Former Vice President Al Gore’s global-warming speech Saturday night at Mizner Park drew about a thousand attendees, as well as more than 200 loud protesters.

Stationed outside the Mizner Park Amphitheater, the protesters jeered at Gore as he took the podium and at those walking into the open-air venue to listen to the speech.

“This is the most dangerous crisis we’ve ever faced,” Gore said of climate change. He spoke over a chorus of boos from protesters, who were monitored by at least a dozen uniformed city police officers.

Many of the protesters were with the groups Collegians for a Constructive Tomorrow and South Florida Tea Party, the latter of which feels that Gore’s views will eventually lead to increased taxes and flawed business legislation.

The protesters carried drums, bullhorns and posters. One read “Practice what you preach,” accusing Gore of not living a green lifestyle. Another poster read “The masses follow the asses,” depicting the protesters’ opinion that Gore’s message is not backed by scientific evidence.

  1. Tim says:

    I’m very surprised there are no videos on YouTube about this.

  2. Thinker says:

    Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy! 🙂

  3. pedro is retarded says:

    No matter what the story is we know this:

    pedro is retarded.

    He is the product of two morons who bred and created an idiot spawn that should have been killed at birth.

  4. Dallas says:

    So where are those taser gun happy cops when you need them?

    Love to see some of the Tea Party fat asses bounce off the ground.

  5. Ah_Yea says:

    What a crime! People are not supposed to think for themselves!

    Al Gore is smarter than all the rest of us, and we need to shut up and blindly follow him like the sheeple we are!

  6. Jmrouse says:

    The problem with this issue is there is so much misinformation and hype around it. We do know that mankind is causing an adverse effect on the climate. Much like Evolution, the majority of educated scientists in the world who are experts in the subject agree that it is so. It’s happening and if you don’t think it is it shows a severe level of ignorance in the world.

    That being said there is a level of disagreement on how much we are effecting it and what we can do about it. People like Al Gore scare me because they push “carbon credits” and other over hyped junk on the masses that won’t fix a thing.

  7. The0ne says:

    I have to agree. I vote for that MN cop! He did a heck of a job on such a big man; even had the man crying mommy too boot! The one that tasered the old granny can go lick something. Tasering a grandma is too weak; anyone can do it.

  8. Ah_Yea says:

    “People like Al Gore scare me because they push “carbon credits” and other over hyped junk on the masses that won’t fix a thing.”


    He scares me too. Specially when he put a lid on any further discussion with “The science is in”. Now that we know he has a financial stake in carbon credits, he needs to excuse himself entirely.

  9. Shawnx86 says:

    SuperFreakenomics has a great chapter on this.

  10. Gore-acle says:

    Everyone knows that you are not allowed to disagree with the Goreacle…

  11. spsffan says:

    It sure would be nice if the spokesperson for carbon emission reduction weren’t a big fat, pompous dufus known previously mostly for the anti-first amendment doings of his wife and losing the election to GWB.

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    I just love the way the Tea Baggers claim the “left” won’t engage in dialogue. Are they that afraid of democracy?

  13. Toxic Asshead says:

    Gore should be tried for crimes against humanity.

  14. Lee Stevens says:

    There are lots of way to make money with the conversion to a Green Energy Platform. Carbon Credits in any way shape or form are not the answer.The ultimate object is to stop producing the vast amounts of carbon by making the long term commitment to green. Thats where the money needs to be invested not in a false ponzi scheme where you borrow from Peter to pay Paul for crap you don’t want.Its yet another legalized Taminey Hall Swindle, and Gore should know better. The idea that he would trade his current rise to fame and turn to make quick profits from it is sickening and if allowed to go forward really hurt the green movement.Its just another run up on energy prices very much like the oil companies are doing and get away with.
    Gores remarks on Letterman that people would get on him if he didn’t do it was just bogus.
    If the USA signs on to this bull of coarse we will get financially hurt.If we take the last surge of pre crises oil supply and rapidly turn to green we can lead the way out of an energy starved world.If we delay the conversion we perpetuate the crisis which is where the short term quick profits want to be. We have to fight this like the hell that it will be, if the Oil bosses have their way. The Saudis know its a threat that why they are demanding their way in to a piece of the profits. Most wind companies all ready gouging on wind generators, A good solid unit doesn’t cost anywhere near the 5 grand they are demanding.Solar cell production is cookie cutter robotic factory designers dream with thousands of square miles needed. Yet not one major factory has started!The new fire proof roof tile is solar cells.IF the government subsidized thier installation the demand for energy would still go up as we convert vehicles but it wont get to be a stop in your tracks crisis which is what the providers want.

  15. soundwash says:

    #8 Jmrouse said,

    The problem with this issue is there is so much misinformation and hype around it. We do know that mankind is causing an adverse effect on the climate. Much like Evolution, the majority of educated scientists in the world who are experts in the subject agree that it is so. It’s happening and if you don’t think it is it shows a severe level of ignorance in the world.

