Officer Suspended for Tasing Handcuffed Man – — Yet another arbitrary tasing. Its pretty clear that cops are often using these things just to inflict pain. Note the ironic NWO4 text stamp. Also interesting that all charges on the arrested man were dropped.

Lansing, MI (Lansing State Journal, MI) — A Lansing police officer who Tasered a handcuffed man was suspended for two weeks without pay for violating department policies and procedures, officials said Thursday.

According to documents released from the Lansing Police Department, the victim suffered injuries to his face, including a broken jaw, a chipped tooth and eight stitches to his chin.

No charges have been filed against officer Ryan Smith, a two year veteran of the South Precinct. The union that represents him will protest the suspension.

Lansing Police Chief Mark Alley said the incident that led to the suspension occurred about 1 a.m. Aug. 16 in the 2400 block of North Wadsworth in Lansing after police responded to a call of a dispute between Rocky Allred, 43, of Lansing and a former girlfriend.

Alley said there was a scuffle between Allred and Smith prior to an arrest being made, and that Allred head-butted Smith while the officer tried to handcuff him. Smith attempted to use his Taser on Allred, but the weapon did not fire and Smith dropped the weapon.

Two other officers were able to subdue and handcuff Allred while Smith picked up and reloaded his Taser. Smith then used his Taser on the cuffed Allred, causing Allred to fall to the ground.

Allred was charged with assault on a police officer, resisting arrest, being loud and boisterous and breaking and entering with no forced entry. Those charges were later dismissed.

After an investigation by Michigan State Police, the Ingham County Prosecutor’s Office reviewed the incident and determined there was no criminal wrongdoing on the part of the officer.

The LPD’s Internal Affairs Unit investigated the incident and found that Smith “acted outside the (department’s) policies and procedures.”

The two-week suspension is the maximum penalty, aside from dismissal, that may be issued to an officer, according to department policy.

  1. Greg Allen says:

    A Lansing police officer who Tasered a handcuffed man was suspended for two weeks without pay for violating department policies and procedures

    This is a CRIME, not a “violation of a procedure.”

    I’ll say it again… the conservatives’ love for torture is going to bite our homeland in the ass.

    Yet, the moronic teabaggers think the biggest threat to freedom is healthcare.

  2. mp9k says:

    How about some European handgun laws to alleviate the risks the cops take….

    er, nevermind.


  3. Wretched Gnu says:

    3 big cops fail to handcuff and take into custody a man without a violent struggle.

    How many times have we seen this?

    When it comes to subduing people, are there any creatures less competent than these cops?

  4. noname says:

    # 33 Wretched Gnu,

    Cops are big muscled, like this; because of steroid use.

    Cops are angry and aggressive; because of steroid use.

    Anytime there is police brutality, as in this case; COPS SHOULD BE GIVEN A DRUG TEST FOR STEROIDS!!!!!!!


  5. alf says:

    Think you guys got it bad? Try following the corruption in Las Vegas Metro — second only to Chicago for harboring criminals with badges.

  6. JMM says:

    John, over the years I’ve charged several short, fat, white guys, for having sex with little boys.

    It’s clear we need to start watching short, fat, white guys. Though it could be wrong to lump all the short, fat, white guys together just because of a few bad ones.

  7. Common_Sense says:

    #20 Dave: “Fact is idiots are aloud to become police officers who have no morals just or respect to their fellow man. The only treats these bugger possess is being power hungry bullies hell bent on revenge to any body who dosen’t take them seriously. the amount of officer i see “loose it” is unbelievable.”

    Your use of “idiots” and immediate use of the “aloud” (allowed) in such close proximity made me laugh. I can certainly understand the occasional spelling error, but that paragraph suggested to me that you should not throw stones in that department. (Read it “aloud” to see what I mean.)

    There are millions of interactions with cops in potentially dangerous situations every day. Every small thing they do down to the routine traffic stop could be life-threatening to them. (YOU know that you’re not a 2-stike felon with a pistol under the driver’s seat, sweating over the few ounces of pot in the glove box — but the state trooper pulling you over for speeding doesn’t… This is a dangerous job, and one of power/authority. Remember that you’re seeing (some of) the worst offenses here. In government, military, police, or even your everyday jobs — given enough people, you’re going to find some bad apples. No question. Don’t fault every cop you see for these assholes’ behavior.

    DO fault the system that lets these assholes get away with this crap. If I lived in Lansing, I’d be at every public official to find ways to end the system that protects cops who cross these clear lines of proper behavior.

  8. The0ne says:

    I am not sorry to say this but I hate cops and wish they all would died from some sort of shooting. Just too many boneheads taking the job for granted and doing what they want while the system doesn’t punish them, in any way.

    Here’s a big F_U to all cops! Yea, my friends and cousins who are cops/investigators can die too. They are no different.

  9. Bob says:

    So if I were to see this officer breaking the law, handcuff the officer and taze him to the ground, would I be guilty of a crime?

  10. Improbus says:


    If you aren’t part of the Blue mafia then you would be guilty.

  11. Gore-acle says:

    whats the problem? who gives a fuck if a loser gets his ass shocked.

  12. Gore-acle says:

    That was funny as hell. trying to be a bad ass and gets dropped on to his face. So what if he is handcuffed. He was being a dick and not doing what he was told. I know a lot of guys that practice martial arts that could kick your ass with their hands tied behind their backs. Dumbass people that have never been in a fight think that cops are required to get their ass kicked before they can use less than lethal force.

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    #37, Common sense,

    Your use of “idiots” and immediate use of the “aloud” (allowed) in such close proximity made me laugh.

    I agree. I was about to write something similar, but you did well enough.

    There are millions of interactions with cops in potentially dangerous situations every day.

    As there is in so many occupations.

    Every small thing they do down to the routine traffic stop could be life-threatening to them.

    How many cops were injured or killed during a traffic stop last year? (hint, almost as many as were injured or killed on their way to work)

    This is a dangerous job,

    Actually, no, it isn’t. It is well down the list of dangerous jobs.

    Remember that you’re seeing (some of) the worst offenses here.

    Yup. If you ever watch the “COPS Chasing Bad Guys” videos, they always show the same two dozen videos again and again. Watch the show “COPS” and you see the thuggish police breaking the law repeatedly. I suppose that is out of the millions of police interactions.

    Why don’t they have shows showing the police tazering restrained prisoners? Why not show police tackling “suspects” into a wall so they break their neck? Why not show the videos of police shooting unarmed suspects with their hands up?

    … given enough people, you’re going to find some bad apples.

    Very true. Bad truck drivers are not only fired, they are charged. Bad accountants not only lose their license, they go to jail. Bad soldiers are not only discharged, they serve time. It seems only the police are immune from prosecution.

    Don’t fault every cop you see for these assholes’ behavior.

    If the police were doing their job they would have arrested the cop who fired his tazer. Instead they support him. If you support torture then you are no better than the person doing the torture.

    I’ll support the police that condemn this assault.

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    #42, Asshole,

    That was funny as hell.

    What is going to be even funnier is when he sues the police force for $1,000,000. Then watch the guy laugh. Watch the Mayor laugh. Watch the City Council laugh. watch the tax payers in Lansing laugh. Yup, there is going to be a lot of laughter later on.

    Oopps, my bad. I didn’t realize you were trolling.


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