WTF??? It is supposedly a plan to end the two-party system. Of course it’s just a way to guarantee his popularity for a couple more years.

– I have begun meeting with some of the best minds in the country that believe in limited government, maximum freedom and the values of our Founders. I am developing a 100 year plan. I know that the bipartisan corruption in Washington that has brought us to this brink and it will not be defeated easily. It will require unconventional thinking and a radical plan to restore our nation to the maximum freedoms we were supposed to have been protecting, using only the battlefield of ideas.

– All of the above will culminate in The Plan, a book that will provide specific policies, principles and, most importantly, action steps that each of us can take to play a role in this Refounding.

– On August 28, 2010, I ask you, your family and neighbors to join me at the feet of Abraham Lincoln on the National Mall for the unveiling of The Plan and the birthday of a new national movement to restore our great country.

  1. Great American says:

    Now that’s change I can believe in!

  2. Floyd says:

    If Glen Beck wrote the plan, we can make a educated guess that someone will get rich (see the reference to corruption above), but it won’t be any of us. I can also guess that implementing the plan will break the Constitution (which Dubya considered “just a piece of paper.”)

  3. JohnS says:

    A true unmitigated whore.

  4. Howard Beale says:

    I Beck is a bad man with no concept how the world really works

    people who are sure they are are right and think they know every thing scare me

    like Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, Bush II, and this Beck joker

    Reagan’s ghost probably wishes he would stop saying his name

  5. jcj7161 says:

    Just show up on August 28, 2010 and then I will tell you the plan…you mindless follow-monkeys….13 year girl screech…ITS GLENN BECk!!!…OMG OMG

  6. Jägermeister says:

    The snow’s still falling inside Glenn Beck’s head…

  7. StoopidFlanders says:

    Video removed by user. Oh well, I can guess as to the contents. I just hope there still is United States by 2010; with the unmitigated destruction Barack Hussien Obama is causing, I’m dubious we’ll make it that long.

  8. Lou says:

    I liked him better when he was a drunk. Because I never herd of him then.

  9. jccalhoun says:

    the values of our Founders.
    So Beck is for slavery, only allowing white landowning men to vote and killing native americans?

  10. bac says:

    Is Glen Beck the new Jim Jones? Are there disclaimers before Beck’s TV show stating that Beck’s opinions are not that of FNC? If there are no disclaimers, why does FNC want to be associated with Beck’s opinions?

  11. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    “I am developing a 100 year plan. I know that the bipartisan corruption in Washington that has brought us to this brink and it will not be defeated easily. It will require unconventional thinking and a radical plan to restore our nation…”

    Why did I think of Hitler and a thousand year Reich when I read the above?

  12. J says:

    +1 for Glenn. We’ll be there 8/28/10!

  13. right says:

    Glen knows that he is a carnival puppet and a stupid asshole, he does not care. I wish that someone would do to him what he wants to happen to many people, that would be a good thing.
    If I saw him walking toward me he would not have a chance to say hello because I’d say hello first.
    It’s amazing someone actually wants to be an ass but Glen Beck and Billo have that unique knack. Idiots.

  14. brm says:


    “only allowing white landowning men to vote”

    Only allowing land owners to vote in some elections makes sense. People paying the taxes might be more likely to elect fiscally responsible representatives.

  15. Great American says:

    #9 So what’s your point?

  16. Troublemaker says:

    Like Lemmings off a cliff…

  17. Great American says:

    #16 That’s a myth my friend…

  18. soundwash says:


    I’ve been saying this for years..

    [end the two party system]

    never listened to this guy, but it’s amazing someone in the mainstream would be allowed to even “suggest”
    such a thing.

    -any system the divides the people
    is by design, meant to fail.

    the “two parties” sold this country out almost immediately after the second party was added.

    Though, imo..we will see the end of the two parties as we know them within 2 to 5 years.

    Lets just hope no one in the MSM (beck included) is put in charge
    of restoring this country to its roots..

    They all [the MSM] sold us out right along with line of thieves running congress.

    Of course, that “we the people” allowed this to continue for over a century, are just as complicit.


  19. Uncle Patso says:

    “On August 28, 2010, I ask you, your family and neighbors to join me at the feet of Abraham Lincoln on the National Mall…”



    jccalhoun, that is the most idiotic statement, the Indians have more land than any one, set aside, soverign, theirs only. If it wasn’t for the white man who were dedicated to democracy, Nazis and the Japs would have come in and completely annihilated the Indians AND taken their land. There would be no Native Americans except in museums. This “woe is the Indians” argument is so lame, ever seen how rich they are with gaming?


    The idiots don’t like things so bright as they sit in darkness.

  21. The DON says:

    I think the missing video can be found here

  22. faxon is an idiot says:

    #17, Not so great ‘merican

    Not when you watch the tea baggers in action.

  23. faxon is an idiot says:

    #20, Beck is an idiot,

    I think your handle explains it all. You’re a ditto head with little comprehension of history or facts.

  24. jccalhoun says:

    If it wasn’t for the white man who were dedicated to democracy, Nazis and the Japs would have come in and completely annihilated the Indians AND taken their land.
    And if it weren’t for the white men dedicated to genocide and colonization the native americans would control all of the land in North America instead of the little crappy areas that we white men gave them.

  25. jccalhoun says:

    Regarding ending the two party system, it will never happen because the Democrats and Republicans have colluded to make it impossible for any one else to be take seriously. They jointly own the presidential debates. They have gotten state election laws passed in several states that make it incredibly hard for any other party to even get on the ticket.

    Sadly, getting rid of the two party system is as unlikely as getting rid of the electoral college.

  26. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    I might believe what he says if he didn’t live in his mother’s basement.
    By the way, what ever happened about that girl he raped?
    He’s not answering my calls. Why would he not talk to me…unless….
    I’m just saying…

  27. wildcatbn says:

    Bottom line the person with the biggest stick gets to keep the land and treasure. Its time to stop saying the man keeps me down and start standing up and swinging back.

    All I got to say about Beck is atleast he is getting off his ass and doing something how about you. Me I have gotten more involved with my local community trying to make a better place for my kids to grow up in.

    Maybe it’s time to stop saying this guy is wrong that guy is wrong and start making the things around you a better place and then work out from there. Even a small rock makes waves in a big lake.

  28. Billy Bob says:

    I’ll take ANY voice for the people over the punditry that keeps advocating taking more and more taxpayer money and funneling to defense contractors, banks, health insurers, etc.

  29. Steve says:

    Beck may be crazy ! But I can’t see where he is wrong about what he says. Truth is that you need to understand at least the basics of Economics and Finance to follow what he is saying. If you can’t balance your check box, than you could never intelligently agree or disagree with the man. If you think the government is going the right way, than your clearly not paying taxes.

  30. Mrs. "Rich" says:

    Glen is not for slavery. He is for free trade which made this country great. If he gets rich, good for him. Rejoice with those who rejoice. We will be weeping with those who weep if our country continues the way it is. Get on board! Remember Communism is BAD BAD BAD! or maybe you don’t remember. Did thy teach us that in school? Read your history! Speak up now or you will forever hold your peace (maybe in a FEMA camp).

    BTW~I am rich because I have nine children. They will be the ones paying for your healthcare. Thank God for children.


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