Video done to support the Household Product Labeling Act. Kinda funny and creepy at the same time.

  1. The Monster's Lawyer says:


  2. Jetfire says:

    So one Company “Method” wants the government to take out their competitors.
    From Method’s website Company Info

    “This is where method comes in – we see a world where toxic chemicals aren’t needed to get your home sparkly clean. Our entire line of home care and personal care products are non-toxic, made with naturally derived, biodegradable ingredients that clean like heck and smell like heaven.”

    Why doesn’t this have a BS meter or something fishy?

  3. Brian says:

    That was the first time I have laughed out loud from an internet post in weeks.

  4. reader1 says:

    This is the funniest thing ever…

    I watched it like 10 times …. hahahha

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    They not only made a titillating, very funny video, they made their point.

    I look forward to a greater public interest.

  6. Mr. Fision says:

    I say let’s get that advertising firm to do some adds about Congress. Maybe THEN people will PAY ATTENTION!

    …Oh wait. I think that’s the job of our so called “news” agencies. Too bad news reporters can’t remember history or get all their facts straight (either).

    Oh well. “Shiny Suds” is still funny even if it is slightly misleading. (Enjoy the brain damage, “happy happy joy joy…”)

  7. Ah_Yea says:

    Now who are they supposed to be marketing this to?

    Twenty-something eco-minded women with a few extra bucks to spend or voyeuristic old pervs?

    If my wife ever saw this commercial, she would NEVER buy their products because it would remind her of peep-show scrubbing bubbles.

    Marketing too clever by half.

  8. chuck says:

    oh, so you’re supposed to spray the shiny suds on the shower walls and tub – i’ve been using it as a body wash. bah, i never read the instructions on the label.

  9. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    I would have pissed them off.

  10. Named says:

    9, Sister Mary

    Uhhh…. standing or sitting?

  11. Named says:

    2 Jetfire,
    “So one Company “Method” wants the government to take out their competitors.”

    Huh? Proper labeling is a Good Thing. Unless you like hidden toxicity in your products. Hell there is a whole generation of women that are called the Mr Bubbles generation… they all suffer chronic urinary tract infections. Look it up.

  12. Captain Har says:

    I laughed my ass off, this made my day.

  13. Bob says:

    Friggin genius. Give these ad people an award!

  14. Bob says:

    @#7: Ummm… What product are you talking about? The commercial is supporting a bill, not a product. You think ShinySuds is real?

  15. chuck says:

    #14 – Shiny Suds is not real. But “Method” is a real company – selling a competing “non-toxic” brand.

    I have no problem with Method advertising their product and selling it by showing the difference between their product and competitors.

    But, they also want the government to pass a law which will affect their competitors. That’s not a “free” market.

  16. Howard Beale says:

    loofah loofah loofah

    i think i went to college with those guys

    this feels more like the work of The Onion

  17. The0ne says:

    copycats, copied the Japanese. Slimes and sex is one of their whacky things.

  18. msbpodcast says:

    It is pretty creepy.

    I loved it.

    Where did the guys get their cinematography training?

    The Alfred Hitchcock Academy? 🙂

    But I get their point.

    My S.O. insists on Chlorox-ing and scrubbing the tub every couple of months.

    No problem, when we can breathe again walking into the bathroom, we presume its clean.

  19. Bob says:

    #15: The ad is by method, but not for their products. If we give Method the benefit of the doubt, then they are simply supporting legislation that agrees with their philosophy of the environment, which is reflected in their products. Of course it could be an evil plot to make their competitors spend trillions of dollars adding a few lines of text to their labels

  20. Bob says:

    #15 – Just more thinking – What if Volvo put seatbelts in cars first, and then supported legislation that all car makers should put them in as well.

  21. Jetfire says:

    #19 From

    “method believes in transparency + provides ingredient disclosure on our labels and online. learn more at”

    So don’t tell me this isn’t an ad for their products.

    Why can’t they stand on their own merits instead of getting the government to do their dirty work.

  22. Excellent and obvious attack on Dow’s scrubbing bubbles. I like it. Yes, it’s creepy. Yes, the chemicals in most of our products are fairly creepy.

    I’ve got an older post on my blog about green(er) products that work, if anyone is interested in having fewer toxins in their daily lives.

    I’ve got a few more I should probably add next time I get a round tuit.

  23. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    I want to be a Shiny Bubble when I grow up.

  24. Mr. Fusion says:

    #23, TML,

    Become a Limbaugh acolyte.

  25. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #24 Mr. Fusebox – Thanks for the word “acolyte”. I had to look it up but I’m glad I did.
    Do Rush Limpdick followers regularly gather in womens showers to watch the er.. show? If so I may have to become a worshiper of the blathering one.

  26. 888 says:

    “loofah loofah!” hahaha 🙂

    What is the point of this Household Product Labeling Act when average Joe have no clue between i.e. monoxide or dioxide LOL

    My supposedly well-educated friend tried to avoid common-knowledge “bad MSG” in the food, checking the ingredients on cans and such.
    Just few months ago I realized she had no clue that monosodium glutamate IS the freaking MSG, hahaha!
    I won’t even mention the idiocy of drinking DIET crap (laced with artificial sweeteners instead of natural sugar)…

    Let’s see who is behind this HPL Act?
    I’m sure there are some pretty good monies to be made from this Act 😀

  27. fluffyhard says:

    Reminds me of fluffy soft. MTV had a crappy
    show called “The State” with one brilliant
    comedy bit.

    I woman is ironing her clothes and talking
    about the wonderfull fluffy-soft product.
    A cute little teddy-bear comes out and
    starts pitching the product.

    She FREAKS and screams pounding the hot iron
    into the bears head.

  28. Grandpa says:

    Chemicals? Boy this girl has a great body.

  29. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    #10 – Kinda bent over and backed up to them.

  30. Ah_Yea says:


    There you go! You got to my point and did it much better.

    Just who is this supposed to influence? Guys? Hell no, we don’t care!

    Women? With a commercial like that??

    So they are trying to sell some labeling act. To who?


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