1. Angel H. Wong says:

    Why do the PeTA bitches don’t go to Asia to complain? Because unlike Europe and the USA, men in Asia still have the balls to talk back.

  2. sargasso says:

    I have seen them flap their tails on the barbecue and jump right off. The trick is to “ici” them with a steel spike, through the brain after catching.

  3. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    #2 – I’m all for sticking a steel spike through the brains of these gooks for doing something like this.

  4. Buffet says:

    Whaddaya say we just nuke these heathens. All they do is just babble in gibberish anyway. The Godforsaken devils breed indiscriminately. They’re too stupid to practice birth control. we should just humanely annihilate them before we’re overrun with the savages.

  5. sargasso says:

    #4. any culture with cuisine, opera, ballet and philosophy, is worth trying to understand.

  6. riker17 says:

    I concur with #4 and the nuking should commence now, while Obama is there. This is a clip from China, right?

  7. roastedpeanuts says:

    Based on the comments above, I think there is a growing consensus that serving fish like this is horribly unnecessary.

  8. dusanmal says:

    Would lion or bear first kill us (or other pray) and than start eating? No. Plenty of NG and similar programs of them doing exact opposite chewing on buffalo or salmon while still struggling and clearly alive. Neither would other predator families bother with their pray be they insects, fish or whatever else.

    To quote/paraphrase J.Campbell (quite famous philosopher): there comes moment in every developed culture to understand that life is vicious and deal with it. Obviously Eastern cultures have passed that growth step. West have more to grow. Suggestion for first step: eat your (killed and cooked) fish as Nature intended, whole with the head. Don’t try to hide the fact by eating processed strips of meat long ago separated from the source animal. Guaranteed more healthy, fresh and nutritional.

  9. Improbus says:

    No matter where you go people are cruel and stupid. The only thing that changes is the language.

  10. Animby says:

    Okay, Okay. The real question is: Did Obama bow to it?

  11. Red says:

    Looks delicious!

  12. Fish Eyes says:

    The fish has a mouth that reminds me a of a girl that I once took out and then ended the working relationship

  13. Jägermeister says:

    #1 – Angel H. Wong – Because unlike Europe and the USA, men in Asia still have the balls to talk back.

    LOL – That’s not my experience. Gwailo/Guizi is usually said behind foreigners backs… not to their face.

    #3 – Sister Mary

    Except for the racial slur… I agree and would join in.

    #4 – Buffet – They’re too stupid to practice birth control.

    They’re Japanese… Japan’s birth rate is 7.87 births/1,000 population… The USA is 14.18 births/1,000 population. But then again… there are quite a few Americans who believe abstinence work.

  14. hhopper says:

    Cripes! That was fucking horrible!

  15. Santa Maria says:

    Yumm…. If only I could do it in the US.. imagine a full buffalo… yumm…

  16. Jack says:

    Americans consume vast amounts of meat compared to most of the world. Have you ever seen the inside of a slaughterhouse? Millions of animals a year are hoisted into the air, then get their cerebrum destroyed with a bolt gun while their hearts continue to pump, ensuring a good bleed out. Yes, it sucks to be that fish, but the States aren’t exactly animal nirvana…

  17. Mark T. says:

    That is disturbing.

  18. Nugget Coombs says:

    Cruel bloody bastards! Where is PETA? I’m sure they would not approve of this at all.

  19. deowll says:

    I like fresh fish freshly cooked until done.

    I don’t even want to be in the same building with this.

    It is a marvelous way to get parasites though. Having taken parasitology in College, yuck!

  20. AdmFubar says:

    That pales in comparison to this:

  21. brm says:

    Looks delicious. It’s just a fish, folks. Might as well be an insect.

  22. Scummy says:

    Speaking of fresh fish – Heather the Vegas mobile stripper got popped for prostitution at the Deja Vu club today.

    Guess going from $800 a night to $200 forced her into it.

  23. Riker17 says:

    We are a more civilized society. Although we are a member of the food chain and fellow animals, we are the highest order of animals and as such treat the others with the dignity and respect they deserve. The animals that we consume should be no longer breathing and properly cooked before consumption. It is inhumane and quite disrespectful to the life that is given if proper procedure is not followed.

  24. tomyerex says:

    Growing up on the farm it was not uncommon for animals to start kicking around well after they were dead. One day at a family event, my mom heard weird noises from the oven then opened the door to discover a skinned rabbit was thrashing so hard it had fallen off the pan. As a kid I held a rabbit heart that kept beating for about 45 minutes after it was pulled from a freshly killed rabbit. Never seen anything as tough as rabbits.

  25. Troublemaker says:

    That completely creeped me out… and I’m usually not squeamish in the least.

  26. shinohara says:

    #23 – says who? Stop posing your Western Imperial values on me. You can take your enlightened, liberal judgements and eat your overcooked steak. I prefer things raw.

    #19 – There are methods to remove parasites without cooking.

    #13 – The people in the video are Chinese, not Japanese. so yes, they do have a population problem

  27. Bruce says:

    Welll..Flower is a Nice touch..

  28. waddawoo says:

    #12…ur funny

    Yeah, nerves cause muscles to twitch. i worked at a place where we fed horses to animals…cut it up and held chunks about a cubic foot in size. all warm and twitched in ur hand. creepy. but hey, the animals had to eat.

    i would give my left nut to see a Peta person in the wilderness starving with nothing to eat but some fuzzy bunny rabbits in a cage with naught but a butter knife in their pocket. they would do it

  29. Rich says:

    Guaranteed this is Japanese, not Chinese. Sick bastards.

  30. stinker says:

    Very good, and while your at it why dont’ you show some monkey brains as well?


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