Crazy Days and Nights: Bill Gates & Strippers – Who Knew — So much for anonymity at these joints. This is pretty funny anyway.
When I think of Bill Gates I somehow don’t picture him heading over to Scores and getting lap dances all night. I guess I was wrong though because Bill loves the strippers and is a really big tipper. Good for him. The former owner of Scores strip club is in the process of writing a book and in it he gives some scoop about some of the clients who have walked through the doors of the strip club.
Found by Jennifer Lavin.
Thats cool and all except for the fact that he has a wife.
I’ve always wanted to read his prenup.
Guess it’s a good way to transform something ‘micro & soft’… to something that actually works 😉
Steve Jobs went there first.
Didn’t that awful movie about MS and Apple show him drooling over Playboy?
Is this source credible?
Good grief, doesn’t he have enough money to order in?
What’s wrong with strippers?
#3 Jorn
HA! Have you thought of a profession in humor?
Just joking!
Any guy that says he doesn’t like strippers is a liar, gay, or castrati. I knew the little shit was human, nice to see it confirmed.
There’s an app for that.
#7 Improbus – THAT was FUNNY! So, everyone goes to strip clubs on occassion. As for this ‘Scores’, I’ve never heard of it, so it can’t be much.
Read any of the books covering Gates’s life, his appreciation of women and very fast cars are well documented.
Osher owned Scores from 91 to 08, with heydays being early 90’s. so he’s probably referring to instance(s) when Gates was bachelor, b4 becoming husband and Dad.
Didn’t Bill play poker and visit strip clubs in Boston when he was at Harvard ? Guess he got a sex addiction !
If it happened before he got married, who cares?
If it happened after he got married the dude may be about to part with a lot of money.
Of course the guy might just be writing fiction in the hopes of making a lot of money of the dimwits that eat this bleep up.
“The former owner of Scores strip club is in the process of writing a book..”, and the movie deal hasn’t been settled on account of the flesh peddler has to drop a few big names to attract a backer.
If he did or didn’t go there, I couldn’t care less, but what I do care about is getting some of the action when the book’s author gets sued to the ends of the earth. It’s what I specialize in. I’ve put a lot of “authors” in the poor house, I love it.