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  1. tcc3 says:

    RBG – only two of those three things you mentioned are actually wrong. The third is actually more harmful to women when its illegal, and workers dont have any rights and are at the mercy of unscrupulous pimps. Good reductio ad absurdum by the way.

    This is not about legalizing terrible things for money. This is about asking why something that does little harm is illegal in the first place. If it shouldn’t be illegal, and we can take a valueless expenditure (MJ drug enforcement and incarceration) and turn it into a source of revenue, then thats win win in my book.

  2. Thomas says:

    From what I understand, that test would not hold up in court because you can have a high level of cannabinoid for many hours after you have smoked pot and after you have come down from your high which would negate the ability to determine if you were high at the time you were driving.

  3. Cursor_ says:

    Oh yes of course let it be legal and taxed.

    Where do we get the money to pay for the dead and injured when a larger percentage of these morons hit the streets, planes and trains of the nation?

    Isn’t enough we have so much death from alcohol that we have to add yet another legal depressant to kill motor skills and risk other peoples’ lives?

    All drug addicts are the same. They cannot conceive that their addiction can influence anyone other than themselves. All of them are either liars or deluded.

    Recreational use of dugs kills and injures people.


  4. Mr Anderson says:

    They wont legalize it because organized crime wouldn’t like that.

  5. KneeJerk Optimist says:

    He who binds himself to a joy
    Does the winged life destroy
    But he who kisses the joy as it flies
    Lives in eternity’s sunrise

    – William Blake

  6. Cayenne says:

    I like and want it legalized.

    The argument is a complete fallacy.

    Big Gov’t will out-spend any taxes that can potentially can be collected.
    Leading to new streams of revenue – cocaine? prostution? Not that I’m against them but the argument that this will fix deficits is a crock.

  7. jbellies says:

    Won’t go anywhere until the zealots at the top the DEA are replaced by reasonable people. There’s no convincing a person who does not value reason.

  8. natefrog says:

    #35, Cursor_;

    Recreational use of motor vehicles kills and injures people.

    You’re an idiot.


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