• Android all over the news with contradictory stories.
  • MSFT at risk.
  • Nokia and Palm deal creating a stir even though there is no deal yet.
  • Eqypt first country to go Arabic with web domains.
  • 1/2 of Teens talk on phone while driving. 1/2 of teens apparently lie.
  • Cray has fastest supercomputer again.
  • Russia banning games.
  • Semiconductors to lead us to the promised land.

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  1. Buzz says:

    It’s the old Lavender Crayon.

    Lavender world lavs with you.

    Cray, and you Cray alone.

  2. Angel H. Wong says:

    #1 pedro,

    Here in Honduras they ban violent games too. All thanks to bible thumping nutjobs who think violent games are the reason why this nation has become so violent.

  3. Angel H. Wong says:

    Hmmm.. No macheads yapping the “it’s barely enough for a Windows!” joke? Maybe because after they logged off as guest account on their new pussy version of OSX they realized their 10,000+ cat pics and cheesy GF photos are gone.

  4. Postman says:

    I think the double dip is starting and we will see 30% real unemployment by next fall.

    The uptick in the economy seen since last august is coming to a screeching halt.

    Last chance to buy gold before it goes to 2k.

  5. deowll says:

    Nokia and Palm own a lot of interesting patents all of which are going to expire at some point.

    How can semiconductors lead the US out of a depression when the chips and the computers they are used in are all manufactured outside the state? They aren’t going to be making any jobs here.

    A lot of teens aren’t old enough to legally drive. Duh!

  6. Angry says:

    #3 Is that the same group that’s trying to subvert the Honduran Constitution by allowing Zelaya back into office?

  7. Improbus says:

    Whats to stop them downloading the games from bittorrent? Governments are so behind the curve.


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