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This Episode’s Executive Producer: Michael Menzies

  1. charliehorse43 says:

    Your picture is a little on the raciest side.

  2. hareman says:

    #1…must we all have to PC all the time?

  3. Angry says:

    #1 Hey Dood do you mean the photo is racy-ist as in hot and sexy or that it is racist?

    You know what’s racist? People like you who cannot spell. Oops, did I say “you people”?


  4. charliehorse43 says:

    Hay Dood is it dude or maybe its dud, your right I could not spell my way out of a paper bag. I would be less offended if you were actually funny.

  5. Teugif says:

    Listening to the show, Adam Curry keeps flicking that lighter. Is he smoking rock?

  6. TheMAXX says:

    #5, He’s probably just trying to keep warm. Donations have been on the low side lately…

  7. Angry says:

    #4 and you’re a bad joke who plays the race card…pretty lame.

  8. Actually Funny says:

    I am Actually Funny. Go thou and be less offended. For it is written that god hates feet that are in a hurry to run to badness, so grow up and grow a hide, quit being so damn touchy, RESPECT THE DIVERSITY OF OTHERS. And get your estrogen level checked.

  9. deowll says:

    They show a picture of our future and some people start playing the race baiting card.

    Being PC can be so sick.

  10. I just wanted to comment on the nicotine vaccine. I read an article in Discover today that explains where that all started. Tom Kosten of Baylor College of Medicine developed it to help people suffering from Cocaine addiction. It can be called a vaccine because it uses an inactive cholera protein. The protein causes our antibodies to block the attached Cocaine molecule thus preventing the effect of the drug.

  11. Lou says:

    I saw that pic back in 1998.


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