Huffington Post – Nov. 16, 2009:

Former Alaska Governor lashed out at the Associated Press Sunday for doing a fact-check on her memoir, “Going Rogue.”

“Amazingly, but not surprisingly, the AP somehow nabbed a copy of the book before it was released,” she wrote on her Facebook page. “They’re now erroneously reporting on the book’s contents and are repeating many of the same things they spewed during the campaign and afterwards. We’ve heard 11 writers are engaged in this opposition research, er, “fact checking” research!”

The AP reported that Palin’s account often contradicted her record as well as current events. Her depiction of the McCain campaign is also frequently at odds with internal campaign emails.

Does anyone else remember the old days when journalists were expected to fact-check stories?

  1. honeyman says:

    I heard that there might be a Cheney/Palin ticket in 2012. Now that’s a team created by Satan himself.

  2. deowll says:

    “Does anyone else remember the old days when journalists were expected to fact-check stories?”

    Heck, I’m so old that I can remember when reporters who claimed to have fact checked a book had actually fact checked the book!

    In the here and now they usually haven’t even seen the book!

  3. Postman says:


    I’m so old I remember when the actually released books before they started to sell them for bargin bin prices…

  4. Floyd says:

    #1 is right. I’m sure that if Palin actually is on the Republican presidential ticket in the future, she will ensure that the Democratic candidates will win in a landslide. The same will happen if Michele Bachmann somehow becomes a presidential or VP candidate.

    It’s likely that there’s a potential female Republican presidential candidate out there that could be elected and do the job (Margaret Chase Smith was one in the distant past). It’s just that neither of these loony tunes realize they’re rebels without a clue.

  5. The0ne says:

    Oh, Palin. Love it, someone post a hot pic of her again!!!

  6. Rick Cain says:

    Damn you facts! Damn you to hell!

  7. eaglescout1998 says:

    If the Republicans would learn from their mistakes and stop nominating mushy moderates, they might be able to win some elections.

    The GOP seems to think that the only way to win elections is to attract independent voters. Apparently, standing for core principles come second.

    With few exceptions, every Congress critter with an “R” after their name should be tarred and feathered for being the RINO’s they are.

  8. ramuno says:

    I am sure the AP has fact checked the other recent politcal books.

    They have well over 1000 reporters and they assigned one guy to check Caribou Barbie’s book.

    He consulted the other reporters who were present at the events she talks about in the book.

  9. eaglescout1998 says:

    What kind of message would it send if the GOP suddenly found their missing brains and asked Sarah to do the response for the 2010 SOTU address?

  10. Faxon says:

    See? She DOES get the liberal panties all in a knot, doesn’t she??

  11. Postman says:


    yes, but not the way you think. A palin sotu response would send the message to democrats that the republicrats are still retardedly insane, so they would continue to do nothing.

    See the democrats won’t actually do anything if they don’t think it is politically expedient to do so. Therefore in the current environment… Do nothing…

    Health care?? Do nothing, pass bill that changes little. Why nothing is better than repub plan which is somewhere between make it worse and die quickly.

    Economy??? Do nothing. After all nothing is better than the wholesale highway robery that occured under bush.

    National security??? Do nothing. Equal amounts of people want us to go all in and pull all troops put immediate, therefore the goldilocks plan is do nothing…

    So Sarah palin would remind america why they hate republicans now days, and that would cause another year of nothing being done.

    Btw, watch nothing happen in this NYC terroists court trial for a long long time.

  12. Lou says:

    The Dems want her to hang around.

  13. Waaaaah says:

    #2 Wow. I thought my 4 year old was whiney. Your post obviously shows you went to the same “fact checking” school as Palin.

    Please show us evidence of ANY president having his birth more thoroughly investigated in the history of this country.

    Stolen copy? You obviously know nothing about prerelease of books by publishers. Get a clue. Yep. You and Palin = dumber than dirt.

    Oh BTW. That black guy that got voted into office? Get over it. He’s got the job. Nothing you can do about it. We don’t want to hear you crying like a spoiled baby for the next few years because you don’t get your way.


  14. Angus says:

    She’s unelectable these days, due mainly to the mauling the media gave her, her lack of experience, and, perhaps, her lack of intelligence. I was reading an excerpt of it and was suprised to find that her idea of creationism is pretty much exactly what my idea of evolution is, evolution being the tool, and God being the spark. If the media calls that creationism, I wonder how much more they got wrong about her?

  15. Dr Dodd says:

    #44-Angus-She’s unelectable due mainly to the mauling the media gave her…wonder how much more they got wrong

    This expresses more of an indictment of the lazy partisan media hacks we are stuck with than on Palin. How long has it been since the media was neutral in it’s reporting?

    Palin’s flaws as we know them (not the made up ones) are minor to the community organizer that is destroying the economy and still requires a teleprompter to function.

