This was a captured tease run by WNBC in NYC. In it they use the book cover Going Rouge — An American Nightmare. Apparently the staff switched the graphic at the end of the tease. Nobody in NY seemed to notice.

Caught by Ben Gottesman for Dvorak Uncensored.

  1. Smythe says:

    #30 A pile of warm dog shit is more qualified than Barack Osama Been Lyin

  2. eaglescout1998 says:


    The Republicans lost seats in ’06 and ’08 because they became watered-down versions of Democrats. There are too many RINOs within the Republican Party and they are ruining the Republican brand. Conservative ideals only work when they are actually applied. RINOs habitually provide lip service to lower taxes and smaller government. In practice, however, they support raising taxes and expanding government.


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