healthcare(Click photo to enlarge.)

  1. Jägermeister says:

    The result of a Republican health care reform.

  2. Angel H. Wong says:

    #2 Pedro,

    It makes me wonder how long until Kuzco starts renaming the days of the week.

  3. skitsbox says:

    This is my favorite image yet. I would love to see more images of hospitals or institutions if you have them.

  4. Ah_Yea says:

    Death Panel interview room.

  5. Thomas says:

    Last I checked, the Democrats control Congress and the Presidency. Thus, if anything, that picture is where the Democrats are taking us.

  6. Holdfast says:

    I imagine that many of the 45,000,000 in the USA, without any, would love to have healthcare like that.

    Is it a picture from Gitmo?

  7. RTaylor says:

    Damn, looks like a room for lobotomies.

  8. pfkad says:

    Looks like my Primary Care Physician’s office under my piece of shit HMO.

  9. 01001010 01101001 01101101 01010010 says:

    The best health care in the world!…
    All funding went to buy talent.

  10. Faxon says:

    Ho HO!
    It’s every man for himself!

  11. Of says:

    That’s not healthcare, that’s HGTV offices in Europe. They have to pay so much in taxes for socialized medicine they have little left for anything else.

  12. Angel H. Wong says:

    #8 Pedro,

    Thanks, although the difference between the interim president and the deposed one are only cosmetical.

    The Deposed president Zelaya has a son who has ties with the Mexican drug cartels and everyone in his hometown hates that family because the grabbed the land in very unethical ways (kinda killed anyone who opposed them.)

    The interim president Micheletti was part of a previous coup 30 years ago and everyone in his hometown hates that family because the grabbed the land in very unethical ways (kinda killed anyone who opposed them.)

    So far for the last two elections we’re stuck in a groundhog day-style electoral curse: With candidates that suck as mush as Bush Jr. and John Kerry.

  13. Mr. Glum says:

    Silent Hill.

  14. joaoPT says:

    Hey John, you guys really need to reform your Public Health Care…

  15. Dallas says:

    Looks like Dick Cheney’s office.

  16. CrankyGeeksFan says:

    Does anyone recognize the table with the three main folding panels with the additional small panel for the head? Or the track fixture for the primary light?

    The room doesn’t appear to have central air conditioning just radiator heating.

    Putting that together with the bars mounted on the windows this means, to me at least, a prison clinic, or a mental hospital or somewhere in a former Soviet block country.

    I’m curious John. Where is it?

  17. LibertyLover says:

    Interesting Health Care Poll from Gallup.

  18. Morphy00 says:

    Isn’t that Alcatraz?

  19. oil of dog says:

    Dr Josef Mengele I presume?


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