Morning Bell: The Fake Jobs of Obama’s Failed Stimulus » The Foundry — Fake jobs, fake districts. The work of fake experts.

Forget everything bad you’ve ever heard about President Barack Obama’s $787 billion economic stimulus. Combing through the data on the $18 million website, you’ll find tons of Obama stimulus success stories from across the country. In Minnesota’s 57th Congressional District, 35 jobs have been saved or created using $404,340 in stimulus funds. In New Mexico’s 22nd Congressional District, 25 jobs have been saved or created using $61,000 in stimulus cash. And in Arizona’s fighting 15th Congressional District, 30 jobs have been saved or created with just $761,420 in federal stimulus spending.

The it-would-be-funny-if-it-weren’t-our-tax-dollars-at-stake punch line here is that none of the above Congressional Districts actually exist. Yet those jobs “created or saved” claims still sit on the Obama administration’s official “transparency and accountability” website As the Washington Examiner’s David Freddoso points out, it would have been nearly costless for the site designers to limit the input fields so that non-existent Congressional Districts never made it into the public domain, but for whatever reason the Obama administration chose otherwise. Defending the fake data on his website, Communications Director Ed Pound told ABC News: “We report what the recipients submit to us.

  1. Phydeau says:

    Let’s see, they were given fake data and now they’re being held accountable. By the same people who didn’t hold Cheney and crew accountable for all the bogus data manufactured to justify their bogus wars.

    Obama may deserve criticism for this, but those hypocrites aren’t the ones to do it.

  2. Romulus says:

    As Max Keiser has said, it would have been $11 trillion to pay off every single mortgage in America, yet Obama’s people insist on giving $23 trillion to bankers and other fiends. Obama’s presidency represents the most powerful criminal syndicate in the world today.

    On a different subject:
    Hey John, when is PC Mag going to review the new Lenovo U550? Looks to be stunning!

  3. Improbus says:

    News flash … politicians lie. I don’t even bother listening to them anymore. I just assume that no matter what happens I am going to be fucked. If I am lucky they might use lubricant.

  4. Phydeau says:

    #2 And we’re lucky that the Republican didn’t get elected, because they’re even more in the pocket of the banks.

    Let’s take our good news where we can get it. 🙂

  5. Ralph, the Bus Driver says:

    #2, Romulus,

    yet Obama’s people insist on giving $23 trillion to bankers and other fiends.

    Where were you when Bush and Hyde made sure their friends got over $183.5 Trillion? I didn’t see you whining then.

    And can anyone really trust the Heritage Foundation? Come on, they are Tea Baggers just out to destroy America so their guys can win what’s left.

  6. Romulus says:


    Obama is Bush II, but 10 times worse.

  7. Lenovo says:

    Hey John, when is PC Mag going to review the new Lenovo U550? Looks to be stunning!

    They are crap. All Lenovos are crap. And I bet you bought one.

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

    oh geese, the guy bought a Lenvono,

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

    and now he wants someone else to review it so he can massage his own ego.

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

    Do yourself a favor and return it. Buy something a little more robust and useful like a Compaq or eMachine.

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

  8. SparkyOne says:

    It is all bull crap. Just like shovel ready projects.

    This plus the media lying to the public constantly, taking their text straight from politicians.

    This government is good for one thing only. Eating the middle class and shitting out poor Americans.

  9. McCullough says:

    Left vs. Right….meh.

  10. PaulTT says:

    10.2 percent unemployment and rising after spending TRILLIONS or should I say WASTING!

    Great our ONE TERM President is bringing change and he WILL see change in 2012!

    I bet some of you secretly wish Bush was President now! HAHA. Bush sucked, but Obamanation is far worse. Have any change left?

  11. Ralph, the Bus Driver says:

    #6, Romulus,

    You invent a bullshit number and claim and then suggest Obama is 10X worse than Bush, the worse President in modern history.

    Nope, you had very little credibility with your first post. You have none now.

    You quote Max Keiser to make your case. In case you were unaware, Keiser was part of the cabal that caused the crash of 2008. Now you want to use him as a reference? This is the guy that broadcasts for Al Jazeera saying “Hank Paulson stinks” over and over as his part of an intelligent conversation.

