Tea partiers punk’d into supporting removal of white people from US – The Raw Story — Ahem. To be fair this could happen at any rally … maybe … bwahahahahaha! Haven’t laughed this hard since Clayton Bigsby.

Ok. It appears that this video and The Raw Story article are a tad manipulative and that the baggers may have caught on before the end. Clearly they have a semblance of intelligence. Still pretty funny as a prank, even if the speakers argument is undercooked.

A speaker at an anti-immigration rally in Minneapolis this past weekend got the crowd to support more than just the deportation of all illegal immigrants — he got them cheering for the eviction of all European-descended immigrants to America who “stole this land through genocide and ethnic cleansing.”
“In Minneapolis where I’m from, we have a huge immigrant population that has been causing a number of problems,” Erickson began. “With the economy in recession and so many people laid off and unable to find work, immigrants should not be competing for the few jobs that are open. It’s just not fair to the folks who have a claim to this country and have a right to be here.”
“Let’s send these European immigrants back where they came from,” he said to wild cheers. “We need to send every one of them back home. … They stole this land through genocide and ethnic cleansing.”
“Erickson” walked off the stage leading the crowd in a loud chant of “Columbus go home! Columbus go home!”

  1. Ah_Yea says:


    “That idea brought 40 anti-immigration protesters to Saturday’s protest, as well as 30 pro-immigration reform counter-protesters”

    Ok, were the “40 anti-immigration protesters” the teabaggers?

    Or the “30 pro-immigration reform counter-protesters”?

    And which group was doing the chant, the anti-immigration or pro-reform?

    What is a “pro-immigration reform counter-protester” anyhow?

    And how do we know ANY of them were teabaggers? Do teabaggers have a stamp on their hand or carry an official card?

  2. sam says:

    So whites are stealing jobs from Indians? Have you noticed how altruistic whites can be from the right or “wrong” propaganda? Do you remember dances with wolves with Kevin Costner? I heard a Whiteman say the Indians should have killed every white they saw, after watching Dances with wolves. Have you heard of the kennewick man? Our race was here before the asiatics, they genocided us. Estimated Indian population was 2-4 million where 300 million now live! Remember no tractors, combines, diesel fuel 200 years ago!

  3. bobbo, mental health often is a conscious choice says:

    The audio is a bit hard to hear “but” it shouldn’t matter where ILLEGAL immigrants come from. They ARE illegal and should be deported, Europeans as well.

    Now, if this goes to the argument that the initial wave of Europeans took land and jobs from Native Americans==thats just stupid. There were no laws making anything illegal. A type of war. War without rules. Thats why war is hell.

    Legal-Illegal. Smart-Dumb. I just saw on TV a most excellent show. We can now all get a Harvard Education for free. Excellent shows streaming here:

    Almost wipes out the sins and excesses of the internet.

  4. phishphiend says:

    “I am so smart,I am so smart,S-M-A-T, I mean S-M-A-R-T” Homer Simpson

  5. Cursor_ says:

    Seeing how the evidence is showing everyone in the Americas was an immigrant I find it hilarious that ANYONE here should scream about immigrants.


  6. bobbo, mental health often is a conscious choice says:

    #5–Cursor==big difference between legal and illegal immigration. If you want to say laws against immigration are immoral, that is one tact. What you are then saying is that society/the democratic majority will has no value. Most people will disagree with you.

    And if immigration laws fall, then by the same logic, so would all other laws. Arguing anarchy is a fool’s errand.


  7. Oh Boy says:

    This just proves that pro-immigrant partisans are racist against Europeans. So how is that an intelligent position? It’s not. Mexicans are the predominant immigrant population, not Indians, and they belong in Mexico.

  8. PC_Porkchop says:

    “All the problems we face in the United States today can be traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of the American Indian. ”
    Pat Paulsen

  9. Dallas says:

    When the conservative sheep herd there’s no telling how they behave.

    We need to get the Tea party sheep to congregate near a cliff and then yell “Boo”.

  10. Washington says:

    #9 Dallas passively advocates the killing of anyone not like him.

  11. Mojo Yugen says:

    I think that most of the people chanting/cheering were probably there with him. Most of the people seem to be ignoring him.

    Next time they need to get a Native American to deliver the speech.

  12. T. Swift says:

    Again…live in a state with lots of indian reservations…. have your car stolen by an indian and then the cop will tell you if it’s on the res. there is nothing he can do. Have your child hit by a drunk indian who then flees to the res. As long as the child lives and the indian stays on the res. …they are safe and untouchable.
    I say parade the indian out on the public forum and we can see just how great the future looks….(but hide your liquor)

    All are true stories…and I have more…

  13. Chocholohotae says:

    The term “teabaggers” is what’s really stupid. What party came up with that?? Here you have someone who’s against something that’s ILLEGAL and the stupid definition party goes after HIM instead of the ILLEGALS. How dumb is that.

  14. AdmFubar says:

    look like some college kids got the better of the tea baggers as they overran their little gathering, and now has the teabaggers looking like the fools they are..

  15. bobbo, mental health often is a conscious choice says:

    #12–Choc==TEAbaggers named themselves.

    Actually, in a cultural vacuum, its a good idea:

    T – axed
    E – nough
    A – lready

    and then tie in with notions of “freedom” with the Boston Tea Party. But culture is not static and what with the conservatives thinking dancing is sinful and the libs into all kinds of kinky things, TEABAGGERS was just too close a fit.