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    #45, Dr. Patrick Dudd,

    This expresses more of an indictment of the lazy partisan media hacks we are stuck with than on Palin. How long has it been since the media was neutral in it’s reporting?

    Once again the right wing nuts are blaming the media because they have exposed the right’s failures. Doing one’s job is now called “biased” in Right Wing Nut Speak.

    And trolling is “Getting the word out”.

    Palin is every right wing nut’s wet dream. Substance not required, just the ability to approximate a blow-up doll’s intelligence and repeat the tape recorded Karl Rove mantra.

  17. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Here we are talking about her. What a shame. Like picking at a sore. It won’t go away unless you leave it alone.

  18. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    #47…but maybe it’ll get infected and gangrenous and then lacerated.

    The power on the right turned away from her a long time ago. Rush keeps pushing her because it riles up the minions. But the players in the GOP realize she’s not a viable candidate for any office. This book will simple reinforce what we already know…she’s an empty shell.

    Today on CNN she’s on the bottom of the list in a poll of who’s qualified to be president. She’s not going to get elected without a big chunk of those votes.

  19. jccalhoun says:

    See? She DOES get the liberal panties all in a knot, doesn’t she??
    anyone who has the gall to try to pass off blatant lies as truth and then get indignant when people don’t fall in line should get people irate.

  20. Dallas says:

    Palin is a like a horrible traffic accident. You don’t want to look at it but you do.

  21. Mr. Fusion says:

    #50, Dallas,

    Good analogy. The problem is just when you think you have passed the traffic accident, there it is again, right in front of you. And again.

    The nightmare that won’t end.

  22. Dr Dodd says:

    #46-Mr Fussion-the right wing nuts are blaming the media…

    Even with your limited grasp of reality you should know that a “free” press should not be a hit machine for either side.

    This time it is OK because they are attempting to destroy someone you don’t like. Next, it might be someone you like – so then what?

    How can I not attack the pretenders that hide behind the media label? What good is a “free” press if they are nothing more than a political propaganda machine.

  23. MikeN says:

    #27, the media did use all of those. The only one I don’t remember hearing is Ronald Wilson Reagan.

  24. Mr. Fusion says:

    #52, Dr. Patrick Dudd,

    This time it is OK because they are attempting to destroy someone you don’t like. Next, it might be someone you like – so then what?

    You mean something like accusing our sitting President of something? You remember all the accusations, like he is a Muslim, he isn’t an American, he is a commie, … . Didn’t you catch that Glenn Beck / Rush Limbaugh / Bill O’Reilly / Chris Wallace / Hannity / Ann Coulter / … piece?

    How can I not attack the pretenders that hide behind the media label? What good is a “free” press if they are nothing more than a political propaganda machine.

    So what you are saying is it is OK for the right wing nuts to lie about everything but they can’t be called on it. Palin is being called on her fucking bullshit lies facts and somehow that is an attack?

    Here, check this out. Now go cry me a river.

  25. Phydeau says:

    #52 She’s doing a good job herself, Dodd, every time she opens her mouth. 🙂

    And example #4558 of projection… Faux News is a Republican spin machine so of course wingnuts think all the other networks are Democratic spin machines… typical.

    Sarah Palin reminds me of a joke about the Texas Legislature: If you took out all the idiots, it wouldn’t be a representative body. Sarah Palin represents a very real part of America. The mostly blue collar, mostly ignorant, mostly fearful, shallow thinking part. The easily manipulated part. The part who likes a politician because she’s “hot”. (We wouldn’t even be having this conversation if she was ugly.)

    Those kinds of people will always be with us, so we’ll always have the Palin/Limbaugh/Beck demagogue types.

  26. PaulTT says:

    Yeah, like the media fact checked ACORN! HAHA

  27. Ralph, the Bus Driver says:

    #55, Phydeau,

    The part who likes a politician because she’s “hot”. (We wouldn’t even be having this conversation if she was ugly.)

    Am I the only one that thinks she looks like a Shitsu in glasses? Hot she is Not.

    I think we would be having this discussion because she is an ugly person.

  28. qb says:

    #57 I went into hysterics on the Shitsu in glasses thing. Nope, she’s not hot. Then I clicked the link and went into hysterics again. You made my day.

    #44 & #45 Unelectable? If she’s locked in a battle with her nemesis Levi Johnston, then maybe she’s not ready to be President. Just sayin’.

  29. Dr Dodd says:

    #54-Mr Fussion-Now go cry me a river.

    I see that your New World Order programming is complete.

    No tears for you, only disgust.

  30. Dr Dodd says:

    #55-Phydeau-Those kinds of people will always be with us…

    You are right, political manipulators and opportunist will always be with us. This should not be a problem if you are able to assess facts and think for yourself… or people can be lazy like Mr Fussion and just follow the party line.


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