    “The Experts” are paid by the government and their sole purpose is to push government agenda.

    real “Science” has been “frozen” for more than a century (mostly in western cultures.)

    The whole “carbon agenda” is to create a funding source for Global Government. PERIOD.

    It is an attempt to create a new assetless) derivatives (bomb/bubble)

    The reason the G20 et all is on the verge of calling off the December Copenhagen climate Conference is because of the flood of real data coming from “real scientists” (read: non western/government paid shill scientists) is overwhelmingly pointing to sources external to the planet effect the climate and us ego-centric humans have almost nothing to do with it.

    The only reason why many of the “regular climate cycles” are not cycling as usual is because this is the first time “this iteration of [advanced] humanity” is passing through a highly energetic region of space. -and we have NO experience as to how to quantify the effects of this.

    The current climate trend and all the “anomalies” that have been happening from 1997 to 2009 was already known and projected. (i say eons ago)

    The big picture:
    Had the Bushies not stolen both 2000/2004 elections, Gore the UN the G8/G20, et al and their bought and paid for climate agenda (and charts) would have been able to mandate their global carbon scam in short order and get the cap (and trade) of CO2 output reduction rolling during his term, not in 20-30 years..

    This would have resulted in a “miraculous recovery and reduction” of Global warming trends and temperatures and even new growth of the ice buildup at the poles beginning to show up up around the end of 2007, beginning of 2008 -as the “real data” has been showing.

    The Gore and his carbon scamsters would have then claimed victory that indeed, policies he initiated/created due to his “love of the planet” have resulted in the current global downtrend of temperatures. -and of course, he would have been heralded as saving the planet.

    (all this would have happened no matter WHAT we (or Gore, or cap and trade, did.)

    It would have been be interesting to see what chart he would have dug up to explain away the mini-ice age we are entering into and the pure chaos the weather system(s) is exhibiting.

    (which no doubt, the republicans would have blamed on him and his CO2 reduction scheme.) -lol

    The weather on this planet is controlled primarily by the SUN and cosmic energy.

    To explain in a simplistic nutshell, how the weather (using our flawed thermal model’s language) is controlled by the sun:

    When the sun goes into dormancy (solar minimums-indicated by zero or very few sunspots) the earth’s protective bubble (the magnetosphere) responds in kind and gets weaker.

    (There is a direct electrical conduit or link between earth and the sun that is almost exclusively responsible for how the earth’s magnetosphere is powered)

    This allows more Cosmic radiation/rays particles to enter into the atmosphere and gives rise to increased cloud cover due to the fact that the influx of cosmic particles provide the nuclei for which water vapor forms around and thus, produces clouds.

    This is why during times of solar minimums the planet gets colder.

    There is a whole slew of other effects from the solar minimum (as well as the sun/cosmos and other planets) that also contribute, however, that is the most *visible* (with your eyes) effect.

    The fantasy math models that IPCC (and al gore and the rest of the Co2 scamsters) use do not include
    *the sun* (solar forcing) cosmic energy, or the effect that submarine volcanoes have on increasing ocean temperatures..and surface temps

    (of which btw, over 3 million have been found and some 39,000 are over kilometer high and lie on the “fault lines) of the tectonic plates on the ocean floor(s))

    IPCC models only rely on surface temperature data to prove their voodoo.

    In part, the reason why they have found a minor anomalous increase in CO2 -and why, given the amount of CO2 the industrial age “should have put into the atmosphere” -and why the CO2 levels do not match their models (it should be much higher)

    is because the oceans that cover 2/3rds of the planet are the primary carbon sink for the planet.

    That is to say..all the crap we have been pumping out (CO2 included) is being absorbed by the oceanic carbon sink (the fancy name is carbon sequestration)

    When the oceans (water) are cold, they can hold more dissolved gases (8th grade science)

    That is **in part**, why the ocean CO2 levels are estimated to be the same as levels from 100million years ago. (it’s getting very acidic, to say the least) -they have been absorbing all the CO2 the planet [and us humans] have been creating.

    WELL…that all said,

    The oceans have been heating up at an “above normal” rate to put it nicely (some say alarming-and that is not a stretch) -because of the rather huge increase in submarine volcanoes that are heating the oceans up.

    *(funny thing is..this in part, has to do with the whole “2012 thing”)

    Warmer water cannot hold as much dissolved gasses and this causes them “give up” said gasses (and CO2)to the atmosphere as they get warmer.

    You might also wish to note that volcanoes, whether above or below water, also expel a lot of CO2 and sulfur (in the form of sulfur dioxdie (SO2)and hydrogen sulfide (H2S)-and of course, water vapour, the primary “green house gas”

    –which is also contributing to the ocean acidification, and cO2 levels in the oceans and atmosphere.

    this is all part of the CO2 “blip” seen in the readings and why CO2 levels do not match the [math] models..

    theoretically, actual CO2 levels should be a tad higher.

    (None of which (of course) the IPCC “feels” is needed in their models)

    Ok.. i’ve rambled on enough.

