Huffington Post – Nov. 16, 2009:

Former Alaska Governor lashed out at the Associated Press Sunday for doing a fact-check on her memoir, “Going Rogue.”

“Amazingly, but not surprisingly, the AP somehow nabbed a copy of the book before it was released,” she wrote on her Facebook page. “They’re now erroneously reporting on the book’s contents and are repeating many of the same things they spewed during the campaign and afterwards. We’ve heard 11 writers are engaged in this opposition research, er, “fact checking” research!”

The AP reported that Palin’s account often contradicted her record as well as current events. Her depiction of the McCain campaign is also frequently at odds with internal campaign emails.

Does anyone else remember the old days when journalists were expected to fact-check stories?

  1. Mikey Twit says:


    Just go away already.

    Even the Republicans at this point cringe at her being on the 2012 ticket, because it will all but assure Obama of a second term.

  2. StoopidFlanders says:

    Does anyone else remember the old days when journalists were expected to fact-check Presidents’ birth certificates? Now, I guess it’s only cool to attack plain-old white soccer moms. For shame.

    How did they manage to steal an advance copy of the book? I hope she can sue the bejeebus out of them for some sort of copyright infringement or similar, win, and use the money to destroy Barack Hussein Obama in 2012.

  3. Dr Dodd says:

    The way the left goes after Palin there is no doubt she worries them more than any other potential candidate.

    She may run or she may not, either way Obama will be a one term president.

  4. qb says:

    #2 Man, that was whiney. Sort of like Sarah Palin.

  5. Overfifty says:

    Remember when we all waited for the latest Lindsey or Paris story but were never concerned that they may actually affect national politics. The good old days were a lot less scary.

  6. Buzz says:

    Fact Checking≠Sarah Palin.

  7. KMFIX says:

    Palin / Taitz 2012!!!

  8. right says:

    She deserves to be cross checked, if not fact checked. Might knock some sense into her…well….ok, that wouldn’t do it.
    Maybe a chat with Michele “Captain Crazy” Bachmann would make her see her own reflection. Nah, that wouldn’t work either.
    Doesn’t believe in evolution, yikes! How stoopid can one get?

  9. Mikey Twit says:


    Lou Dobbs? Is that you?

  10. ramuno says:

    Just a few corrections for those above.

    –Books are not stolen, they are released by the publisher under the table to get some advance buzz.

    –The AP is not left wing.

    –Obama’s birth certificate was fact checked. It wouldn’t have mattered anyway, his mom was American. McCain was the one not born in this country (Panama) but he is also American.

  11. Jägermeister says:

    JCD was slightly wrong about how smart McCain was when he choose Sarah Palin as his running mate. But then again… her looks makes the average Republican blind and dumber.

  12. Mikey Twit says:


    By the way, I’m pretty sure Mrs.”I Can See Russia from Here, doesn’t determine who gets or doesn’t get advance copies of the book. That is left up to the discretion of the publisher. I’m pretty sure all of the news agencies received advance copies to pimp the book. Plus, you obviously have no understanding of copyright, or critical speech, if your first thought is “sue!!!”

  13. Father says:

    I used to fear Hillary Clinton as President.

    I now fear Sarah Palin even near the White House.

    Her supporters should read the Vanitity Fair article written from the words of her grandson’s father.

  14. AP says:

    Hi, this is the AP. We’ve checked this “book” and we can assure you that it is absolutely, 100% completely lacking in any facts. All right-wing Rushpublicans can now read it safely without having to worry about encountering any facts which may contradict the lies, distortion and hate you’re used to believing. You’re welcome. Enjoy!

  15. adoggz says:

    How dare they fact check her book, that book is a true and factual as The Bible.

  16. Howard Beale says:

    Dr Dodd said,The way the left goes after Palin there is no doubt she worries them

    The left loves Palin she is the Barry Goldwater of the 21st century (kids ask your parents/grandparents) You go girl love it when the GOP history starts repeating.

    The news media FOX MSNBC and everything in-between love Palin because she is so shinny oh how they love those shinny things.

