Officer Suspended for Tasing Handcuffed Man – — Yet another arbitrary tasing. Its pretty clear that cops are often using these things just to inflict pain. Note the ironic NWO4 text stamp. Also interesting that all charges on the arrested man were dropped.

Lansing, MI (Lansing State Journal, MI) — A Lansing police officer who Tasered a handcuffed man was suspended for two weeks without pay for violating department policies and procedures, officials said Thursday.

According to documents released from the Lansing Police Department, the victim suffered injuries to his face, including a broken jaw, a chipped tooth and eight stitches to his chin.

No charges have been filed against officer Ryan Smith, a two year veteran of the South Precinct. The union that represents him will protest the suspension.

Lansing Police Chief Mark Alley said the incident that led to the suspension occurred about 1 a.m. Aug. 16 in the 2400 block of North Wadsworth in Lansing after police responded to a call of a dispute between Rocky Allred, 43, of Lansing and a former girlfriend.

Alley said there was a scuffle between Allred and Smith prior to an arrest being made, and that Allred head-butted Smith while the officer tried to handcuff him. Smith attempted to use his Taser on Allred, but the weapon did not fire and Smith dropped the weapon.

Two other officers were able to subdue and handcuff Allred while Smith picked up and reloaded his Taser. Smith then used his Taser on the cuffed Allred, causing Allred to fall to the ground.

Allred was charged with assault on a police officer, resisting arrest, being loud and boisterous and breaking and entering with no forced entry. Those charges were later dismissed.

After an investigation by Michigan State Police, the Ingham County Prosecutor’s Office reviewed the incident and determined there was no criminal wrongdoing on the part of the officer.

The LPD’s Internal Affairs Unit investigated the incident and found that Smith “acted outside the (department’s) policies and procedures.”

The two-week suspension is the maximum penalty, aside from dismissal, that may be issued to an officer, according to department policy.

  1. 04_megadeth-mary_jane-amrc.mp3 says:


  2. brm says:




    how about the guy dropping face first on the ground. ouch!

  3. TFS says:

    How about making the law twice as strict for those enforcing it? Rather than 50 times milder?

    These guys should have been kicked off the police force for abuse of power and torture on a constrained human being posing no threat to the police officers. After being fired they should serve jail time.

  4. Zybch says:

    How on earth can someone be a ‘two year veteran’ of anything?
    For gods sake, thats probably not even long enough for the officer to be out of a probationary period and a proper cop!

  5. ikapuza89 says:

    “After an investigation by Michigan State Police, the Ingham County Prosecutor’s Office reviewed the incident and determined there was no criminal wrongdoing on the part of the officer.”


  6. RCMP Vancouver says:

    Not unlike events in Vancouver Canada
    You should see the pack of lies emerging over time
    What a bunch of liars
    Those RCMP officers aught to be thrown into jail
    Able to tell official inquiries that they were afraid for their lives of a simple stapler being thrown at them
    Almost as bad as Revenue Canada

  7. Randomized says:

    Why do people want to see these cops thrown in jail? More than enough money is wasted on their inflated pay and you want to waste more money by throwing them in jail? They should have everything they own repossessed and sold with the proceeds going directly into helping the same communities these assholes were supposed to be serving in the first place.

  8. bobbo, mental health often is a conscious choice says:

    Seems like justice delayed is much like a taser delayed.

  9. jescott418 says:

    Note to self. Don’t do something to get yourself involved with police. In a perfect world police would all be good guys. But that’s not the case and they have the law and their union on their side.

  10. Ah_Yea says:

    Tazer someone, get a two week vacation!

    Seems like a deal to me!

  11. bobbo, mental health often is a conscious choice says:

    #10–Ah Yea==once again from opposite sides of the political spectrum=we agree.

    Have a friend who is bitching about having to take 3 days a month off without pay from State of Ca. I said “Whats the matter–not enough imagination to use the free time?” He looked at me and had to laugh at himself.

    We all should, from time to time.

