#148 No Agenda For Sunday November 15th 2009
Adam Gets Kicked Out

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  1. soundwash says:

    -and still no direct DL link
    to the mp3.

    Come clean on why you all stopped
    doing this please.


  2. Dennis says:

    I use the RSS feed and download the MP3 without issue.


  3. soundwash says:


    thank you for the link.

    -however i already have that one. my bitch is that every other podcast feed i have starts a dl of the mp3 when i click on it, while this just drives me to what i consider a clickfest page.

    -Using NoScript in firefox makes downloading off the mevio page a royal pain. -as just allowing mevio.com does give you access to the dl link in the player, but instead, offers up no less than 13 IP addresses to click through to find the one the enabled the dl button.

    yes, i go to curry.com and easily find the link there, but why should I?

    I realize this is probably being done for some background monetary reasons and really should not complain, but in my mind, just come clean with it..

    petty bickering on my part yes..but still..

    Still a great podcast nonetheless.

  4. DavidtheDuke says:

    Go to jail if I don’t pay for healthcare?!?! Jesus, Obama is truly a smooth talker!

  5. Lou Minatti says:

    I am thinking about becoming a producer for No Agenda. Adam is kind of a dick when he’s flying solo, but when he’s with John it all seems to come together and WORK. Now if John could only address the fact that half the people listening to Cranky Geeks can no longer get the show on their iPhones.

  6. Angry says:

    Hey Adam,

    I have evidence that suggests that silicon (pronounced silly-CONE) acts as a conductor on the Moon Base so clearly John is wrong! The lizard people from THE Ukraine and the Pleiadian told me so.

  7. Hmeyers says:

    Adam is JCD’s boytoy.

    Seriously, JCD you can do better than that. Although this world is imperfect so maybe you can’t.

    But c’mon, let’s keep it real. Adam Curry is obnoxious in a not very cool way.

  8. I'm a teapot says:

    This is rediculous, there is a billion links on the RSS feed.

    It’s like a customer walks up to the counter of McDonald’s and orders a hamburger, and the says “here look at the cash register and enter it yourself”.

    Whoever provides the DIRECT LINK TO THE FRIGGIN MP3 FILE FIRST they alone get the MP3 Download Peace Prize.

  9. pedro is retarded says:

    No matter what the story is we know this:

    pedro is retarded.

    He is the product of two morons who bred and created an idiot spawn that should have been killed at birth.

  10. ECA says:

    Carlin radio station..

  11. Angry says:

    #10 GEEZ dude…WTF is your problem?


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