    Very similar to your products name being “Shit” in some foreign language. Learn you market, even your own.

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    I just love the way all the right wing nuts come along stammering their denials. They just don’t realize how idiotic they look.

    Oh, the estimate from a highly recognized University, whose name escapes me at the moment, was in the neighborhood of 1,500,000. Here is a picture, as seen on national TV.

  17. Ah_Yea says:

    Mojo Yugen nailed it.

    Obviously Erickson brought people to film his speech (after all, who is holding the camera?)

    Apparently he brought his own cheering section as well to create a completely fabricated hit piece.

    A fabrication designed to ensnare the weak minded, those unable to see beyond their own little world.

    Like some of the posters above.

  18. Jared says:

    The Man Show got women to sign a petition to End Women’s Suffrage. Average intelligence is average. I am sure a prank like this could be ran on Obama voters, oh wait…it was.

  19. Robert Erickson says:

    We just published a new video of Robert Erickson and the whole scene @ Twin Cities IMC – check it out:


    It shows the priceless crowd reaction to Robert’s speech and weird weird interactions w/ Ruthie, Sue and the other teabaggers. Columbus go home!

  20. Glass Half Full says:

    The tea-baggers are just simple uneducated angry folks who don’t like it/them. What “it” or “them” is doesn’t matter. They’re just upset with their spouses, angry with their co-workers, or whatever, and projecting their problems onto blacks, gays, Jews, gypsies, Irish, Catholics, Mexicans, asians, women voting, the ‘govment’ in general or whatever is the group to blame this week for attacking the ‘real American’ way of life.

    It doesn’t matter that they’re wrong every single time. Each time they rally up and blame “them” for all our problems, we pretend they weren’t crazy and wrong the last 50 times, and MIGHT be right this time.

    We’re taxed lower than any other industrialized nation. We’re wealthy, powerful, free, and listening to this angry dumb people you’d think the world was coming to an end next week.

    This SAME debate about immigrants, taxes and such has gone on since the founding of our country, and yet we’ll still here.

    And as for the dumb angry people constantly babbling something incoherent about the Boston Tea Party…hey IDIOTS…you can VOTE! That was the point morons, not whether taxes are 28% or 26.5%. Christ. The point was back then people were taxes but had not say/representation in government. You DO you jerks! Just go vote in WHOEVER you want. Anyone. If you REALLY represent the vast majority, the ‘real America’ then just vote in the politicians who agree with your tea-bagging and the problem will be solved. Done. Unless…it turns out you’re just tiny crazy noisy minority and can’t elect people who support your vague mostly undefined view that we must stop “them” or “it”.

  21. Mr. Fusion says:

    #17, Ah Yea,

    A fabrication designed to ensnare the weak minded, those unable to see beyond their own little world.

    Like some of the posters above.

    That sums up the Tea Baggers quite well. Of all people, I’m surprised you noticed.

  22. Proud Alien says:


  23. PaulTT says:

    They are smart enough to know spending TRILLION while watching unemployment rise to 10.2 percent is NOT good. Smart enough to know that spending tax payer money as fast as the government can print or borrow more NEVER ended a recession! They are smart enough to know higher taxes and a government takeover of most everything is not good for America. I only wish the so – smart left wing nuts were as smart!

    Sweet talking Havard educated – no real experience Obama so far is not as smart as he sounds when reading from his tele-promter!

  24. Ah_Yea says:

    Fusion #20,

    LOL! Ok, that made me laugh.

  25. StoopidFlanders says:

    Sounds like you are making some broad generalizations here; extrapolating a few idiot data points out among millions.

    …sort of like how some bigots hate all immigrants because that one Mexican they ran into, once, ever, was a scumbag.

    Seems like you are going out of your way to lump people into ‘groups’. Doesn’t sound very liberal to me.

  26. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #24 stoopid – By unifying under a common ideal they have lumped themselves together as group with the same mental philosophy (reasoning) and therefore they share the same flaw of idiocy. To say a few of them do not support what they are spewing sets them apart and are not covered under the moran umbrella. In unity they display breathtaking depths of ignorance and depravity.

  27. Mr. Fusionb says:

    #25, TML,

    A very succinct post. A tip of the hat.

  28. Mr. Fusion says:

    #24, Stooopid,

    Seems like you are going out of your way to lump people into ‘groups’. Doesn’t sound very liberal to me.

    Sorry we are speaking above your comprehension.

    Grouping is a conservative trend. So if the Tea Baggers want to assimilate under one leader or a small group of leaders, then that would be a conservative trend.

    Spreading out the data is a liberal thing. Liberal recognizes more independence among individuals.

    I think that was covered in Gr. 10 Statistics. Get the book unless you want to wait a couple of years and take the class.

  29. StoopidFlanders says:

    Nice to hear from you #27. Perhaps you could address the wonderful independence that comes from being able to keep the fruits of my labour, and not have them stolen from my paycheck by the Barack Hussein Obama administration.

    Freedom for gays to wed: okay. Freedom to shoot poison into your veins: okay. Freedom to kill unborn babies: okay. ….but somehow the freedom to keep the money that I earn is not on your list. Why is that?

  30. omnicbex says:

    Theres a chemical in all our food
    it’s gotten into our lakes, rivers, and streams
    it directly causes the death of about 4000 people in the US alone per year…
    ban dihydrogen monoxide!!! 😉


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