  12. lividd says:

    the guy was rude as fuck, i’m no fan of the cops but had he been reasonable this most likely would not have happened.

  13. Father says:

    The officer should be tased, twice, as a punishment.

  14. bobbo, mental health often is a conscious choice says:

    Technology is constantly bringing us a better life.

    On careful consideration, I do think I’d rather be tasered than hit in the head with a night stick or gun butt, or kicked in the groin or the kidneys.

    Where is soundwash on this excellent “Everything is Electrons” application?

  15. Improbus says:

    I expect all cops to act like this and plan accordingly. No surprise here … move along. Get used to it … you live in a police state.

  16. Special Ed says:

    Any cop caught doing this shit should have the opportunity to have the same treatment inflicted on them by the victim.

  17. Mr Anderson says:

    But the Captain said:

    Taser set on fun,

  18. RTaylor says:

    It wasn’t the shock that hurt this fellow, rather a combination of gravity and pavement. He also seemed a bit inebriated.
    I got news, dealing with the dredges of humanity day in and day out can cause callousness. So does taking a head butt. It’s no defense, but people are just people.

  19. Greg Allen says:

    Tasering a constrained person should be prosecuted as any other violent assault.

    Our laws shouldn’t be re-writes of Traser Corp. brochures. Tasers have obviously become a favorite tool of torture with some cops.

  20. dave knows says:

    clearly a abuse of power here. This cop and his fellow officers deserve to be charge with crimes against humanity let alone violate your constitution of rights and human rights.

    I bet Jack Cover is burning in hell for his torture device.

    tasers kill fact
    tasers cause permanent damage to nerves
    tasers have been deemed by the united nations as a form of torture.

    Fact is idiots are aloud to become police officers who have no morals just or respect to their fellow man. The only treats these bugger possess is being power hungry bullies hell bent on revenge to any body who dosen’t take them seriously. the amount of officer i see “loose it” is unbelievable.

    serroisly these buggers are abusing your rights and need to be stopped.

    mind you when you consider ex supermarket clerks are aloud to become officers it no wonder why there are so many primitives that given power.

  21. noname says:

    # 2 brm


    Such a stupid thing to say or even believe.

    At the time the triger was pulled:
    Was the cop in danger: NO
    Was the person a danger: NO
    Was the person restrained: YES

    What does what happened 30 sec prior matter if you have the above answers to the above question?

    This cop can’t be trusted to control himself. This cop can’t be trusted to carry a gun.

    This cop can be trusted to commit murder under the guise of police authority.

    Restraining the person is a game changer, and if; this cop can’t understand that real-time he shouldn’t be a cop.

  22. eaglescout1998 says:

    From the viewpoint of the fuzzy camera, it looks as though the suspect was not fully restrained. 42 seconds into the video, it looks as though he touches his chest. I don’t think a person would be able to do that if he were properly handcuffed.

  23. Faxon says:

    Hard to see what happened, isn’t it? Another lawyer fucking with the government. If the guy was so innocent, why is he struggling with the cops just before getting zapped?

  24. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    #23 said, “If the guy was so innocent, why is he struggling with the cops just before getting zapped?”

    The cops were probably playing with his nuts.

  25. Alex says:

    Sadistic policemen are delighted with the possibility to torture people legally with this toys of hell …

  26. Ah_Yea says:

    Bobbo, #11.

    All we can do sometimes is laugh. Good for the soul.

  27. brm says:



    yet again, sarcasm not translating well over the internet

  28. Improbus says:


    You should use sarcasm brackets. Like so:

    [sarcasm on]
    The police are friendly and loving people that live to serve the community and would never injure a restrained suspect. That would be wrong.
    [sarcasm off]

    See how easy that is? If they can’t understand that it is pointless try to communicate with them at all.

  29. jccalhoun says:

    If the guy was so innocent, why is he struggling with the cops just before getting zapped?
    Maybe because he was innocent and didn’t like getting arrested?

  30. RBG says:

    #6 RCMP Vancouver

    Let me throw a stapler at your face in the course of your working day & see how fast your tune changes.



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