    The GOP hates her because she is not in the corporate back pocket and she can’t be controlled like a Romney, Giuliani, Bush ect. To bad she is a religious nut job. Ron Paul is the only hope for true conservatives I would not vote for him but you should look into it Dodd

  17. jccalhoun says:

    Does anyone else remember the old days when journalists were expected to fact-check Presidents’ birth certificates?
    Name one other president who has had his birth as well researched as our current president.

    Barack Hussein Obama
    Remember when we referred to every president by their full name every single time instead of just their first and last name like they did with George Walker Bush, William Jefferson Clinton, and every other president? I’m sure glad people aren’t just including the current president’s middle name because it is the same as a dictator of another country….

  18. Dr Dodd says:

    #15-Howard Beale-The left loves Palin she is the Barry Goldwater of the 21st century…

    The one constant tell of the left is the relentless attacks heaped upon the candidate believed to be the most trouble. Otherwise, why attack?

    Yes, Palin is seen as big trouble by the Democrats and with good reason.

  19. Howard Beale says:

    Oh Dodd you are too funny

  20. Dr Dodd says:

    #19-Howard Beale

    That’s why I get the big money.

  21. Uncle Dave says:

    #17: You mean like Jack Kennedy, Jimmy Carter, Ike, Ronald Reagan (had to look up that he even had a middle name — Wilson), Dick Nixon and all the others who were always referred to with their middle names?

    Oh, and it was George HERBERT Walker Bush.

  22. pben says:

    The only question is who would be her vice-president? After all she would quit to write a book by 2013. Is Cheney up for being veep again?

    She a crybaby, a quitter, and full of BS.

  23. eaglescout1998 says:

    Had Sarah Palin not been on the ticket, McCain’s loss would have been a complete massacre. Most of the conservatives I know voted for Sarah Palin; they did NOT vote for Juan McCain.

    #13… I would call Levi Johnston a piece of shit, but that would be doing a disservice to pieces of shit.

  24. Howard Beale says:

    Hey careful eaglescout, Levi Johnston the piece of feces Sarah wants to marry her daughter. Its gods way. How ever did he dodge that shotgun.

    Oh those Conservatives so fast to blame the inner city parents of pregnant teens but not UMC white kids who look like them then its the , the TV, the Music, Hollywood the boys fault and so on.

    Sarah should be ashamed at how she uses her family as pawns in her quest.

    Bristel take your baby move out change your name and enjoy life. Your mom has joined the circus sorry but it happens You can keep up with her on facebook

  25. Jägermeister says:

    #24 – Howard Beale – Bristel take your baby move out change your name and enjoy life. Your mom has joined the circus sorry but it happens You can keep up with her on facebook


  26. MikeN says:

    So how many fact checkers did the AP assign to Al Gore’s latest book?
    How about Hillary’s Living History, Or Bill Clinton’s My Life?
    How many did they have to fact check Obama’s books?

  27. jccalhoun says:

    #17: You mean like Jack Kennedy, Jimmy Carter, Ike, Ronald Reagan (had to look up that he even had a middle name — Wilson), Dick Nixon and all the others who were always referred to with their middle names?
    yeah. exactly. I was being sarcastic when I wrote William Jefferson Clinton. No one calls him that. Just like no one calls George Walker Bush that. They call him George W. Bush and his dad George H. W. Bush.

  28. JimD says:

    Palin has become a laughing-stock ! Her endorsement made all the difference in the NY 23rd ! You Betcha !!!

  29. jak says:

    I bet the “Birthers” and the “Tea Baggers will hold rally’s for her when she runs in 2012. They deserve each other. You’d think someone would have told those morons what tea bagging is.

  30. Postman says:

    Newsmax is discounting her book before release ($5!) so if you ever wondered how these retards get best sellers… Well there you go…

    They have been advertising the $5 pre-release every commercial break on right wing radio for weeks now.

    So I thing there probably needs to be a criminal investigation into who is financing this add campaign because it is clearly political and probably illegal.


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