URGENT – A/N1N1 Pandemic Toxic strain; Doctors learned why Ukrainians dying – Topix — Uh, this can’t be good. How did this strain mysteriously crop up anyway?

Doctors learned why Ukrainians dying! total destruction of the lungs cardiogenic shock is developed, which causes cardiac standstill and death mixed types of parainfluenza & influenza A/N1N1, very toxic strain able to penetrate not only through respiratory apparatus but also through the eyes. All victims of the virus in Bukovyna 22 people at the age of 20-40 died not from bilateral pneumonia, as was previously thought, but as a result of viral distress syndrome, i.e the total destruction of the lungs.

While you wait for actual Big Media coverage, read this related story here.

  1. McCullough says:

    Huh. Kind of puts the whole swine flu thing in perspective. Just glad it cant happen here!

  2. jak says:

    McCullough,why do you think it can’t happen here?

  3. Thepenguin says:

    Im a little skeptical, there is a MASSIVE pandemic going on in the Ukraine, but i want more data before i run around screaming that the sky is falling. Heres the link to their stastics regarding the pandemic


    It’s in cyrillic so someone who can translate it, please go ahead.

  4. Uncle Don says:

    Nice hoax.

    Proof? One of the links in that “discussion” makes reference to the Illuminati. I otherwise would have believed it.

  5. Troublemaker says:

    I guess the military has refined it a bit more.

  6. Steve S says:

    And so it began………
    We are witness to the beginning of the end of mankind.

  7. Mathew says:

    I had a look at this URL:

    Which opens with this line;

    the Australian web site zik.com.ua reported

    I guess we Aussie’s invaded Ukraine and took over their TLD did we? 🙂

  8. Lou Minatti says:

    You’re hanging around Adam too much, John.

  9. RTaylor says:

    Read the IHT. These death are more related to lack of available care, and a crooked system where you have to bribe for anything. It seems like distant villagers waited too late and were already practically dead when they finally got to hospital. Typical for an ex Soviet state.

  10. soundwash says:

    seems like the global chess game is advancing ahead of schedule..

    Targeting the Ukraine is like
    making a move that puts your
    opponent(s) in “check”

    A minor quote from kissinger:

    (who by the way, is
    a guy who is BIG on eugenics,
    population control, and also
    the mentor of a few people in
    the whitehouse executive cabinet)

    I think it is prudent here:

    “Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.”

    People…your missing the big
    picture here..

    This is either a “message” from one country to another, or for all the conspiracy nuts..part of the depop program outlined in various gov docs from the 70’s or of course, the georgia guidestones..
    -or, most likely both.

    All that funs stuff aside..

    Here is the REAL threat…

    the Ukraine is the “breadbasket” of Russia and many surrounding countries/states. I believe their agro output supplies Russia with at least 25% of their food..

    It is also a big producer and heavy industry items and its top export is
    Steel, iirc.

    Most important, it is Russia’s
    “pipeline” to wealth and key
    to the winter survival of many
    states in the area..not to mention Europe.

    A major Russian gas pipeline that feeds 75% of the Ukraine’s energy needs (and heavy industry)
    and 25% of Europe’s runs
    through the Ukraine.

    This pipeline is also what heats
    many millions of homes in the
    area during the winters.

    And as some may know, when the
    sun is at it’s solar minimum
    (no sunspots) the earth
    experiences increased cloud
    cover helping make for an even
    colder planet, let alone much
    colder winters.


    Lock down or compromise the Ukraine
    and you instantly not only grab Russia’s attention in a big way, but many other surrounding states and Europe as a whole.

    It will be interesting to see “who”
    plays the role of Supercop when a quarantine and Marshall law is initiated..if all these reports
    are in fact true.

    (I have no doubt this is power play
    being played out in the ongoing NWO
    chess game…)

    If this is the real mccoy, expect
    it to hit the U.S. starting in February-March, barring any
    miraculous “vaccines” that
    suddenly appear to cure it.

    In any case, expect “sensational”
    US headlines when the MSM is finally
    “allowed” to break the story here.

    Those who would like a small
    snapshot of the geopolitical
    stakes regarding Russia-Ukraine-US
    and Baltic politics and what is at stake in “controlling” the Ukraine,
    have gander at this article

    January 12, 2006:

    “Russia Cuts Off Ukraine’s Gas: Great Power Politics As Usual”:



    Remember kids, everything we are shown is an illusion to hide the

    The Mirror Image Rule applies..

  11. sargasso says:

    The world health org. and the centre for disease control have either never heard of it, or it doesn’t exist.

  12. RBG says:

    Maybe Big Media just needs to tune into the #1 news outlet, the BBC:
    Page last updated at 13:05 GMT, Tuesday, 3 November 2009
    Panic in Ukraine over swine flu


  13. soundwash says:

    you, know, that they say it can enter

    “through the eyes” is most interesting..

    Your standard uber N-95 or N-100 face mask is of no use.

    If this is all true..i’d say it sounds like the perfect
    bio-engineered bug to masquerade
    as “natural disaster”


  14. Airman says:

    Hey, John, when I click your link:
    I get this using Chrome:
    “The website at mignews.com.ua contains elements from the site http://www.dn.kiev.ua, which appears to host malware – software that can hurt your computer or otherwise operate without your consent. Just visiting a site that contains malware can infect your computer.”

  15. Central Scrutinizer says:

    The “read more” link gets flagged as a malware host by Google. I’m just sayin’. Credibility is immediately suspect.

  16. Phydeau says:

    Those former Soviet republics are so polluted, from what I’ve read, that the people are probably suffering from that and are weakened so an opportunistic disease could spread pretty fast.

  17. Mirage Medicine says:

    “The world health org. and the centre for disease control have either never heard of it, or it doesn’t exist.”

    Just because they haven’t found it yet doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. They themselves claim there are mutants and unlimited numbers of strains that can develop.

  18. gal416 says:

    The CDC probably read the criticism of the Fort Hood incident on Dvorak Uncensored and want to wait a year or so to get their facts right.

  19. jbellies says:

    Flu, chess, Ukraine, sorry I just couldn’t resist this story about Ukraine’s top chess player Ivanchuk wearing a mask at a supertournament, the Tal Memorial, in Moscow:


    (and before you chide me for the long URL, I think editors should do this if they find it ugly. What if I said I was linking to a chess site but in fact the condensed link was to a mal site?)


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