These quotes are from the Telegraph. You can download all the emails on Megaupload or have a glance at them on this forum.
I’ve just completed Mike’s Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (ie from 1981 onwards) amd from 1961 for Keith’s to hide the decline.
The fact is that we can’t account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can’t. The CERES data published in the August BAMS 09 supplement on 2008 shows there should be even more warming: but the data are surely wrong. Our observing system is inadequate.
Next time I see Pat Michaels at a scientific meeting, I’ll be tempted to beat the crap out of him. Very tempted.
Global warming is a hoax, a moneymaking ponzi scheme.
It is only that this science is premature and has been hijacked by politicians that want to mold society and raise taxes.
yes because the deniers of global warming aren’t huge multinational multibillion dollar companies that have vested interests in maintaining the current system or anything… Nope, those oil companies are just honest unbiased seekers of the truth and what is best for society…
For the deniers:
Two words.
Look it up.
dvorak.org/blog – Reinforcing ignorance, one post at a time.
I can’t believe we’re still having this dumb-assed argument. I don’t care what side you’re on, nothing’s going to stop this movement. New green companies are forming left and right, new interesting jobs are being, and will be, created. There’s money to be made and the planet will be better off in the long run. You don’t like it, tough. There’s a lot of crap I don’t like, but until I get a tax form that lets me tell the feds what to spend my money on, I guess I’ll have to suck it up, just like you.
And the global warming worshiper’s response? We know it’s fake, but the ends justify the means!
Global warming is fake?!? Who knew?
Wow, pfkad said it well. The Democrats are in control so you can just “suck it”.
As for all those green jobs and “money to be made”, Spain bit hard on that “global warming” bait. Now they are “sucking it” to the tune of 18.1% unemployment:
The people getting rich are those like Al Gore selling their carbon credits, not those selling actual technological products. Green tech isn’t the predicted profit center that it was thought to be. For the people suckered into adopting immature and farcical green power technologies, it has been a loss leader.
There are no green companies.
It takes more energy to produce and transport food (vegies) than the food contains! Therefore, the production of biofuels is a waste of energy and unsustainable. Look up “energy returned on energy invested.”
There is no carbon sequestration adequate to absorb all the co2 released from burning coal and petroleum. The idea of sequestration is a scam.
Even solar cells reportably require 6 years to return the amount of energy required in their manufacture. I don’t know how long they “last”.
Nuclear power and birthrate reduction are the only pratical ways to clean the air of man made co2. But the Greenies don’t want to hear that while they drive to the Whole Foods in their smug Prius or hybrid Lexus with their 2.5 kids.
I’ll be dead in fifty years, so I don’t care.
H1N1 is going to be catastrophic…. you just wait and see. All the medical experts say so. if you look at a graph of H1N1 from the time of it’s discovery, the death rate has been increasing every month. So far there are 115 deaths in Canada and the flu season is only 1/2 over. Yikes!!!
1) Keep a minimum of 20 feet away from another person at all times.
2) Buy pork credits if you overeat.
3) We should find another source of cheap protein… perhaps from the wind, or convert the sun’s energy
4) Raise the price of pork so that no one can afford it except the rich.
5) H1N1 is extremely dangerous and we’ll all see the truth in 20 years. Call everyone who doesn’t believe the experts on this an idiot. Be as insulting as you can.
6) Despite any conflicting data, the H1N1 discussion is over. Millions will die if the naysayers get their way, and vaccines aren’t forced upon everyone.
7) Only record data that supports your cause. If you find that your data sensors are faulty in your favor… that’s a bonus.
8) If you are Christian, do not believe in pigs. There is only ONE God.
9) If you are atheist do NOT believe in pigs. There is NO god.
and finally…
10) “Man-made” climate changers, and H1N1 crusaders UNITE. That fever is from global warming and that cough is from CO2.
I stopped reading after the fifth paragraph, to wit: “But if genuine,…”
I’m a little skeptical on a global conspiracy of scientists, but it would make a great James Bond movie.
To get informed see,
you don’t even have to know how to read
#6, #8 regarding the Nature trick.
They haven’t described the trick very thoroughly, but at least they aren’t completely lying about it the way Phil Jones did, saying that there was no proxy data so they added the instrument record.
In this case, they added the instrument record, so people wouldn’t see that the proxy values were going down, not up. But it’s not just that. The actual ‘Nature trick’ isn’t to replace the end with the instrument records.
When they draw a curvy line, they are taking running averages, smoothing the curve.
For these proxies, any sort of smoothing would have shown the values dropping at the end. The Nature trick is to take the instrument values at the end, and use those for the averages instead of the actual proxy values. So now the instrument values affect more than the part that they chopped off.
They were busted doing something like this in the Copenhagen report, when they needed to hide the temperature drop of the past few years, which would have made the models look bad.
has a summary of the most damaging e-mails.
Others covering this are climateaudit.org,
noconsensus.wordpress.com, who was the first to break the story.
