Cannabis Cafe opens in Portland – — I hope that events like this contribute to eventual legalisation and a more common sense approach to drugs in general.
Oregon opened another chapter in U.S. marijuana history when at 4:20 p.m. Friday, about three dozen people christened the nation’s first cafe for licensed residents to sit down, sip coffee and smoke marijuana.
“Welcome to a place of our own,” said Madeline Martinez, a leader in the state’s medical marijuana movement and the leading force pushing to open the Cannabis Cafe in Portland. “Welcome to freedom.”
The only people permitted in the Cannabis Cafe are those licensed to smoke who also hold membership in the lobbying group Oregon NORML. Patrons will be charged $5 a day. They can bring their own or smoke donated marijuana. Oregon law says medical marijuana may not be sold.
After last week’s announcement of the cafe’s opening, the neighbors in the Woodlawn neighborhood weren’t happy. At a crowded neighborhood association meeting, people complained, among other things, that they could smell smoke from the meetings. Martinez promised to install air filters.
Hey if it is for medical use I have no issue.
But if it is just for recreational use I am totally against it in every manner.
Drugs are for the sick. Not for entertainment.
Wait a minute. Doesn’t Oregon have a smoking ban for bars and restaurants? Surely a “cafe” will serve drinks and snacks and is, therefore, a restaurant. So, if they allow this, won’t they have to open other establishments to smokers, again?
How do you feel about alcohol and tobacco? Pot is less dangerous than either.
We’re spending $600 PER SECOND fighting the war on drugs. The sooner it ends the better.
Excuse me. I should do my research BEFORE I post. I see that Corvallis and Eugene have smoking ordinances. Not Portland. But, I think the point is the thing and it will come up eventually.
Cursor, get with it. Of course this is recreational use. When was the last time you went to a cafe, ordered a tall latte with an extra shot, sat down and rolled a penicillin dose to smoke?
#3 Somebody Else
I feel the same about drugs as alcohol and nicotine or caffeine.
Drugs are drugs, not toys. By manipulating our own dopamine receptors we only force them to have higher highs to get the same results that evolution intended for dopamine.
Look I’m not your parent, but I don’t want to pay for your health problems and the trauma center costs when your drug addiction puts other people in harm’s way.
When you have a pot smoker/ or boozer operate a motor vehicle or subway train and it wrecks then you pot smokers and boozers pay for it. Not me. It doesn’t matter which is worse. It matters that you people will eventually cost us money through lack of motor skills or later health care. All because you WANT what you WANT and damn the consequences. You just don’t care about others, only your own incessant need to double tap those dopamine triggers.
#4 Animby
Well seeing I never drank coffee wouldn’t know. Can’t stand the taste of that crud. But again it is caffeine now. Another drug that people will use to trigger dopamine.
Recreational drug use affects us all. It costs us money. I don’t care if it is illegal or not illegal. Legislation of morality and ethics is as useful as a screen door on a submarine.
What we need is to learn to stop abusing these substances and that takes recognition of compassion and respect for others and ourselves.
I dropped caffeine now 8 years ago. Never did other drugs, never smoked or drank. And I come from a family with 5 generations of compulsive and addictive issues. If I can do it, well anyone can.
Just because you were born with a gun (disposition to addiction) doesn’t mean you HAVE to pull the trigger.
Cursor: I don’t want to start a flame war but it sounds to me like your drug of choice is self-righteousness.
Great news. It will take a while to remove the stigma associated with MJ.
In elementary school teachers would play clips of Mj smokers followed by people jumping out of buildings. Sort of like a Clock Work Orange scene.
Sounds like a place where winners hang out.
A great quote … and you credit me for this gem of wisdom …
“There are 2 types of losers. People who never tried marijuana. And people who never quit!”
You can thank me in advance.
I’m putting this sign up at the church:

Grand Forks, ND is getting one too soon. I saw it on the news last week. Some young guy opened it here. Where he get the money for that? Selling drugs?
#9 “for driving, pot slows your reactions twice as much as alcohol”
saying something like that just makes you look stupid.
Back to my intended comment: Woo! Finally a Volcano on DU, about time!
May as well reply to #3 while I’m here:
Just Google ‘cannabis dopamine’ to find a recent study that showed that cannabis use does not increase the release of dopamine.