    Fucking idiots just keep coming.

  12. The0ne says:

    Don’t think anyone here could have said it better 🙂 Thanks.

  13. Ralph, the Bus Driver says:

    Ask yourself why you have to read this stuff on a blog

    My guess would be that real news outlets don’t publish garbage. Well FAUX News does, but they aren’t a real news outlet.

  14. bill says:

    It’s only money and ‘funny money’ at that…
    Print some more!

    Get over it.

  15. MikeN says:

    Maybe these are just state legislative districts.
    Or maybe this is made up districts, to cover up the fraud by the people who got the money.

  16. Bazz says:

    There are is an amazing number of Obama apologists on this site.

  17. LotsaLuck says:

    Of the 57 states Obama stated he had visited, I only see info about 50 of them. What about East Carolina, West Dakota, and the rest?

  18. Bazz says:

    I like how the Obama apologists keep blaming things on the guy that’s out of office. You’re running out of excuses guys – better go drink more Kool-aid.

  19. StoopidFlanders says:

    16. ‘Making up districts’ to cover fraud. I don’t remember the corrupt Bush administration ever being corrupt enough to do that. Change indeed.

  20. Guyver says:

    How about the stimulus package helping to create jobs in China?:

  21. pfkad says:

    I just got a letter from my credit card company the one that already got 300 billion from the taxpayers) telling me they were upping their rate from an already onerous 19.99% to a ridiculous 23.99% at a MINIMUM! I’ve been dumping my credit cards anyway, so this one is next. So we bailed out the banks and they turn around and screw us. What’s this thing about trickle down again?

  22. brm says:

    The real crime is that an $18 million piece of software can’t error check out-of-bounds district numbers.

  23. DFC says:

    @Ralph what is stuck up yours? The quote made about Max Keiser by Romulus just goes to show the absurdity of the bailouts – the fact that they could have paid all the mortgages and have 50% left over. It has nothing to do with Max Keiser as a person or his political opinions two years ago… it is an important point he made, which stands by itself.

    I also agree with Romulus, I don’t see any improvement with Obama other than really well tele-prompt speeches. You certainly need to learn what exaggeration is when someone says 10 times worse. Certainly bashing on Romulus with a hoard of insults make you look far less credible.

    We still have the patriot act, still have the wars.. universal health care went down the drain, turned into a health care insurance scheme instead. Neither of the two have been any good, but at least Obama has a few more years to prove himself. It will be an interesting three more years.

  24. Dallas says:

    What is the Republican complaint of today? The website is not up to speed? Is Obama’s haircut too short?

    Isn’t there anything on Fox Snooze today to be angry about?

  25. FirstTimeCaller says:

    This never would have happened under Bush… ’cause he never would have authorized such a website in the first place. It’s not a mistake if nobody sees it, right.

  26. sargasso says:

    Phoney money buys fake jobs. It almost makes sense.

  27. Dallas says:

    Other unbiased articles from the Heritage Foundation: ” With Pelosicare DOA, Can Reid Rescue Obamacare in Senate?”

    Always inspect the source. That’s all I needed to see to file this under “more shit from the right”

  28. smittybc says:

    Of course this whole stimulus stuff would have worked out were it not for Bush and the evil Cheney. Let’s just say it was THEIR idea and then everything will go back to normal and “THE ONE” can continue on with his work on making the ocean levels cede. After all he really is bigger than the office he holds anyway, we all know that.

    For the poor tax payer that doesn’t quite see the magic and the power of “THE ONE” I guess they get this:

  29. Animby says:

    The most amazing thing is, it took only one comment to turn this massive fail into a diatribe against the previous administration.

    Hey, #8 – I love my Lenovo. I loved my IBMs before it. The one sitting on my desk right now has been running 18 hours a day (or more) for over three years. I suppose your Dell is superior?

  30. nathaniel says:

    People just entered state districts by mistake. Minnesota has 8 congressional and 67 state districts. I checked, and the money allocated to districts 1-8 is over 99.5% of the total; the higher number districts are obviously just random errors.


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