Here is the latest conversation I had with money manager Andrew Horowitz…. new insights for anyone who invests in anything. This week we highlight a discussion about specific stocks to examine. Plus: Will the Obama double dip happen?

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  1. Niyoko says:

    I love the Loch ness monster roller coaster!! Bush Gardens in Williamsburg, VA has a lot of great rides. I just hope they never stop the Big Bad Wolf.

  2. Postman says:

    Um the Obama double dip has already started. Look at transportation, there was crazy transportation activity last summer, but it is heading back
    towards nil again.

    Plus business credit is in even worse shape now than it was last fall. Which was really amazingly bad last year.

    Economy is deep in throws of deflation now. People are now accepting things like… Home prices never coming back, expect a new wave of underwater loan defaults.

    There is no reason to be optimistic at all…

  3. Dallas says:

    I predict a hurricane will eventually hit the US Coast.

  4. nathaniel says:

    Interesting comments about gold. I looked at gold’s correlation with the S&P 500 for different time periods (using, and the one month correlation is 0.62, compared with 0.06 for the last five years. Normally gold is an independent asset, but now it’s trading like an equity.

  5. 888 says:

    The market should have tanked already in 1970 when gold paritet was removed (I just read some old mags and papers on the subject). It didn’t.

    It supposed to tank many times since then.
    It still didn’t.

    Sure one day it will.
    But when it it will, it’s not like we “loose everything”.
    Simply all your artificial “digital monies” in the digital banks will be reduced to zero, that’s all.
    Those of us who have any properties, gold, any commodities – we will loose NOTHING.

    And if any of you will pity any “millionares” that their “wealth” (the multiple digit numbers on their accounts) will disappear – get over it.
    If you are millionare today and all your wealth are just 7 or more digit numbers on your account – you deserve to loose it. This “money” is not yours anyway. You gave it to the bank and it is bank’s, not yours. Apparently you didn’t need it if you decided to keep it in the bank/stock/whatever other virtual “deposit equivalents”.

    Dvorak, Horowitz: quit saying “the sky is falling”. It’s boring already.
    Ask Horowitz next time how to *wisely invest* one’s wealth – and do so without making banks rich instead of yourself.
    I wonder will he answer it honestly? 😉

  6. jbella says:

    Is it me, or does that saying that even a broken clock is right twice a day describe Horowitz perfectly.

    Of course he’ll eventually be right.. and he’ll never let us forget it when it happens.

  7. billabong3453 says:

    I can’t get this F@###$G thing to play.

  8. deowll says:

    #6 The guy is making money for his clients which is about the only thing that matters for an investor.

    #5 You plan to conduct business by barter? Did you ever hear of the concept of legal tender?

    #7 If you can’t download and get an MP3 file to play you have serious problems.

    This country is running on borrowed money the problem is that the credit supply is running out and foreign countries are starting to look sideways at the funny money the Americans are using.

    I figure either the Health Care package or Cap and Trade alone are enough to break the camel’s back if passed in total.

    When that hits home we aren’t going to have to worry about carbon credits to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions because we are going to be riding bikes to work if we can peddle that far and still have a job.

    By the way, as far as I’m concerned, no debtor nation is a super power. China owns our bleeps and we have to toe the line or they will cut off the money. You can’t be a real super power and a beggar nation at the same time.

  9. Rick Cain says:

    When markets tank they tank fast. Remember the last one happened so quickly people barely realized what was going on. Just days before everything seemed peachy.


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