Of course WattsupWithThat.com is covering it, and is the least likely to have their server crash
RealClimate.org hasn’t been doing much censoring of comments like they usually do.
Michael Mann may have gotten mad at some of his team members. One of the emails just says about him ‘I think I’m going to vomit.’
just read.
Another good summary of e-mails.
Motivated by what, exactly?
Sometimes The Crazy is just fuckin crazy.
“For all of Gore’s later fascination with science and technology, he often struggled academically in those subjects. The political champion of the natural world received that sophomore D in Natural Sciences 6 (Man’s Place in Nature) and then got a C-plus in Natural Sciences 118 his senior year. The self-proclaimed inventor of the Internet avoided all courses in mathematics and logic throughout college, despite his outstanding score on the math portion of the SAT… From ninth grade (called Form III in the Anglophilic St. Albans culture) to his senior year (Form VI), he earned an equal number of C’s and B’s in English, but no A’s. In history during those four years, he also moved between C’s and B’s until his senior year, when he broke through with an A-plus in Sacred Studies, a religious history course. He pulled steady C’s for all three years of high school French. The one course in which he received straight A’s was art, which he took all four years of high school.”
Washington Post – Gore’s Grades Belie Image of Studiousness – Sunday, March 19, 2000; Page A01
What I don’t get is they talk about how the earth’s climate will be destroyed in about 50 years, and they ALSO argue at the very same time that we are running out of resources (fossil fuels that’s polluting everything) in about the same time, or even LESS than 50 years.
So then isn’t the logical conclusion is that this situation fix it self? We will run out of fossil fuels before we ruin the environment… right?
It’s not about mankind destroying the environment, or the earth, it’s just another group of people wanting to replace the old oil industry, so they make money selling “green” products while bad mouthing them as polluters and evil greedy business men.
”Hello Kettle? This is the Pot calling…”
>the global warming deniers are the same as the evolution deniers.
From one of the e-mails complaining about the use of tree-rings to produce temperature records:
But tree physiologists do not generally look at
such issues because they have become progressively more reductionist. Nor do they try to
produce a theory of tree growth based, as it must be, on evolutionary theory.
The truth has gotten completely lost in profiteering based on FUD.
Climate change? Not fake. Man made climate change? Fake. On Al Gore’s level, it’s a money making ponzi scheme. On the government level, its an excuse to take over industry and add taxes. On the personal level, its just an excuse to look down on those who are more successful that you.
Good job again, hippies. Lets see, you made us lose a war, gave us god awful fashion trends, allowed government to expand exponentially, made us productively inferior to the rest of the world, and now you’ve blown trillions of dollars into unproven and inefficient technologies. You could build a successful nation on just what you’ve made us waste. Nice job, hippies!
Until we get someone to actually corroborate these, the point is moot.
Note I am not for mankind causing or solving a climate change.
I personally think that the whole idea that mankind has changed the climate alone is like a modern
re-telling of how we are the center of creation.
Mankind has always tried to make himself seem much bigger than he really is.
In speaking about geothermal energy, Al Gore recently said that the earth’s core is millions of degrees and thus provides energy.
Even a 5th grader knows or could even guess that nothing can reach that temperature anywhere in the entire universe of “millions of degrees”.
His statement shows blatantly his extremely massive store of natural stupidity and hucksterism that is at his core, fueling his massive fraud on the public.
Even the sun itself only reaches a maximum of 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit.
Why it pays to not rush to conclusions.
“Science doesn’t work because we’re all nice,” said Gavin A. Schmidt, a climatologist at NASA whose e-mail exchanges with colleagues over a variety of climate studies were in the cache. “Newton may have been an ass, but the theory of gravity still works.”
So the real revelation of all these emails? Scientists are human, and may not (gasp!) like each other very much. They may actually disagree with each other.
Some smoking gun. More like a cap pistol.
#58 badtimes
Carbon dioxide has nothing to do with pollution (and probably nothing to do with AGW – if it exists).
Once the sun starts to produce the enegry expected for the next solar max, climate change is gonna be painfully real for all of us. WHO THE HELL CARES IF IT’S MAN MADE OR NOT! Titheads arguing this BS are wasting what little time is left to prepare. I’m gonna miss the internet when it’s gone, but I won’t miss reading blog posts from titheads, nay-sayers, smart asses, and dictionary quoters!
Conservatives are anxious to sweep this catastrophic issue under the rug like they do with everything else.
Look under their rug and you’ll find…..
* Sex education discussion with their kids
* Sexual preference (fagot jokes don’t count)
* Lack of sex in household (having Sears bra catalog under bed doesn’t count)
* What condoms or the pill are for
* Mommie’s weight problem
* Junior’s dance classes
* People living under bridge are people too
* Why is there a pope
* Why you can’t ask a question at church
* How the earth can be 4,000 years old
* Who determined America is perfect
* Why you have to vote like mommy and daddy
* Why we have to wear a tie to the supermarket
Are people just ignoring #14. The only rational post so far… IMO.