Tea partiers punk’d into supporting removal of white people from US – The Raw Story — Ahem. To be fair this could happen at any rally … maybe … bwahahahahaha! Haven’t laughed this hard since Clayton Bigsby.

Ok. It appears that this video and The Raw Story article are a tad manipulative and that the baggers may have caught on before the end. Clearly they have a semblance of intelligence. Still pretty funny as a prank, even if the speakers argument is undercooked.

A speaker at an anti-immigration rally in Minneapolis this past weekend got the crowd to support more than just the deportation of all illegal immigrants — he got them cheering for the eviction of all European-descended immigrants to America who “stole this land through genocide and ethnic cleansing.”
“In Minneapolis where I’m from, we have a huge immigrant population that has been causing a number of problems,” Erickson began. “With the economy in recession and so many people laid off and unable to find work, immigrants should not be competing for the few jobs that are open. It’s just not fair to the folks who have a claim to this country and have a right to be here.”
“Let’s send these European immigrants back where they came from,” he said to wild cheers. “We need to send every one of them back home. … They stole this land through genocide and ethnic cleansing.”
“Erickson” walked off the stage leading the crowd in a loud chant of “Columbus go home! Columbus go home!”

  1. yoiksandaway says:

    The average TeaBagger is a stupid racist hick who has no clue what the real issues are. This is why the bills need to be forced through however they have to do it…the yokels will have to be forced to do what’s good for them.

    Democracy only works when the population is smart and well-informed, but the average American is a dolt. In this situation, I have no problem at all with making an end-run around the official procedures…it’s the only way to get anything done.

  2. Brittancus says:

    Bloggers nationwide brought to the public attention the need to stop the infiltration of illegal immigrants in the workplace. Now the voice of –THE PEOPLE–are demanding sealing the borders tight and that every corrupt politician catering to corporate welfare–MUST GO, Starting with Sen.Harry Reid (D-NV) Special attention should be drawn to incorrigible governors, lawmakers, mayors judges and elected officials who have ordained policies of SANCTUARY STATES.

    Hopefully E-Verify will become a nationwide vetting system to remove illegal workers from your office or from your factory? It has shown its efficiency, because the open border organizations have moved heaven and earth to smash it? Now it is firmly entrenched in every American workers mind, that it can save their jobs. Even Sen.Harry Reid, who tried to table E-Verify failed miserably and now, is funded for another 3 years. This gives reputable politicians time to make E-Verification mandatory as it’s been evaluated as a good immigration enforcement instrument and it could be introduced for other purposes. As a national legal people’s identifier and combined with other data bases, it usages could be essential to recognize fraudulent drivers license, auto registration. Child support, health care and many other verifications of individual who think they are safe from government. But its main restrictions will to terminate foreign nationals appropriating US workers jobs.

    In the future this data base could be established at airport terminals for departures and arrivals. It will be an ongoing fight against the opponents such as US chamber of Commerce, ACLU, Council of Foreign Relations, business organizations, agriculture and other groups. It is certain to be a bargaining chip in shoving through another Comprehensive Immigration Reform package, that will devastate America. An overflow of poor, uneducated humanity, looking for free health care will start pouring into our nation. Around the world rumors are already flying that if you slip across the sieve of a border, you can get work as low income and get all your taxes back by lying on the tax form. Tax credits for non-existent supported children is an industry, that costs the US taxpayer billions a year. If Napolitano thinks that –ALL–Democrats will accept another trillion dollar budget deficit, cause by a new BLANKET AMNESTY.

    That bridge is still available in Brooklyn..? Very few Republicans will accept another AMNESTY? Not too much chance from Independents. Nor will legal immigrants or ethnic Americans who were born here, fought in four wars. Even people from South of the border are very reticent of allowing more people in, when there is 15 million unemployed. It means millions of low skilled workers would feel the crunch first, as already illegal immigrants who take their wages under the table, especially in Sanctuary States and undermine US labor?

    I know quite a few Democrats who signed onto the Obama Presidency that will fight against any travesty called Comprehensive Immigration Reform? The one in 1986 was a complete disaster and unable to handle the sudden in surge of millions of more destitute people, thinking they were going to collect welfare? Our country is overrun with every conceivable crime, that includes murder, child and female violation, document fraud, transporting of illegal aliens, welfare fraud, house invasion, burglary, robbery, spousal abuse, gangs and other heinous activities The biggest scourge is drunken driving, which is killing and maiming citizens and residents on the highways and streets in rampant numbers. Go to THE DARK SIDE OF ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION site for statistics. The doors to America are wide open, but nobody in their right mind is going to accept the first surge of 2-3 million coming from the South when they hear Lady Napolitano proclaiming a new AMNESTY? Those who believe in America’s survival, without OVERPOPULATION as stated by the US Census bureau better read facts, not the lies at NUMBERSUSA. Those who want details of corruption in WASHINGTON and state government go to JUDICIAL WATCH. Overpopulation, traffic hell should go to CAPSWEB. Other sites of interest on Immigration enforcement is ALIPAC and AMERICAN PATROL. We the people have the ultimate power to throw out anti-sovereignty incumbent politicians. Call and command these do-nothings to–STOP–this facade at 202-224-3121.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Brittancus CHILL OUT! I’m not going to read your ramblings.

    Anyway, let’s start with this guy. Dude! Start swimming! If you make it, I’ll follow.

  4. Mr. Fusion says:

    #30, Stooopid,

    Freedom for gays to wed: okay. Freedom to shoot poison into your veins: okay. Freedom to kill unborn babies: okay. ….but somehow the freedom to keep the money that I earn is not on your list. Why is that?

    Currently, most States deny gays the right to wed. It is illegal to inject most poisons into your veins. A baby doesn’t become a baby until that first breath. Right or wrong, these *freedoms* are regulated for the good of society by our democratic methods. When something is wrong I, as will most people, will try to correct it.

    Stealing “the fruits of your labor”? Call the police. Don’t pay your share of running the country? Society will call the police.

    Obviously your selfish mind can not comprehend that society runs best as a unit. A unit means we all contribute to that society, whether it is maintaining the streets or military protection. Regularly we elect representatives in fair elections to make our society work. Those who either refuse to participate in the election process or refuse to accept the results of that process do not have the right to complain.

    If you don’t wish to be a part of our society, then you have the *freedom* to find somewhere else to live. I understand Haiti and Honduras follow your ideals much more so than does America.

  5. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #30 Stoopid – “….but somehow the freedom to keep the money that I earn is not on your list. Why is that?”
    Let me check my list:
    1 doz eggs
    1 gal milk
    Fruity Pebbles

    Nope not on the list. I’ll add it but it will cost you.

  6. 888 says:

    Apparently none of them was an American Indian there.
    So… why they don’t give examples and “sent” themselves back to Europe already?

    Talk is cheap, as always.


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