    HOwever, had you spent the time to actually do the research yourself, instead of parroting what political scientists masquerading as “real scientists are brainwashing you with, you would know all this and understand why there are some 18,000 plus “other” scientists (read: not on a government payroll) screaming foul on the “settled science” of weather.

    The weather and the universe is electrical in nature.

    Once you learn this, there are no more “mysteries” about anything..

    Until of course, you learn how consciousness plays a roll in the universe (and the illusion called reality your currently experiencing)

    -that, of course is outside the scope of the CO2 scam (well, not really, but…)

    Lastly, (honest) the solar system (and earth) is undergoing a “magnetic squeeze” due primarily to us approaching the galactic center which among other things, has a rather strong magnetic ribbon around it.

    The earth is literally being squeezed (like a zit). All that magma that makes up most of the planet is now looking for a way out..hence the huge increase in volcanic and seismic activity the past year plus.

    Couple that with the increased influx of cosmic energy (which is also vibrating at higher frequency-kinda goes without saying, actually)

    -and you have the primary cause of why not only the earth, but all the planets in the solar system are heating up and/or exhibiting an increase in energy output.

    (btw: The earth’s resonant frequency, (the schumann resonance) has risen from it’s usual 7.83hz to just about 13hz over the past hundred years or so.. i say, in part, in response to the changing local energy field.)

    Think of this:

    If all the planets have magnetic fields, and when magnetic fields interact or resonate, they produce an electrical current, and if you the increase frequency of these fields [as well as dump more energy into the “local field”] -your going to create way more “energy” than your usually accustomed to.

    All that energy has to go somewhere, or at least, be “converted” into “something else”

    I like to think we usually think of this as being converted to heat, mechanical energy, -or light.

    Lets see, we recently have a new ring around Saturn, Venus has gotten a lot “brighter” in the night time sky..

    -and Pluto’s atmospheric pressure has increased 300% (and warmed up) recently -even though it’s moving away from the sun

    (to name three)

    see the dots connecting yet?

    All of which are mysteries to the likes of NASA and the religious dogma they spew.

    -None of this is a mystery to plasma and electric universe cosmologists.

    Start here to learn the truth about how our weather works and the universe at large:


    Educate and Learn to think for **yourself**.

    -otherwise, you will only ever know what you are “told” to know.


  16. soundwash says:

    #14 Mr. Fusion said,

    I just love the way the Tea Baggers claim the “left” won’t engage in dialogue. Are they that afraid of democracy?

    LOL…Silly boy..YOU of all people should know there is no such thing
    as “democracy”


  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    #17, soundwash,

    Take a pill. You are rambling again and have said nothing coherent.

  18. pedro's (very embarrassed) daddy says:

    pedro, my bastard leach,

    why are you being rude again.

    since you didn’t return to the hospital they are looking for you. the federal police wearing guns came looking for you. i offered to let them have your pet goat dick but they didn’t want him. i thought you might turn yourself in for dick. everybody knows how much you like dick. even your whore mother said you like dick more than her.

    pedro, be nice to people. they will like you more if you do. they won’t notice your retardedness as much. is that a word, retardedness? well, they won’t notice how phooking stupid you are. and they won’t care how phooking ugly you are either.

    have you seen a doctor for that green stuff oozing from your mouth asshole? it might be contagious. I heard the seventh fleet left early because they had some sort of epidemic on board and were running out of antibiotics. yes pedro, i connect you and your oozing asshole to the seventh fleet’s epidemic.

    Your mother has a new advertising campaign. “Free Love, only 50 cents per head, 40 cents a lay.” She doubled her income almost. See what happens when you use your head? you make more money. and you don’t make the united states navy sick.

    love, that poor guy that married your hopeless drunk, whore mother.

  19. deowll says:

    If Gore believes what he preaches he needs to change his life style.

    I think he is out for the money and to redistribute the wealth while skimming as much off the top as he can.

    If he kills the American economy, so what? He doesn’t care about working class Americans so harm no foul.

    What most climate experts agree on is that crap and trade will cost millions of American jobs and do next to nothing about the level of CO2. If reducing the level of CO2 is an actual objective this is not going to work.

    If redistributing the wealth is the goal it will work but nearly all Americans will be much worse off.

  20. Rick Cain says:

    Nature will correct its little global warming problem by adjusting our population by a couple billion.

  21. Mr. Fusion says:

    #22, pedro,

    #21 I gotta talk to your mom.

    That sounds like your father’s posts are getting to you. Why not just go talk to YOUR mom?

    #21 is damn funny though.

  22. Wretched Gnu says:

    Yes — When will 98% of climate scientists learn that they must be wrong?

  23. Mr. Fusion says:

    Mr. Gnu,

    Right wing nuts don’t have enough fingers to count that high.

  24. soundwash says:

    #20 Mr. Fusion said,

    #17, soundwash,
    Take a pill. You are rambling again and have said nothing coherent.

    Coherence is a fallacy. -just like our current Reality


  25. MikeN says:

    If you are telling people that the interior of the earth is several million degrees, then you should be heckled off the stage. He should stop telling people he has answers.


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