Scouts have been told to be slightly less prepared than usual. Penknives may have formed as much part of the scouting experience as badges and campfires, but according to advice from the Scout Association they must no longer be brought on camping trips, except when there is a “specific” need. Modern Britain’s knife culture, including the rise in fatal stabbings, has been cited by troop leaders — although some have countered that the code contradicts the tradition that Scouts are to be trusted for their honour.The advice, published in the official in-house magazine, Scouting, says that confusion over the legality of carrying a knife in public has made it necessary to revise the rules.
In a few more years, Cricket won’t be legal because of the bat.
Ultimately there is a liberal belief that the mere presence of such things fosters or nurtures violent tendencies.
There is a total disregard for personal responsibility.
Of course, the “knife culture” is a direct result of the gun control laws in Britain.
I suppose can (excuse me…tin) openers are next.
So when the scout needs to cut tinder or kindling, he’s supposed to use his teeth?
There’s going to be a lot of British old ladies waiting to cross the street indefinitely.
The idea that this is part of the march of fascism in the UK is rubbish, It’s going the other way, this is part of the march to Stalinism that the UK is going for. Equally bad, but the other way.
assumed and enforced irresponsibility is where nanny-state liberalism leads.
Don’t judge the Brits too harshly, America is on the same road, merely a couple of decades behind in the lunacy.
Maybe only a couple years in California and New York.
It’s time to return to the idea of personal responsibility and a VERY limited role for government.
This is just the Scout leaders over-reacting to the UK laws about carrying a weapon. Its not the laws that the issue its the interpretation.
I would not say we are fascist in the UK. We are no worse than any other collection of human scum.
So are Scouts doing the stabbing or just being singled out?..or is this a sweeping policy covering all persons carrying a pocket knife?
Outlaw guns, knives are adopted..outlaw knives, what’s the next weapon, sharp sticks? Will it soon be against policy to sharpen a stake for your garden? Where does this all end? I know where it ends, with us losing any ability to defend one’s self and becoming completely dependent on big brother for protection..and everything else. Who said slavery was abolished? It’s just taking on a new form.
This was posted on the blog 4-6 weeks ago. It’s a non-story, some press idiot ran with a bad interpretation of a Scout rule.
Right in this country a Boy Scout was suspended from school for having a knife like this – STORED IN A LOCKED BOX INSIDE A LOCKED CAR!
Sir Baden Powell is rolling around in his grave right now. In the woods with hatchets, knives, and matches teaches a boy more than a lifetime of traditional schooling. They will be haunted by 3 spirits, the first Sir Baden Powell of Scouting’s past, the second spirit of Scouting present.
the third spirit of Scouting future.
Temple of the Jedi Order
Don’t you want weapons out of gang’s hands. That is all the Boy Scouts are is a bunch of hoodlums. What are the defining characteristics of a gang: group that dresses alike, hand signs, insignias, weapons. I am glad they took the weapons out of their dangerous hands.
Heaven forbid that you actually checked the facts!!!
“The Scout Association does not condone young people carrying knifes on their person as a matter of course, unless there is a specific need for one. ” Scouts.org.uk
Doesn’t this line mute the rest of the whole statement. They encourage, and allow, and are not banning….but, meanwhile, does not condone.
So much for “always prepared”. Scouting was to prepare you for life, not for “under adult supervision”
David, I think you only read the headline..so much for doing your research.
OK, David, lets look at it.
From the UK Scouting Magazine article.
• Knives should be carried to and
from meetings by an adult. – Why? I understand that for the younger scouts. After passing the qualifications why is this? Doesn’t the UK have a way to reprimand those who break the rules?
• Knives should be stowed in the
middle of a bag/rucksack when transporting. – I transport mine everywhere I go in my pocket. It can be used at anytime from that location and in the event of an emergency I can get it and open it in 1 hand. Not trying to find it in the middle of a bag or ruck.
• Knives are tools and should be
treated as such: use the appropriate
tool for the job (don’t use a large fixed blade for carving or a penknife for clearing brush). – No Argument
• Knives should be stored away until there is a need for them to be used. – No argument
• Campsites are considered public places (when used for a camp) and so knives are not to be carried. – The entire outdoors is a public place. When would they carry it?
– BSA Eagle Scout & District Commissioner
The title should read “UK Scouts Banned From Carrying Knives” since they have a joint scouting program unlike the US and a few other countries.
Gee Whiz. How do the pansy-ass Brits cut their god damn bangers?
No sharp implements in the kitchen, dip shits.
The assholes where I work told me I can not possess pepper spray there, so if I have to take public transit at midnight to get home, it’s tough shit.
So instead, I carry a nice, razor sharp, nasty looking, super quick deploying, 4 1/2″ blade length, tactical S&W knife, which is legal.
Screw them. Instead of non lethal pepper spray, I now have this with me at work.
I certainly am not going to tell them I have it, because it is none of their business.
It’s a pocket knife, just like the banned Boy Scout knife.
This world is going to hell faster than I can track.
When I was a ‘scout I carried that same knife in the photo everywhere I went. In fact I met this kid at a sled dragging competition back in the 70’s, who’d actually saved a woman’s life doing an emergency tracheotomy on a woman whose car had crashed in front of his house. Later I participated in a volunteer ambulance corps. where I used my trusty scout knife to cut safety belts and such. Having a few tools on you at all times is always a good idea, and though my scout knife is long gone, I carry Make mag’s ‘warranty voider’ everywhere I go – except when I fly of course.
So when do the Brits get around to requiring that everybody wear handcuffs outside their residences? They’ve done about everything else.
What will they ban next? Lightsabers, that’s what!
I am astounded to discover the recklessness of my Grandmother in giving her 10-yr old Cub Scout Grandson such a device.
For some strange reason, she trusted me.
Assuming the ban works, as soon as they run out of stabbing knifes (in Britain), they are going to simply use screwdrivers. Then those will get banned. Then they are going to use nails fitted with handles. Then those (the nails) are going to get banned. Then they are going to use metal shards and glass shards with sharp edges and points. Then people are going to have to be stripped search for those and a ban on fabrication of glass and metal will be imposed all over Britain.
I know all these because I have seen it happening in prison shops before. Wait, we’re speaking about free individuals now. Or maybe not.
Christ on a cracker!
Scouts are supposed to have a higher place in society because they live by codes of honor. Has anyone ever seen a news clipping about a stabbing from a boyscout?
Does society need to fear packs of jack-knife wielding boy scouts?
I could imagine the post apocalyptic world where masses of little boys come in like pirana leaving many victims. Oh wait, that’s not my imagination, that’s fox news.