Cursor_, not everyone that smokes pot or drinks beers drives while doing so. I hate that argument. It’s dangerous to drive when your tired or while texting or masturbating. That doesn’t mean that being tired, texting or masturbating are horrible plagues on society.
Snowmobiles, golf clubs, footballs, TV, potato chips, alcohol, cigarettes, and computers are all addictions of choice of a variety of people, so others who choose pot should have the same free choice.
Yeah I uh… hmm y’know heh heh’s like if you think about it – like reallllly think.. it’s like uh… cool!
Someone please explain to me why being sober is such a great idea (outside of driving, duh). The best one can hope for is a life of working hard, raising some children, a few years of retirement and then you are in the ground. I would rather get stoned.
No matter what the story is we know this:
pedro is retarded.
He is the product of two morons who bred and created an idiot spawn that should have been killed at birth.
Oregon, the hippy state no? Then don’t be surprise 🙂
I see everyone state “Its a drug, so it should only be used for medicine”.
Who and what classifies it as a drug? Its just a plant. Yes, it causes certain reactions when ingested. So does chocolate. So does milk.
Wake up and realize the control over you. Over what you think and do. simply because you were told it was bad, and never tried to find out why.
This is why others label these types of people ‘sheep’, because rather than looking at the facts, you would rather be lazy an listen to others, rather than take the time to find out, do the research, on your own.
(Yes, I really expect this to be played as “Well, I don’t have to try arsenic to know its bad…” My answer in advance is simply “That type of rebuttal just proves you can’t think for yourself and will use ignorance as your defense.”
Marijuana doesn’t kill anyone. You cannot OD. Yes, it causes impairment. Not as much as spending a day at the a ballgame drinking and then driving home.
Marijuana is not addictive.
It also provides clean air and fertile soil where grown. In fact, it is such a wonder plant, it would eliminate our need for the other more expensive textiles and products currently made by the major corporations. Which is one of the reasons it was outlawed.
To protect the profits of the corporations. Simply because ANYONE can plant it and grow it. How do you control something with that ability? You lie and make it a crime to even research its uses.
Profit is the only motive for all the years of BS that have been spouted about a plant that has existed longer than man.
How about processed junk foods? In studies rats were allowed to eat processed junk foods at will for 18 hours a day. Within days they had reduced sensitivity in the pleasure centers of the brain which is a sure sign of addiction. Also, there was increased dopamine stimulation and classic withdrawal symptoms.
Using classic addiction models, junk food fits the bill – along with some obvious health problems. I’m voting for consistency. We should do random junk food screening at WalMarts.
As soon as the general public & legislators clue into the fact that mj smoke & 2nd-hand smoke is just as toxic & dangerous as regular cigarette smoke, those who use & promote mj use will seem as anachronistic as a Lucky Strike TV commercial.
Do you have any non-propaganda statistics that will back that up? Maybe a study from a country that isn’t so hysterically anti-drug as the US of A.
Marijuana is the only “drug” that is completely harmless.
I would say you have a PhD in demagoguery but you aren’t that good at it. I think you just have a BS in rhetoric.
I didn’t say being sober was a waste of my time. I am saying I PREFER not to be. Due to circumstances beyond my control I have been stone cold sober for way to long. It is starting to chafe.
Pedro: Look it up. read the research. Not addictive. No one ever od’d on it.
It doesn’t take a college degree. Just the ability to read and examine the few facts surrounding the topic.
But, you would rather be spoon fed your facts.
I am sure you feel your opinion is correct, which is why you never bother to research it for yourself.
For those who want the history.
I guess the facts are pretty scary eh pedro? Maybe you can ask someone to read you the truth, as you are obviously blind to it.
You are looking for an argument that doeesn’t exist. The same as you state Marijuana is addictive. I provided a link, wheres yours?
I can send you many more, to include the study done by NY state that when presented to Nixon was tossed out…not because it was wrong, but because it did not support his belief. Go back to the cave or bridge you crawled out of. Let the intelligent people discuss while you sit and gnash your teeth.
Marijuana is NOT drug, it is a plant that no one manufactured. If everyone started smoking oak trees and got high would they outlaw those??
Be responsible with vise in life !!