm, a homage’ to the current season of Heroes, but with a practical twist if tied to GPS on your phone or media device.
    *A minimap of your current location, in the style of Gaming HUDs. You are here, there are mailboxes here and here, your friend Dave is that direction, and a starbucks is right in front of you. You have new mail, and are out of ammunition.
    *Tactile feedback could be tied to kinetic information exchange. I shake your hand, and we wirelessly exchange digital business cards, similar to the “bump” iphone application, but without the annoying limitations therein (like the need of an iphone)

  7. Troublemaker says:

    Looks like some unscrupulous company is trying to inflate it’s stock value with imaginary products.

  8. Ah_Yea says:

    A white’s only product. And I mean REALLY white!

  9. JoaoPT says:

    And the FUN of putting yourself into a MRI machine and see all those chips FLY out from your skin and into the tunnel walls.

  10. FRAGaLOT says:

    Yeah like I really wanna spam ads to my sexual partner? Maybe if I were a prostitute in NV.

  11. Uncle Patso says:

    I would definitely NOT want any of those sound effects — creepy!

    # 6 Vogie — very creative!

    The video looked more like the e-paper like that used in the Kindle than LEDs.

    If it does turn out to be LEDs instead, it might be hard to get to sleep with the displays lighting up the bedroom.

    People could actually turn green with envy!

    Might be fun to have an eye staring out of one’s shoulder, just like in the movie “Manster.”

    Just _think_ of the money you’d save on flashlights!

  12. Sam says:

    Did they really need to go with the creepiest video ever? Weird music, model staring blankly into the camera…

  13. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    I moon a lot of people from NYC and Miami taxis. I’d be willing to sell my ass – so to speak.

  14. badcowboy says:

    I want the LED for retinal implants – it would be great to have my eyes glow red when I am mad, blue when I am sad and white when I am in a Bonnie Tyler video.

  15. Bob says:

    Will these tattoos come with the horror movie sound when they move? Will they come with a chick stating at you in a creepy way?


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