This was a captured tease run by WNBC in NYC. In it they use the book cover Going Rouge — An American Nightmare. Apparently the staff switched the graphic at the end of the tease. Nobody in NY seemed to notice.

Caught by Ben Gottesman for Dvorak Uncensored.

  1. fATTY says:

    Well, that’s professional.

  2. brm says:

    The media hates this woman so much. She’s definitely an easy target, but cripes, 11 AP fact checkers on this book?

    Why don’t these assholes put this kind of effort into, oh, I don’t know, asking the people who actually won the election and are running the country what they’re up to?

  3. RobG says:

    If they can afford to put eleven fact-checkers on her book (which, BTW, they found a total of six errors, and they were MINOR), why not put them on the job of fact-checking Obama’s books too? Can you say BIAS?

  4. robin1943 says:

    This is what American journalism has come to. Shame, shame, shame.

  5. Mr_Mcfly says:

    I had a friend who swore Bret Baier’s show on fox news last week made the same mistake.

  6. Dallas says:

    What’s this about Palin rouged her pants? Has that woman no decency?

  7. The0ne says:

    Palin again, hot pics please!! 😀 And no I don’t get tire of this ><!

    #4 Slow news day?

  8. Here you go Theone:

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    Ha ha ha ha, damn the wing nuts are funny.

    Here are some samples of Palin’s known “errors”

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    #8, John,

    That would be a better picture if Palin shaved her legs first.

  11. Tom Woolf says:

    That’s wrong… that’s just wrong…

    If it is wrong for Faux News to label a disgraced Republican as a Democrat (as in “D-NJ” instead of the correct “R-NJ”), then this is wrong, and the person who did it should face the consequences….

    That didn’t keep me from laughing my arse off, though.

  12. TwoToTheHead says:

    Not a mistake, just more of the same shit coming from the same people.

  13. notbubbajones says:

    I think they should do this to every Republican wingnut and every conservative talkshow host. A few weeks of realizing that Republicans really are all evil liars who want you dead and/or poor, and people might begin to wake up.

    The crime is that this didn’t happen to the stupid cunt before she oozed into the national spotlight trailing her drooling brood of short-bus windowlickers.

  14. Zybch says:

    Damnit notbubbajones, I was gonna use the ‘c’ word but you beat me to it.
    If ever there was someone that deserved that title it is Palin.

  15. notbubbajones says:

    I was trying to work “whore” into that, but couldn’t find the right spot…every place I wanted to use “whore” I also wanted to use “trailer-trash tramp”. So I settled on “cunt” as a compromise.

    She’s just so incredibly stupid I have no idea how her husband ever let her go into politics. I mean really, who actually did the planning and wrote her speeches? And more importantly, who voted for this idiot bitch? Did she earn each vote on her knees? It seems to be the only talent she has.

  16. Buzz says:

    Why did the chick cross the rogue?

    And when did rogue stop meaning “a dishonest and unprincipled (person)?”

  17. clancys_daddy says:

    The term rogue has multiple connotations I prefer the mischievous person one.

  18. brm says:

    #15 notbubbajones:


    I keep forgetting. Are the Dems the feminism party or not?

  19. notbubbajones says:

    Hopefully this treatment will teach the Repugs to keep their sub-moronic big-haired plastic Stepford skanks at home from now on.

    It’s good to see the media acting like they should….the immune system of society. I’m beginning to feel like we might get somewhere if we can just keep the wingnuts and their harmful views confined to FOX….and maybe shut down entirely, if the FCC and FEC ever do their jobs and enforce the campaign finance laws.

  20. brm says:


    “I’m beginning to feel like we might get somewhere if we can just keep the wingnuts and their harmful views confined to FOX”

    You mean the network with the largest audience?

  21. notbubbajones says:

    They are just fooling the largest number of people; that doesn’t make them right or healthy for society. Virtually everything they say is a lie that fits into the worldview of uneducated idiots. FOX is the Cheeto of news reporting, easy but terribly unhealthy to consume. Get it shut down (since it really is just a wing of the Republican party) and people will hear a more balanced view from the other networks.

    Some commonsense limits on “free speech” are occasionally required to save the country in the long run.

  22. notbubbajones says:

    –I keep forgetting. Are the Dems the feminism party or not?–

    So Sarah Palin is a big feminist? Anti-choice, Christianist, pro-Republican (the ultimate old boys club), doing her best to keep uninsured women uninsured…is that feminist? I think not. She will get the respect due a woman when she acts like a real woman and not an Auntie Tom, betraying other women.

    Funny how racist and sexist remarks (and actions!) from Republicans don’t register with you, but a bit of name calling at a brainless mouthbreathing bimbo bothers you.

  23. Greg Allen says:

    >> brm said, on November 18th, 2009 at 8:51 am
    >> Why don’t these assholes put this kind of effort into, oh, I don’t know, asking the people who actually won the election

    You think the media should spend time investigation idiot claims, spewed by bigots?

  24. deowll says:

    I go with #2.

    These people hate her so bad they come across like the KKK.

  25. eaglescout1998 says:

    I would like to see Sarah Palin get elected POTUS for no other reason than it would completely destroy “Juan” McCain’s ego. This arrogant jackass refuses to acknowledge that the reason many conservatives chose not to stay home on election day was because of Sarah Palin.

    Ask any conservative — and by conservative, I mean a REAL conservative and not one of these fraudulent “house conservatives” that spew their rhetoric on the Sunday morning shows — who they voted for. Most, if not all, will say they voted for Sarah Palin.

    I respect McCain’s service to this country. But beyond that, I don’t have much use for him.

  26. Angry says:

    I love how she drives some people CRAZY (you know who your are libtards!). Some of you need to go back to your meds. HAR!

  27. Angry says:

    Hey “notbabbajones”,

    You get privileges to use the prison computer lab and you post sputum like this. It’s nice to know that incarceration (I mean restorative justice) is helping you become a better troll (oops, I mean person HAR!).

  28. Crankblock says:

    All of this stuff just keeps bringing unlimited amounts of attention to the best thing that has happened in media for years, where a person’s name, face, style, personality, is interesting and totally unforgettable. Even the parodies are doing her good, from SNL to Newsweek, to David Letterman, to this confusing book cover Going Baroque.

  29. not a pansy eaglescout idiot says:

    #25, eaglescout,

    One reason the Republicans lost so many seats in ’08 was because Palin frightened voters. Look for more of the same in ’10. Palin and her birther movement that wants America to fail are alienating too many moderates.

    Only a “real conservative” proudly includes members of the KKK, John Birch Society, Milton Friedman Club for Economic Depressions, Fox News, and the Rush Limbaugh Fan Club. Normal people don’t.

  30. Rathole says:

    Sarah Palin is one of the dumbest people alive. Go ahead, vote for her, support her, show the world just how stupid you all are. Fucking irrational Republican bullshit. “Anything but a Democrat! Nyaaaargh!” At this point I’m convinced you guys would vote for a warm pile of dogshit if you put it on the ticket against a blue.


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