A midget Southern Hemisphere cyclone is off the coast of Florida, another hurricane is sitting on the equator off the coast of Peru — and the Arctic Ice is gone (perhaps it is summer) and the Florida Peninsula is half gone
With the increasingly discredited notion of man-made global warming crashing and burning on a daily basis, climate alarmists are being forced to accelerate their fearmongering to unprecedented levels. With the evidence failing to match up to the doomsday proclamations, Al Gore has turned to photoshop in order to make a CO2-choked earth look scary enough to sell his cap and trade scam.
The latest example of climate cult fakery comes in the form of the front cover of Al Gore’s new book, Our Choice; A Plan To Solve The Climate Crisis.
Shortly after the devastation of Katrina, Al Gore was busy making a correlation between hurricanes and global warming in an effort to drive home his claim that higher global CO2 emissions cause an increase in extreme weather events. The cover art for Gore’s movie, An Inconvenient Truth, features an image of a hurricane rising out of a smoke stack.
Seemingly underwhelmed that there have been no major hurricanes since Katrina, along with the fact that global hurricane activity is now at a thirty year low, Gore came up with an ingenious method of solving the problem of the lack of scary depictions of frightening hurricanes to display on his book – simply airbrush them in!
And where the heck is Cuba? Read the article… Warning! It’s from Prison Planet, so if that bothers you more than the content of the article, then there is nothing to see here.
Kinda reminiscent of Gore’s shrinking weenie.
And now for some real science (check his CV, one of the most respected scientists with no link to “bad industry” [obviously, no links to the “Church of Rev’ Al” either]):
Looks like crap-n-trade managed to save all the greenies in Commiefornia.
If I look real hard at the original, I think I can see Gore’s gigantic mansion shining bright.
#1 Oh-Yeah – Just how much do you know about Al’s weenie?
Don’t debate the “Gore-acle”… The Gore-acle knows all…. Did’nt you just hear him tell MSNBC that the earth core temp is “millions of degrees” F.?
4. I can not speak for others’ knowledge of Al’s weenie; though, I suspect any of the global warmongers could write you a book on the subject.
Those of us more level-headed thinkers must instead judge him on his actions. In which case, I’d guess he’s at least 2.5 standard deviations smaller than the mean.
Don’t want to spoil the party but isn’t the point of the image to show what North America would look like if sea level rose by some distance? (and sell some books). Wouldn’t be much point showing it the way it looks now.
It’s generally not considered fakery if it’s intended to be illustrative. Otherwise the pictures of Adam and Eve feeding their pet dinosaurs would be fakery too.
It is intended to be illustrative. People read too much into it. Seriously, there’s a few hurricanes on it! Maybe a few more would convince people it’s not really representative of one event >.>
Or that between the two photo’s you see “less” white stuff…which could be you know ICE that has melted and thus the shrinkage in landscape.
Speaking as a Floridian (non-native, but I do live in Central Florida), if the ice caps were to melt, my house would be much closer to, or under, the Atlantic Ocean. I’m about 50 miles inland and we are only about 40 feet above sea level. Additionally, the rising tides would push water upstream into the rivers causing more flooding and the water table would probably rise as well after the rising waters worms its way underground due to the additional hydraulic pressure where land used to be.
8,9. Of course the picture is ‘illustrative’. Illustrative of nonsense. Of course, the damage that Gore’s carbon-tax-scheme would cause is very real. …But because no one is allowed to actually debate global warming, we are reduced to nit-picking photoshopped images.
Perhaps Gore would like to share the raw data he used to create that map. Perhaps not.
“there have been no major hurricanes since Katrina”
what a stupid & incorrect comment.
I have to say.. There’s a part of me that hopes he’s right and all this shit happens…
If the water had risen high enough to Sink cuba..
I would also guess that the central USA would be an island ocean..
Parts of cali would be gone..
And the center of OREGON would be a large LAKE.
Panama?? would be an interesting place also.
11 StoopidFlanders
A science lesson from someone who thinks evolution is hokum. Thanks. Nobody debates climate change because it’s real and documented. I’d listen to an intelligent on wether or not it’s man made, but someone would have to demonstrate how dramatic increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide were not effected average global temperatures.
All the coastal states are smaller..Besides, haven’t you all seen enough Seinfeld episodes to know about beaches and “shrinkage“?
Maybe all the climate change deniers should just move to Florida. They would be closer to their leader, Rush. Let them build a mile-high wall at the border. Then when sea levels rise, and they are all under water, watch them complain that it was some Leeeeebrul plot.
#17: Haven’t you posted that same comment before?
That wasn’t photoshop, it’s the hand of God (see lower left).
17. You sound like one of those people who would scream out against those wishing to build the Mexican border fence. Yet, when a fence seems like a good solution to your issue, shovels ahoy!
Oh, I thought that this was the AT&T / Verizon map thing.
15. Here we see another ‘illustrative’ example of how those of us whom haven’t bought into Gore’s scam are lumped in with creationists. A denier is a denier is a denier …or so you are trying to make people believe. You continue on to suggest that the truth about global warming isn’t scary enough, so Gore is justified in fearmongering it up a notch. Silly, and I see right through you.
17,18. Probably has posted that before. You see, the global warmmonger brain has atrophied to the point where even copy-paste is a serious effort. But hell, with Gore doing the thinking for us, who needs brains?
Lordy, the wingnuts are on a rampage.
If enough evidence builds up against global warming, it’ll be discredited. Countless theories throughout the years have been discredited. So calm down, put on a clean pair of Depends, and let’s see what further research shows, mmmkay?
So, the original premise of this post is busted, and now it’s another global weather debate?
But because no one is allowed to actually debate global warming,
You are allowed to debate it all you want just like you can debate whether or not the earth is the center of the universe or not. Just don’t expect anyone to take you seriously if you do debate either of them.
Please stop spreading Gore’s preachings (even though you make fun of it; for propaganda to spread it doesn’t matter if your posts are for or against it, as last as you repeat it – it’s all good!).
Florida gone? Bring it on Al Gore!
This entire global warming thing is all just bullcrap to make us buy stuff.
Awh, come on guys… It was cold down there, and we’re all prone to a little “retraction” in cold weather…
“You know” maybe I’m drinking too much in the afternoons these days, “but” what the frick is the issue here? If you want to show what the Earth might look like with a few meters of ocean rise, yes, you use Photoshop to accomplish that.
Its actually sad people can be sidetracked so easily. As In: whether or not AGW (as in Anthropomorphic not Average) is real is IRRELEVANT to whether or not Crap and Trade ((Excellent Word Play!!)) is good policy or not.
I think I’ll have another beer.
#22 I think I’m with stoopid… he he
And you guys must not have gotten the memo to quit calling it global warming.
Someone please provide the proof that co2 is the cause.