• New idea: YouTube direct opens. You’ll love this story.
  • US and China to do a space joint venture.
  • Dell goes green with bamboo. Where does this bamboo come from?
  • We are entering the age of cyberwar? Oh no!
  • China scams Microsoft over intellectual property. Huh?
  • Wal-Mart dumping all sorts of things in a massive sale.
  • HP goes thin-client.

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  1. deowll says:

    I like the idea of thin clients but when I look at what they want me to pay for the hardware I don’t see it as being a sane buy.

    No monitor or hard drive with a truly lame cpu and ram and they want as much as a net book or cheap laptop with a better cpu and much more ram. They can eat rocks.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Oh no! It’s the Apple freaks again. (“CCCP”le, if you prefer). You know, the people who believe in style over substance. The same people from “Red”Francisco who want to “close” everything in favor of communism.

    Yea right! Like I’m going to listen to THIS latest edition of Pelosi pandering. …NOT!

  3. ceilingFan Boy says:

    Why no White Fridays?

  4. Postman says:


    it is a general ledger thing. You write some numbers in black and other numbers in red…

    So say you do a financial statement on the Friday after thanksgiving, generally the bottom line will be written in black, instead of red…

    If you are in retail.

    I see wallmart had to cancel their climactic shopping experience this year.

  5. Bamboo Cycling says:

    All the large commercial US paper manufacturers gave up on bamboo as a source for paper years ago because in the end it was not as eco-friendly as it sounded and it was very energy-intensive to make.

    So it’s “recyclable” but no one wants it.

    It turns out that it takes a lot of harsh chemicals to break bamboo down to pulp which in the end negates any ‘green’ benefits. Also because bamboo grown in Asia, it was very expensive to ship it around the world to supply the US market. Fuel costs are now twice as high as they were than they were when commercial bamboo paper was abandoned.

    You can take a bamboo shade and cut it into place mats to “recycle” it, but as far as throwing it into the “green” bin, they don’t want it.

    Basically what i learned from everyone i spoke with was that domestically sourced recycled materials are a better, cleaner, more sustainable choice than bamboo.

    Bottom line – recycled paper is using things that are diverted from the waste stream and it doesn’t have to travel as far. Nothing new is being planted, watered and grown to make their papers. My bamboo quest ended with a new appreciation for all the green papers readily available in the US that I’ve been using all along. I encourage anyone with an interest in anything that’s being touted as the “newest and greenest” to take the same steps. In the end, we all want to be doing the right thing for the planet, but sometimes you just have to ask more questions to get to the real truth.

  6. Dallas says:

    Walmart evidently will have blu ray players for $78. Wow. That’s pretty sweet.

    However, the thought of driving to the suburbs to visit a Walmart is an unpleasant trip. Never mind fighting my way though the Walmart shoppers.

    I’m not sure Blu Ray will be relevant in 3 years anyway. Decisions, decisions.


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